over 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by !C4ught/M3^withMYN4D30ut: most players have a couple of hundred hours then shelve the game the updates don't fix anything and no real changes to the gameplay make it stale quickly for most:listen:
And yet, at the same time, any time they make changes to the gameplay, everyone and their mother decides its the worst thing to happen in the history of the universe before even trying it out.

There's always going to be someone unhappy here.

There were people ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about how long it was in alpha 8 months into development.
There were people that complained about the 5x5 crafting grid- There were people that complained about it's removal.
There were people that complained zombies couldn't dig- There are people that complain they can dig now.
There were people that complained zombies were dumb as bricks and couldn't navigate basic environments- There are people that complain about how zombies are smart enough to navigate environments now.
There were people that complained about how harsh the temperature system was and how it necessitated constantly changing outfits and managing this or that- Now there's people that complain it's pointless and shouldn't even be in the game since it does nothing.
There were people that complained about how death was far too punishing- there are people who complain it isn't punishing enough now.
There were people who complained that after a map was cleared of resources it left them frustrated and unable to gather more- There are people who complain POI resetting is stupid and should be removed.

There were people who were upset with the quick pace of development early in.. They were annoyed that they constantly had to restart every other month or even more often, so they felt like they couldn't really sit down and enjoy the game- And now there's people who are upset that the updates are fewer and farther between.

And. A. Whole. Lot. More.

In short,
People are ALWAYS going to complain. Someone is ALWAYS going to be unhappy with how something is. There is no way to 'Win' here.

Unless the sum population is 1, you cannot please everyone. The larger the sum population gets, the harder it is to please a majority of that population- Because the more people in a population, the more individual thoughts, beliefs, and desires begin to vary and conflict with one another.

It's Lose/Lose for the devs, pretty much no matter what they do or do not do. So they may as well keep on making the game they envision through and through- The ones that will love it, will love it. The ones that won't, Won't.