Original Post — Direct link


I must have done well over 100 window assassinations today but my game has only counted 4 of them towards the weekly event. I have recorded a video of my typical run to get the assassinations completed and I am not sure why some are recorded and some are not.

Before anyone comments on how window assassinations should be done, because I have seen people saying you need to by grabbing the ledge of the window, please watch the video first, what could I have done differently here? I think window assassinations are bugged, or Ubisoft connect recording the challenge isn't working.

Video link.: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hWQ3WNmoryrLYOw4NDPExqK1M1P8lcy-/view?usp=sharing)

over 2 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link

Hey @wildhunt,

Thank you for kindly sharing an update,

It is great to hear this now seems to be working as intended.

If ever we can help in the future, just let us know.