Original Post — Direct link

So as I’m sure many of you are aware after VIP 14+ you get special monthly codes and get to add belinda butterworth as a friend on facebook (a direct contact to Liliths support team instead of lodging complains and waiting). If you aren’t aware, yes, vips get special treatment.. or so i thought. Now i would be considered a whale, spending many thousands for a relatively new server (600+). I was ranked first in the arena of heroes, and 10th or 11th in the challenger mode. After spending THOUSANDS of dollars on the game, i got double charged for a $30 purchase. Not only did i provide information on that date - but it took almost two weeks, my bank statements, my Apple Pay statements, and a lot of arguing about getting credit or a refund over 30 bucks. In the end, despite proof from the biggest bank in my country and apple, they decided not to refund or give me a credit ticket. There was simply no more proof I could provide.

I owned god comp, Gwen comp, building orthros meta, eironn/safiya sting, every celepo, was deputy in my lvl 8 guild and a very active person on the forums. Despite my proof and thousands of dollars investment in a company i had always seen as fair, i was getting screwed over $30.

I’m not sure why lilith was so adamant to not give me a refund (especially as i had multiple errors in purchasing packs that day) but i assure you it was not due to lack of funds or anything else on my behalf.

So after all that ive decided to move on and support other companies. It’s extremely painful for me because i had formed such close friendships with my guild members, adding some on facebook etc. but ultimately if somebody is paying thousands of dollars for your game and you recognise there was payment issues and wont refund them... well how am I supposed to trust your company any further?

This most likely will get a lot of hate and downvoting. But I was one of many many people who keep the game f2p for others and lilith stabs me in the back over such a small amount of money? I’m absolutely disappointed and I’d strongly advise against helping these vampires continue to abuse their customer base.


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over 4 years ago - /u/milligan11 - Direct link

Hi there. If you don't mind, you could PM me your ID, in-game name, and server number. We can take another look.