about 4 years ago - /u/milligan11 - Direct link


Greetings Adventurers!

Christmas is in the air, and heroes in Esperia have all gathered at the Tavern to celebrate this grand festival! Check out the heroes taking a break from the conflict and having a great time together!

Some mysterious figures seem to have inadvertently left behind some of their belongings in the Tavern... Find all of them by following this link (https://afk-christmas.lilithgames.com) on your mobile device for a chance to win some awesome in-game rewards!

First 3000 players to find all their belongings will get a personal gift code each!

Reward giveaway available until: Dec 26 10:00 UTC (The website will still be available after this time, but no rewards will be given out).

Before you dive into the festive Tavern, here is a Christmas gift code!

Gift code: 7r3bbdqth2
Valid Until: Dec 26 23:59 UTC

Redeem gift codes here: https://cdkey.lilith.com/afk-global

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/milligan11 - Direct link

The webpage could be a bit bugged at the moment but should be restored soon.