about 4 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @Morrellcarter2


There are some troubleshooting steps I'd like to try to see if we can help stop the disconnections you've been seeing. When you have the chance I'd recommend starting off with the basic connectivity steps from the EA Help website to see if that helps. If you're still having trouble after that check out the Xbox-specific steps as well. 

Let me know if you're still running into the same freezing and disconnection issues after that. Thank you!




about 4 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hey everyone, 

Thanks for the updates. Have you tried setting a different DNS to see if that helps at all? In some cases using a different DNS can help with issues like this. If you're playing on Xbox you can change the DNS settings using the following steps: 


1. Open the Xbox Settings and go to Network

2. Select Advanced Settings

3. Choose DNS Settings and select Manual

4. Enter as the Primary DNS and as the Secondary DNS. This is the public Google DNS, but if there's a different DNS that you would rather use instead that would be OK as well. 


Let me know if you're still running into the same connectivity issues after that. Thanks!





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