about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

All TTK discussion posts will be moved here.

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Gecko_2007

bullshit mod removing my post

Love you too.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Razzor1590

f**k Megathreads, Dice needs to see the that the overwhelming majority of people here are against this change. You need constructive criticism, but you also need some memes and generally more than 1-2 threads where comments get burried.

We dont allow spam, regardless of what its about. Also, having discussions with DICE employees, you know what they dont do? Read 400 posts about the same thing. You know what they do? Read comments and replies on a single thread. This has been historically proven for I dont even know how many releases now.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Hey folks - Just want to let you know that I will be active throughout the weekend, both taking your feedback and responding where I can. I recognise that we've made the post late on a Friday night and I don't want you to feel like you're not heard through the weekend.

As the rest of the team come back from their weekend, I'll work with them to see what additional information we can help to share with you to help provide more detail and transparency around the upcoming changes.

Thanks in advance to the mods for the extra work they'll end up doing this weekend - please speak your minds, but try to kind to one another as you do.


about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by pG-x-RaPiDzZ

The only people feeling that burn is us, they’ve heard the message loud and clear theres no need to spam the sub.

Someone that understands. Thank you.

Point has been made. There is no reason to allow people that just come to the sub to bitch, a way to bitch. If they care about actual discussion, they will join in. Otherwise their post will be removed and they will already be on to something else.

In addition, Ive been moderating Battlefield subs since BF4. Every one of them. It works the same every time. Devs and employees read Megathreads. Its far easier to read comments by new than it is to click and read 200 posts about the same thing.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Razzor1590

I agree that spam should be deleted. But threads with 20 -100 comments, some even from DICE devs which cleary shows that they look at more then 1-2 threads, where different aspects are being discussed are not that. For memes you can also cleary see which ones are spam/low effort or the ones which are quite funny/ironic/unique. Just hoping you keep this in mind.

There has already been communication with DICE about the megathread, its much easier for them to respond to new comments in a thread than it is for them to click and read 200 separate threads. Also, megathreads filter out people that come to the sub just to complain. If someone actually cares, they will join the discussion. If not, they'll make a post, it'll be removed, and they will already be on to something else. In regards to memes, we allow memes 99% of the time, people can handle no memes for a few hours. I guarantee you when I wake up tomorrow morning, their will be at least 8 memes on Top ;)

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by WingedRock

Then at least sticky the damn thread.

We only have 2 sticky spots :( We will probably sticky it in a couple hours when one of the other two posts, about even more Battlefield news, have marinated.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by gordonfroman

It's also way easier to ignore all of our complaints and anger in a mega thread

So great job helping dice in their ignorance of the communities frustrations

They've got facebook, origin forums, twitter, discord, etc, etc. A couple hundred of the same spammy posts on reddit isnt going to just magically make TTK discussion go away.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Razzor1590

There can also be a pinned megathread with lots of dev responses and freely made threads/discussions/memes that get upvoted by the community and go on the front page. The devs dont have to respond to these, but in my opinion they reflect the state/mood of the community and are important to a subreddit. Just to be clear, I'm not for spam and it may be hard to draw a line there and distinguish between these posts, but Im also strongly against deleting nearly everything but the announcement post and a megathread.

A few weeks ago the Pacific released and there were vibrant discussions and memes freely on the front page for multiple days or even a week and we didnt have or need a "Pacific Release Megathread". You could feel that the community was happy, people enjoyed themselves and celebrated on the subreddit. Now we're sadly dealing with a negative thing, but the above principle still applies and in my opinion the subreddit needs to able to reflect that.

There are already pinned megathreads with dev responses. This one will be pinned when the other two official posts are a bit dated. Probably later tonight. We only have 2 spots.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Volume. We dont get 300-400 of those posts in 2 hours. We arent banning TTK posts. We are moving them to a discussion thread, because thats what it is.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Volume. We dont get 300-400 of those posts in 2 hours. We arent banning TTK posts. We are moving them to a discussion thread, because thats what it is.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Noxynoxnox

Glad to know you are listening! After having read the post for myself and watched a few videos on this TTK change I am ready to see what it brings to the game as long as you balance other factors such as rate of fire, recoil, etc.

I think it's a good thing that you are trying to give the weapons more of a personality and role as seems intended. I can't wait to try out the patch! Also: the UI change to let you know when you are spotted by a flare is genius! Thanks!

I'm a big fan of that too. It won't stop be playing the potato and standing there like a lemon, but if it gives me chance to look up and shoot a flare for 50pts, I'll take it!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Goononthemoon

Good lord its gonna feel more like the flamethrower lol, hitmarker machine, useless at range.

That daft thing is just flat broke in the tunnels on Iwo Jima. It behaves differently above ground and we have a fix for it in testing for 5.2

about 5 years ago - /u/manimal_prime - Direct link

Originally posted by Robert-101

It's their site. So it is their job and problem. . If you start one, have folks go there.

this guy gets it. thx bud.

as far as 'censorship' goes..censorship would be us not allowing any discussion on ttk. we are pushing all the posts here so devs and cms can see them in one place and so that we dont have the same posts over and over and over and over again. The sub can breathe better this way, there is different content and opinions to read (not the same thing over and over) and users who don't really want to read about 5.2 stuff can have other options here.


about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by gordonfroman

Considering dice was actively engaged in like 5 of those threads you just closed its quite clear that's bullshit, overwhelming negative responses is the only thing that has been shown to get us anywhere on here so I don't know where you are getting your 'historically proven' information from but no single mega thread has ever solved a damn thing

Because I've been doing this for 6 years. It's the exact same thing we did last TTK go around and it worked wonderfully. Read my other comments on how it was already discussed with dice about removing threads they commented on. This isn't new and it's no different than anything we've done in the past. Please tell me why you are so upset that we are removing 400 of the same exact post? It's against spam rules. Always has been. Always will. Sorry if that doesn't appease your own opinions.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by gordonfroman

Except that's exactly how we did it last time and it worked

Sorry but you are wrong. The last time TTK came in question we did the exact same thing. A megathread for discussion. Not hundreds of repetitive posts.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by gordonfroman

I distinctly remember dozens of posts

We can't moderate everything, but there was a megathread. Today's redirects arent permanent. Just temporary so there arent 35 pages of the same 400 posts. Repetition doesn't mean effectiveness. This ttk change discussion will go on every day in this sub. Tomorrow there will be memes all over the place and more discussion posts about it.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by gordonfroman

Yes and I've been part of the gaming community for twenty so I will once again state the importance of flooding a companies public outreach connections such as Reddit Twitter etc with as many negative posts as possible to hammer home to feelings of the community, only then can change be made.

Never in the history of the website of Reddit has a mega thread done jack shit aside from hide and disparage the community it supposedly represents.

I think you underestimate our community managers ability to gauge public response. Repetitive posts aren't going to change public feedback. The discussion will go on within this subreddit, regardless of a single day of redirecting and cleaning up the same exact post over and over. Tomorrow, the next day and next week; people will discuss it, share their opinions, post memes, just like its always been.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by zusoap

Way to go dev for your only two interactions in this thread being nonchalant replies to a guy who supports the TTK change and the other about flamethrower fixes, like that really fits in with this thread. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to listen to your core, dedicated community and the choice to waste resources on something NO ONE asked for, and only a few might welcome. Do you guys ever listen to us? Sure, we’re getting RSP a whole year+ after launch, but cheaters are still rampant on PC, the net code is still trash, team auto-balancing is still no where in sight, soldiers still look like plastic, armory recycles the same terrible outfits even during the Pacific, and the UK and German cosmetics need a complete overhaul. Please, FOR ONCE, just listen to us on something that actually matters instead of ruining this game we’ve been supporting despite everything that’s gone wrong since the launch trailer.

I was active on the original thread last night until midnight, and then have since been asleep. You're welcome to check back through my comment history for any questions that have already been addressed. As I volunteered above, I'll be responsive to new questions through the weekend.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by NeonAerow

u/PartWelsh u/Braddock512

As a BF veteran I feel I have to speak my mind about the upcoming 5.2 changes to TTK and spotting. Normally I would wait and see and won’t be really vocal about it, but I feel like this very well could be the last nail in BFV’s death coffin, while the game was just heading in the right direction.

After reading all the info and looking at graphs and gameplay previews I think I’ve made an informed opinion. With all due respect, I don’t even want to try the new changes/patch.

I still don’t see how this is supposed to be any different from the TTK 2.0 patch December last year. I read arguments like only damage over range is affected while in graph we can clearly see that for example the STG44 will no longer have a short range 0-10m 4BTK range. TTK is still generally going to be slower for pretty much all weapons unless all weapons receive a ROF increase. As for the spotting changes, I feel like it isn’t the right solution to the visibility problem. (Referring to the personal player icons)

To wrap things up, please reintroduce CTE for these kind of changes, internal playtests are simply not enough to identify how TTK should change and won’t involve the community in the dev process. Also data like “most gunfights happen within 0-22m range” can be useful BUT NEVER SHOULD SOLELY JUSTIFY A CHANGE. The in theory/in practice argument applies here, don’t base decisions on theory alone.

Hopefully this feedback will reach you and the Dev team, I’ve wanted this game to succeed from the start so that’s why I felt I had to post this.


Just a concerned BF veteran.


Thanks for fairly processing and stating how you feel. There are also ROF and Recoil changes to the weapons which prevent the changes from feeling like a direct nerf. We aren't solely driven on Data, we use it to help determine what it is that we need to look at, but how we look at it comes from our Gameplay team, many of which have been working across the franchise for multiple titles. We then internally test these things and if we feel the changes are in line with our design principles we start to commit them to future content.

Completely appreciate yours (and others concerns). I'll continue to be as open, honest, and engaged in helping to let folks know what to expect - and your voice will be heard back with the team on Monday.

Genuinely, I really appreciate how you chose to voice your concerns. Have a good weekend! Freeman

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by vailenn

Also thought i could prepare you before next armory update. You see every armory update has backlash. Perhaps something you guys wanna loook into?
It has something to do with holding onto skins and dripfeeding us. Has something to do with selling same skins over and over again and pretend like we never seen it.
Most people liked the approach on the Japanese and USA skins and got excited for a Armory with realated stuff. But nope, heres 3 old skins we rotated since start of the shop. People are sitting on all their boins, you want it? Perhaps let us buy anything new.. its the one thing that slaps us in the face every week. Armory controversy after armory controversy. Will you guys ever acknowledge it?

I've been sharing this feedback with the team this week. It won't affect the present rotation, but it will help the team to understand what could be done with future rotations to change that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by phunkysox

Way to reply to the one guy who supports these terrible changes and ignore the thousands freaking out....

No one is being ignored. I can't take away peoples feelings of Anger or Hate, or respond in a manner that will change how people feel and I don't set out too. If you want to be upset and be angry, be upset and be angry, that's your decision. People are being heard in spite of that.

If there's a question that I can help to provide an answer for, that hasn't already been addressed elsewhere then I'm happy to help do that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by OnlyNeedJuan

Man, this is gonna be psychological torture for you. Good luck man, you're gonna need it.

Not my first Rodeo.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by zusoap

Alright, thank you.

You're welcome.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Do you know what’s so special about the tunnels that makes it broken?

Also, you can see spots through the mountain on Iwo.

Are they related somehow?

Someone was explaining it to me the other day, it's something to do with how we use terrain to block explosion damage (so that if you place explosive on the roof of something that we don't intend to be destroyed, the explosive damage won't carry to the ground above.

I think in this instance, the explosive damage values are being shared by the Flamethrower so it presently prevents the damage from being applied properly because the Tunnels are considered as below ground.

In the next update, we've changed around all the systems that manage this stuff so that things behave correctly in the tunnels, without breaking the original rule.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Hyde1306

By any chance would u be able to release this as it’s own playlist at the start so we could try it out and u could gather community feedback to see if u should fully implement it I think this would be a good compromise for the moment

I'll work with the team to investigate that. Not sure if our systems are setup to support different damage values across different playlists, and given the additional and more wider changes that occur to the weapons like with Specializations, I don't imagine that it will be something that we can do. Either way, it'll be something that I discuss on Monday with the team.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by NeonAerow

Awesome! I appreciate you and Jeff being this active with the community, I never had any doubts about that 👍

Have a great weekend!

That's the job!

Thanks! I'll take a break for a few hours and check back later. Thinking that I might attempt to buy some Winter Boots before the Snow threatens to land here in Sweden and I still have the urge to buy Ring Fit Adventure on Switch. Watched a friend stream it the other day and it looked like good fun (though it'll just be another thing that means I'll never complete Red Dead 😅)

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


There's a lot of fairly worded (in some cases constructive) criticism being sent my way, the rest I still read and process. Just because someone is too angry to more fairly express how they feel shouldn't detract from the overall intent or message underyling what they've commented.

The good news is that I am paid for it, real love and appreciation needs to go to the mods who both own the Sub and do this for the sheer love of the game and people who play - the mods do this for free.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Memento_31


Will this also increase the ttk in Firestorm?

Changes to Damage at Range will be in effect across the whole game

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by DoinWorkDaily

I love the flamethrower! You’re messing with that too!!?!?!? Lord...

We're fixing an issue with the flamethrower that was causing it to be a hitmarker cannon in the tunnels on Iwo Jima, but I haven't seen any other changes proposed for the Flamethrower specifically.

Basically how it behaves on the open battlefield is how it's supposed to behave universally. That's the change that is being tested right now.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by sam8404

I've noticed some of the bunkers in the Pacific don't protect you from arty damage, is that intentional? It seems like the roof isn't blocking the arty.

I'm not sure on the Splash damage from arty when indoors, but I'll pass it to the team to see if they can look at it.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by gordonfroman

The fact that you are only answering positive comments and comments that start with a bunch of dice ass kissing shows the problem here, address the TTK, weapon play changes, and spotting feature or face the total loss of your credibility within this community

-- the community

As I've volunteered elsewhere - no one is being ignored. Anyone expressing frustration and anger at the change is being heard by me. It's my role to help to communicate the changes to you, and to communicate your feedback back the other way. There's nothing beyond that I can hope to address at Noon on a Sunday without having more engagement with the teams and having wider discussions with them.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by LtLethal1


When is 5.2 dropping?

Early December - exact dates to follow as we get through our testing and certification processes.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by LtLethal1


Please look into the splash damage on the rocket tanks in the tunnels. I drove the Japanese rocket tank into a tunnel with over a dozen enemies and was somehow getting entire salvos off without getting any hitmarkers.

Sometimes it worked and I'd get a quad kill, and the the next salvo I'd get nothing despite many enemies still standing next to their comrades that ate the first rockets.

Thanks - I believe that's possibly connected to a similar problem that we saw (and are testing a fix for) with the Flamethrower.

Will do some testing and see what happens.

Also - You got the Chi-ha into the tunnels?!?!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Kingtolapsium

Glad you’ve held onto a receptive mindset, you’re going to be tested over the next few weeks. I hope you realize it’s people loving a game, not hating you and the team.

Absolutely. It would be a lot more concerning for me if we announced a change to the game and was met with total silence and indifference. The Passion is what's always made Battlefield something special to be part of.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by DoinWorkDaily

So it’s not getting nerfed? If anything a it’s a buff (when used in the tunnels)? If so thank goodness and sorry for incorrectly assuming otherwise!

It's neither (I guess?)

Basically the way that the Flamethrower behaves in the tunnel is different to how it behaves on open ground. That is not by design, its an unintended bug that occurred because of the way the tunnels were built. What we're testing a fix for is to restore the weapon to it's original design and give it a consistent behaviour. It may feel like a buff, but we only really apply that term when we're dialing something up. What's happening here is that we're just removing a problem that's stopping it from doing it's original job.

Hope that makes sense!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by bitcloudrzr

Part of the problem is the other factors like rof, recoil, and spread didn't get posted so it's a partial picture of the changes. I am also wondering how long these changes have been in development/planned?

Processes like this extend through months of design and planning, followed by testing and internal feedback before being committed as planned change and entering the patching cycle.

Once it's been decided that its coming to the game is when I'm asked to help communicate the change to players and share insight back to the team.

Regarding seeing the greater picture I'm going to see if we can work with the team this week to help provide that. Until I've sat with the gang tomorrow I won't have any insight on when to expect that or in what form it will take but don't be shy to make the suggestions about how you'd prefer to see that data presented.

My personal take is that you'd benefit from seeing it in the context of gameplay however our playtesting is focused on our final rounds of feedback on Wake and potential future content which isn't ready to be shown yet.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by LtLethal1


Are the developers planning on changing the weapon specialization trees to reflect the new ttk?

Specifically, I want to see the faster RoF line on the MG42 get a much larger ammo belt because with it's ttk going up to as many as 12 bullets, a 50 round belt just won't work. It hardly worked with the current ttk.

In some cases, we'll need to to that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Gurthbrooks92

We appreciate you taking the time to try and calm the hysteria even on your Sunday. Some of us are just concerned that this update may significantly impact our ability to play with a play style we’ve developed over the last year. That being said, I’m willing to try the change and look forward to the future of BFV

Perfectly understandable. Thanks for your comment.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Slenderneer

The thing is that you can play well with a bolt-action rifle, but that doesn't mean it is a viable weapon class. Stodeh is a perfect example of this. He makes sniping look OP with some of the shots he makes, but he honestly would do a better job with any other class' weapons and gadgets.

I hope DICE do actually look at buffing bolt-actions in some way with the 5.2 patch, as even with "nerfing" every other weapon type I don't see the recon class becoming a viable pick.

Also can DICE just give Recon the bolt-action carbines already, while Medic gets the pistol carbines. It makes no sense for Medic to get the best bolt-actions in the game, as well as giving them long-range power (outside of the commando carbine, which makes no sense for the Medic to have anyway) for a class that should fit into the close-mid range engagements. Just make pistol carbines a more close - medium range weapon class instead of treating them as purely semi-auto SMGs for Recon.

One thing I forgot to mention is how is DICE going to handle semi-auto weapons? You cannot simple increase the fire rate for them, as the M1A1 carbine is somewhat to high for most players to use properly. How can you keep the TTK roughly the same if you realistically cannot increase semi-auto's RoF. u/PartWelsh can you provide any more insights on the matter?

Going too see what more is fit to share this week with the team and will put that on the list of things people want more insight on.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by DoinWorkDaily

Thanks for the explanation!

You're welcome!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Moxxface

/u/PartWelsh Are you able to say more about how the coming weapon changes will affect shotguns in more detail? It is by far my preferred weapon class, and I am very anxious to know more about what you plan on doing with them.

There will be slight variations per Shotgun (with further tweaks via Specialization) but one of the major things we've looked to address is the one hit kill range. It's been adjusted by a few meters.