A quick note on that - https://new.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/dwueiv/community_broadcast_chapter_5_check_in/f7lo3fs/
I've posted this elsewhere, but I just want to make sure I do the best I can to help folks understand that this isn't the same as Spotted.
At long ranges, none of this stuff appears, ever, under any circumstance.
Within range, the icon appears if you're already pointing your weapon at a fully visible enemy player (in that circumstance, you're generally doing that because you're intending to shoot them)
Within very close range, the icons appear to anyone within your view. Again, these players need to be visible in that condition. If they're occluded from view, or behind a nearby wall, you won't see this icon.
The icon doesn't appear under spotting flares, or if separately to this, the player has been spotted by someone else.
The information is also only relative to you, and is not shared across the team, or your squad.
I appreciate that because of past games, and the visual language used with the iconography that we've chosen, this will at first look (and without gameplay context) feel like this is more Doritos or shooting at bad guys. In context of gameplay, this isn't as prevalent as suggested.