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I swear they just want to sabotage this game at every opportunity. How about working on content and performance, tweaking obvious balance issues and leave the goddamn TTK alone. They’ve been down this road before and received overwhelming backlash.

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about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by WolfhoundCid

Did you see the bit about auto spotting? That's just a terrible idea

A quick note on that - https://new.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/dwueiv/community_broadcast_chapter_5_check_in/f7lo3fs/

I've posted this elsewhere, but I just want to make sure I do the best I can to help folks understand that this isn't the same as Spotted.

At long ranges, none of this stuff appears, ever, under any circumstance.

Within range, the icon appears if you're already pointing your weapon at a fully visible enemy player (in that circumstance, you're generally doing that because you're intending to shoot them)

Within very close range, the icons appear to anyone within your view. Again, these players need to be visible in that condition. If they're occluded from view, or behind a nearby wall, you won't see this icon.

The icon doesn't appear under spotting flares, or if separately to this, the player has been spotted by someone else.

The information is also only relative to you, and is not shared across the team, or your squad.

I appreciate that because of past games, and the visual language used with the iconography that we've chosen, this will at first look (and without gameplay context) feel like this is more Doritos or shooting at bad guys. In context of gameplay, this isn't as prevalent as suggested.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by ricardooo2

Just wait for details first before shouting. Last time was bad. But right now we have like no details about it yet.

I think it's different this time around. Last time they nerfed all weapons. Now they are only changing BTK at ranges. My guess is that a slower rate of fire weapon will need only 6 bullets while a high rate of fire will need 8 bullets.

This is great in terms of balance. Right now there is zero benefit apart from ease of use in using a slower rate of fire weapon.

I've shared the first part of this here on the subreddit - https://new.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/dwueiv/community_broadcast_chapter_5_check_in/

Don't be shy to tag me with questions as I'll be working this weekend to help answer what I can.

The next round of details will come via the Update Notes where we'll list all of the changes that are happening to all of the guns, the new ways in which some of the guns will behave and any numbers that we have that can help to set a good expectation for you when you jump into the game after the update goes live.

I appreciate that ultimately you'll need to experience the changes to make a full decision on the change, but please know that I'll be collating all feedback shared with me to the team working with me here in Stockholm.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Your post/comment has been removed:

Your post has been removed as it is regarding TTK. Please direct all TTK discussion here. Its far easier for devs to follow a single thread with new comments, than it is multiple separate threads.


If you feel this was a mistake, please contact the moderators by clicking here.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Noctis_Lightning

I'm curious if people would be less opposed if they could see a visual mock up on how this would look during gameplay. I'm not fully understanding how this would work so maybe others are jumping the gun?

I am concerned how this would effect stealth though

I will explore that with the team next week. Right now we're doing a lot of playtesting on new content so there's not a lot of footage I can share with you from those sessions which would best display it.

If we can produce something to that affect though, we will investigate the best way to do that.