Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

21 Apr

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by eivindlots

What has been the stupidest mocap session so far?

Not mocap but I love the story of how the audio team made the sound for the V1

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Would be worth it for the mocap session.


Originally posted by PmMeYourVags

Ok good.

If they have to cut bonuses to prevent lay-off’s that’s totally understandable. Don’t want the devs to be punished for Patrick Soderlunds actions a year ago and bad PR. Lots of us want to hopefully see the release of Bad Company 3 one day. 🤞🏻

I think I know the “source” of your information and it’s wholly inaccurate.


Originally posted by PmMeYourVags

Is it true that DICE LA is getting shutdown or laid off?!

There’s apparently workers from DICE leaking that EA is shutting down DICE LA due to BF5 being a failure in the eyes of investors.


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by McMeevin

Just find it hard to be believe it's something that has to be discussed, and a decision hasn't already been made.

Not to say that something hasn't been decided, but before anything can happen we need to do the appropriate scoping and all that type of stuff. Where could we fit it into the schedule, who can we get to work on it, if we move people onto it now, what does that affect etc

Lots of lines moving in parallel and jumping between them can often have knock-ons.


Originally posted by Sun_Beams

To be fair when people are still semi-regularly posting things like this:

What are we meant to think? The public perception is that your systems just don't work.

That's a fair argument. I can say the majority of the time these people are already flagged for bans before it's even posted to Reddit. I can also say we've banned 70% more people in BFV then BF1 (time adjusted) on PC so far with zero sign of slowing down.

I know the community wants us to better surface information regarding bans. My hands are somewhat tied on this, but we are looking at the best way of getting this information out which will satisfy all parties, the community included.

I will concede though that I don't think we'll ever reach the point where you the community will be able to make an informed decision on how anti-cheat operates. As such, we'll always be in somewhat of a catch 22 situation here unfortunately.


Originally posted by Telkor

Hey PartWelsh, any new info yet? The amount of people (on Discord) who got wrongly banned is increasing. There is definitely something wrong here.

Hey /u/Telkor - There's really next to no additional info that I'm privy to, or would be in a position to discuss here. I also don't have any new or additional reasons that there's actually anything wrong here.

Sorry if that adds to the frustration. Please understand that we don't talk about who gets banned, and we don't make a point of commenting publicly on these things, nor do we look to do any form of public shaming to state definitively why folks received their bans.

What information we have shared on the topic is available here - ...

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Originally posted by DANNYonPC

So FF isn't an automatic system? also isn't fairfight mostly stat based?

Like going 200-0 with bossk

Public perception of how our anti-cheat functions and what it actually does will always be two very different things. If you knew how it worked, then so would the cheat developers. Kinda defeats the purpose at that point. :)


Originally posted by GerhardKoepke

Fair fight doesn't understand that and thinks your hacking/ cheating/boosting. Over 55 people have been permanently banned this week cause of it. And with EAs new policy (probably due to firestorm) they don't review cases anymore.

Source please. For both facts.

There isn't one, because it's not true.


This is 100% false information.

We've never banned solely based on stats or boosting in BFV. Never will either. We learned that lesson a long time ago and will never repeat it.

It's really easy to judge a person based on their stats. The common defense from players is always to post their battlefield tracker page but that never, ever gives the full side of a story. Unfortunately that's something we'll never be able to deep dive into as people will use any information we provide against us. What i will say is that while Fairfight applies the bans, don't for a second think we're not doing any work on the DICE side to catch cheaters.

20 Apr


Originally posted by crossfire024

I had never seen the bombing raid "weather" on Devastation until Grind, and then I saw it two games on that map in a row.

It's seriously awesome, I wish it happened a bot more frequently on other modes. It really does add to the atmosphere on that map.

I have look into that. No promises, but I read this feedback a few times and maybe it's time to up the frequency. :)


Originally posted by hongshen

I don't get Matt Wagner's point. Unlocks and high level cap aren't mutually exclusive. If they felt casuals needed catching up, then pool the unlocks at lower ranks. I don't recall unlocking anything after colonel in BF3 and captain in BF4. Bf1 guns were unlocked by warbonds so ranks never mattered.

Absolutely. Sadly this is only a small snippet of a bigger conversation. I was mainly talking about BF3/4 unlocks and not at all about ranks. Danny turned the conversation towards ranks.

Also as stated before, this is mainly my personal opinion. I have nothing to do with any type of progression (unlocks or ranks) in the game. I know as much about them as you.


Read into this as much as you will. I am a Level Designer and had nothing to do with the rank cap nor do I know why it is at 50 and not 20 or 7000. So just to get your facts right: there is no theory confirmed here since I would even be able to confirm it if I wanted to. Neither does any of what I said bring information to the topic if the rank limit will be raised. For that you need to screenshot conversations from other people.


Originally posted by Omurchu

Flick off of it and back on, spawn. Works every time, also total garbage we have to find work arounds for the multitudes of bugs. Recently you cant peek cover the right way anymore and lmg/mmg recoil unmounts the bipod

That trick no longer works every time. It now rarely works.

19 Apr


Originally posted by Huzzahtheredcoat

Jeff, any info on what's happened/happening to the UK servers?

Are they down for maintenance? or gone forever? Haven't seen one in a few days.

Sorry, I’m on PTO but here’s what I have: I checked with the team and it looks like they consolidated the data centers in Frankfurt to reduce matchmaking time and increase consistent matchmaking. I’ve already escalated this regarding some comments that ping has been impacted. I won’t know more until everyone is back from work Monday/Tuesday. Sorry I don’t have more info, buddy.


Originally posted by vtboyarc

Oh nice! Is it tentatively coming next week?

It goes through Cert next week and notes will be finalized. When we have locked a date, I’ll announce it.


Originally posted by Jwallaz

I think calling the main multiplayer and the core playerbase’s reason for owning and playing BF “vanilla” may be indicative of Dice’s attitude towards its main consumers. Kinda like F8rge taunting us by wearing his Soon shirt.

I think you’re reading too much into me using the term vanilla. Perhaps core MP would be a better description.

And Ben isn’t taunting anyone. It’s a silly meme on a shirt.

But if that’s how you want to view it, nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. Have a good weekend.


Originally posted by vtboyarc

Meanwhile firestorm is going on 3 weeks with no updates...sad because it’s the most fun have had in BFV yet but it needs some love

The next game update includes updates for all of Battlefield V - MP ( or as some may call it -vanilla), Combined Arms, and Firestorm.


Forwarded it to the anti-cheat people