about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
The entire output log would be really handy. The bit you have linked doesn't really show anything useful. Can you upload it somewhere, where the file is available for download? It's just easier to go through for me if it's a raw text file. Here's a few sites that'll let you do that and which require no sign up. :)

https://uploadfiles.io/ - free, no sign-up, can handle large log files
https://paste.ee/ - fast, no sign-up required (some log files will be too large for it though)
https://zerobin.net/ - bit clunky, but can handle huge files, no sign-up required
about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Thank you! Hmm, unfortunately you just have the one error that doesn't really have any clear cause. There's a few things we can try to see if it can be loaded.

First subscribe to and make sure you enable these mods:


Then restart the game. Before loading go into Options, find the Loading Screen Mod ont he left and then find the Safe Mode options for it. Enable all 3. Then try loading your save.

You aren't actually getting a simulation error, but those 3 mods are the best bet I have for getting it to load.

If that doesn't work, try sharing your save. Go to the Content Manager, select the Savegames category, find your save, click Share, fill in a name and description if you'd like, then click Upload. Share the link to its workshop page here, and I'll see if I have any luck loading it.