about 2 years
ago -
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24s | Hello, everyone! Today we are going to tell you about the resource gathering |
27s | and item crafting systems in Corepunk. That means, we’re talking professions. |
36s | So, Corepunk has 4 crafting professions and 4 resource-gathering professions. |
41s | First let’s talk about the basic principles of how professions work |
45s | and then a little bit about each of them individually. |
57s | When practicing any type of profession, the player receives experience not only to develop their skill in that profession |
64s | but also to level up the hero |
66s | Each profession in the game has 3 mastery levels. |
69s | By increasing the mastery level, the player receives a new title: |
73s | at level 1 you’re a Beginner, at Level 2, you are Advanced, |
78s | and finally at level 3 you become a Master. |
311s | In terms of game design, we’re not always advocates of rigid distinctions. |
316s | More often than not, we favor mechanics where there is a choice |
319s | and that choice has both positive and negative consequences. |
322s | The player can practice all kinds of gathering and crafting professions |
327s | by gathering and crafting most of the items in the game |
330s | but players can only gather the rarest resources |
333s | and craft the best items if they focus on one gathering profession |
337s | and one crafting profession. |
340s | To do this, in addition to the mastery levels mechanic, |
343s | every profession in the game also has its own efficiency. |
347s | What’s efficiency? |
349s | Well, profession efficiency increases as you practice that profession, |
354s | but your efficiency in the other professions decreases. |
363s | Simply put, the more you practice the same profession, |
366s | the more effective you are at it. |
368s | Just as the 4 gathering professions have a shared efficiency |
372s | so do the 4 crafting professions as well. |
400s | So, when gathering resources, the efficiency only increases |
404s | if you gather a resource corresponding to the level of that profession - |
408s | – you are thus rewarded for gathering resources that are challenging to your character at that time. |
415s | Let’s review a short example. |
417s | If you pay attention to the icons of the gathering professions to the left |
421s | you will see their efficiency around the icons. |
424s | Let’s cut the tree down. |
433s | This improved efficiency decreases |
435s | if you use another gathering profession so, once again, specializing is key. |
443s | As for crafting, its efficiency will only increase if the player crafts |
447s | an item whose gear score is high enough relative to their profession level. |
463s | Excellent. Please note how the efficiency has changed: |
467s | Logging has risen while Herbalism efficiency has dropped. |
471s | Efficiency decreases for the profession that has not been used the longest. |
476s | It is important to note that the higher the mastery level and efficiency of the profession, |
481s | the more difficult it will be for the player to switch professions, |
484s | since the player will have to gather rarer resources |
487s | and craft higher level items to increase their efficiency, |
494s | assuming that the player’s goal is maximum efficiency for the chosen profession. |
499s | It will be hardest to do after you reach your hero’s level cap in the end game. |
504s | The player receives various bonuses and perks for mastery levels and increasing efficiency. |
528s | Let’s talk about the resource gathering professions first: |
531s | Mining, Logging, Herbalism, and Butchery. |
535s | For example, when it comes to the gathering professions, |
538s | as the mastery levels up, opportunities to mine higher-level veins get unlocked, |
543s | the overall chance of finding a resource increases, |
546s | and there are additional gathering sessions for gathering a resource |
550s | Meanwhile, efficiency can affect the chance of receiving a rarer resource, |
554s | or can reduce the chance of failure. |
566s | The process of gathering in the game is quite simple and intuitive. |
571s | The player needs to find something worthy and start gathering a resource. |
578s | An interface bar will appear at the bottom of the screen, displaying the process. |
583s | While the bar is moving, the player has a chance of receiving one of the resources. |
587s | There can be a wide variety of resources in a single spot, |
591s | from the most common, to very rare. |
594s | When you find a resource, you receive a corresponding pleasant notification. |
600s | You never know how lucky you might be... or unlucky. |
604s | The player may find nothing. It happens! |
606s | But even if you manage to find a resource, don’t relax just yet: |
610s | there is always a small chance of failing and losing your loot. |
614s | Yes, that happens too… |
638s | Mining has 3 tiers of veins: metal, polymetal and ancient. |
643s | With an increase in the tier of the vein, the chance of getting more resources increases, |
648s | for example, you can get not one ore, but two at once, |
652s | and even more from the vein of the third tier. |
655s | The rarer the resource, the higher the vein required to mine it. |
659s | Epic resources can only be mined from Tier 3 veins. |
662s | In Mining, the player can mine ores of various metals, |
666s | crystals, nuggets, ancient fossils, just to name a few. |
1103s | Logging is about taking advantage of the trees |
1106s | that have the strongest and deepest root systems; |
1108s | those trees have roots that reach deep enough underground |
1111s | to access lakes of precious mana. |
1114s | Such trees are rare in the forests of Kwalat. |
1117s | These trees also fall into three tiers; |
1120s | Magic Tree, Old Magic Tree and Ancient Magic Tree. |
1124s | The higher the tier of the magic tree, |
1126s | the higher the chance of getting a larger and more precious resources. |
1130s | From trees, we can get magic wood, which has unique qualities of hardness, |
1135s | and campfires from such wood have special effects, |
1138s | like restoring strength and energy reserves to living beings. |
1144s | You can also get various types of resins, bark, feathers and even honey. |
1182s | If you pursue Herbalism profession, |
1184s | you’ll be collecting resources from large and dense Kwalat bushes. |
1188s | Such bushes are whole ecosystems that live by their own rules, |
1193s | and the older and larger the bush, the more valuable resources it may contain. |
1197s | Bushes also come in three tiers - Thick Bush, Old Bush and Ancient Bush. |
1203s | The larger the bush, the more complex the life that flows within it |
1207s | and, accordingly, the more expensive and rare the resources it can yield. |
1211s | A lot of different useful resources can come from these bushes |
1215s | - herbs, plants, insects, berries and many more. |
1543s | The specialist in Butchery skillfully dissects animal carcasses, |
1548s | retrieving organs intact ready for crafting. |
1551s | But not all animal carcasses are suitable or of value. |
1555s | The creatures of Kwalat lead hard and brutal lives, |
1558s | so that often, the organs and body parts retrieved |
1561s | have pathologies that render the components extracted unsuitable |
1565s | for use in craft machines. |
1567s | Animals may sustain injuries in the hunt |
1570s | that despoil the resources that they could have yielded. |
1572s | Those experienced in Butchery, though, |
1574s | can identify those carcasses most suitable for butchering, |
1578s | and the most experienced are able to identify the bodies of animals |
1582s | that have grown in ideal natural conditions |
1584s | and may offer up the highest quality materials for collection. |
1588s | Carcasses come in the lower, middle and prime categories. |
1593s | In the Butchery profession, you are able to acquire bones, vertebrae, |
1597s | living blood, eyes, cartilage and many other grisly resources from these animals… |
1612s | Usually the best veins are the hardest to find. |
1615s | But once again, you’ll know that the effort has been worthwhile |
1619s | when a vein yields up the very rarest of resources, |
1622s | allowing you to craft the very best in-slot items. |
1625s | And of course, if you are outside the safe zone, in the wasteland, |
1629s | don't get too relaxed. |
1983s | The world of Kwalat is a tough place, |
1986s | especially outside the city walls and safe zones, out in the wastelands. |
1990s | Dangerous, yes, but also supremely profitable. |
1994s | You never know what will be waiting for you around the next corner: |
1997s | rare loot or some terrifying new enemy. |
2000s | If you encounter an enemy camp, |
2002s | be sure you have what it takes to finish the job before you dive in. |
2006s | Maybe alone, picked off one by one, these guys would’ve been easy targets. |
2011s | But working in a group as they do, they present a serious threat, |
2015s | even to the most seasoned warriors. |
2132s | After a tough fight, it's best to rest for a bit and recover. |
2136s | Going out into the wastelands, |
2138s | roaming and looting means you have to be prepared to fight at any time. |
2141s | But anything valuable you find is going to count for nothing |
2145s | if you can't bring it back in one piece. |
2147s | Therefore, a smart player checks their inventory often. |
2151s | A stockpile of painkillers, and plenty of campfire kits: |
2155s | these things can make the difference between life and death. |
2191s | It is also equally important to note that resources, and items in general, |
2196s | are gathered in Corepunk not only from veins, trees, bushes and carcasses. |
2205s | You can find resources, artifacts, and consumables, |
2209s | including very rare ones, in drops all over the world. |
2221s | Try searching corpses, breaking barrels and crates, |
2224s | ransacking abandoned houses, exploring points of interest, |
2228s | opening secret chests, killing mobs etc. |
2232s | With any type of activity, |
2234s | you have an opportunity to receive loot and perhaps even skins. |
2238s | But of course, if we are talking about resources, |
2241s | it’s much more profitable to do it through gathering. |
2382s | Let’s talk about the crafting professions. |
2384s | Corepunk, as we said before, has 4 crafting professions: |
2388s | Construction, Alchemy, Weaponsmithing, and Mysticism. |
2393s | The crafting professions in Corepunk have their own unique sets of permanent upgrades |
2398s | that don’t overlap with any of the other professions. |
2401s | There are minor exceptions in regard to some temporary buffs though; |
2405s | for instance Alchemy and Mysticism can both produce temporary buffs and item upgrades. |
2415s | The attribute buffs a hero can gain from artifacts are unique to those artifacts; |
2420s | you can not get these parameters permanently anywhere else, |
2424s | while Weaponsmith characteristics and upgrades |
2426s | are only unique to Weaponsmithing, no exceptions. |
2433s | In this way, you cannot permanently stack Attack Power or Spell Power in all systems at once. |
2440s | Limited-time buffs are not taken into account, though. |
2443s | Every crafting profession has its own unique bonus that affects the hero’s gameplay. |
2449s | We will tell you about them a little bit later. |
2451s | When the hero reaches Level 40, |
2453s | all profession bonuses are only active if the player has achieved 100% efficiency in the given profession. |
2878s | Next, a little bit about Itemization. |
2880s | Most items in the game have 4 grades: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic; |
2886s | however, there are also Legendary items out there, |
2890s | but they are extremely rare… oh yes, indeed! |
2893s | Items are divided into tiers: Tier 1, Tier 2, and so on. |
2898s | Items are also divided into two kinds: ‘Bind on pickup’ and ‘Bind on equip’. |
2904s | This does not apply to consumables. |
2907s | ‘Bind on pickup’ items cannot be exchanged between players, |
2911s | but ‘Bind on equip’ items, if they have not yet been used, |
2915s | can be exchanged without restrictions. |
2918s | Items in Corepunk have a gear score calculated depending on that item’s power. |
2922s | The scaling and characteristic values, |
2925s | as well as the chances of triggering effects on items, randomly roll within their set values. |
2931s | Items in the game don’t break and they have no durability rating. |
2935s | During crafting, the player always has an opportunity to craft a higher quality item |
2940s | (up to Epic). |
2941s | As you would expect, items become stronger as their grade increases, |
2945s | with different types of items having different kinds of buffs. |
2948s | For example, artifacts have an additional characteristic added |
2952s | to the secondary basket as their grade increases, |
2956s | while weapons have an additional upgrade slot added as their grade increases. |
2960s | Chips and runes with a higher grade have their effect scaling increased, |
2965s | and Alchemy consumables can be crafted with a quantity exceeding 1. |
2969s | As an item tier increases, |
2971s | it expands the upper limits within which the effect values can roll too. |
3015s | Let’s move on to crafting. |
3017s | Crafting items is simple. |
3019s | In Corepunk, almost all items are crafted using the same, simple principle. |
3023s | A Tier 1 item is crafted first, from looted resources. |
3027s | In order to craft Tier 2 or higher items, |
3030s | the player needs to use items of the previous Tier as resources, |
3034s | plus additional, rarer resources that a Tier 2 recipe requires. |
3039s | But items used for crafting must be Uncommon. |
3042s | To start crafting, you need to be at the appropriate profession workbench, |
3046s | open the crafting menu, have a recipe for the required item, |
3050s | and also have the required amount of resources |
3053s | As soon as you start crafting an item, |
3056s | the crafting bar will appear in the UI window below, |
3059s | just as with the gathering professions. |
3061s | In the process of crafting, the player always has a chance |
3065s | to craft an item of better quality than the recipe generates by default, or, |
3069s | in the case of Alchemy, |
3070s | a chance to generate more than one of whatever consumable you’re concocting. |
3083s | Just like with the gathering professions, |
3085s | there are special bonuses in the crafting professions as your mastery levels up. |
3090s | iIn contrast to the gathering professions, though, |
3092s | where the bonuses are shared between all professions, |
3096s | every crafting profession has its own unique set of bonuses that affect the hero’s gameplay. |
3102s | That said, there are several ways to craft one and the same item. |
3107s | To craft certain items with a higher gear score |
3109s | you will require the maximum level of profession efficiency. |
3113s | Some items can be crafted without a workbench, such as Campfire or Roll a Joint. |
3119s | Special items will require the player to find a specialized rare workbench to craft them. |
3219s | Well, it’s about time we looked at the crafting professions themselves... |
3223s | Here’s the Construction profession— this is all about crafting artifacts, |
3227s | items that are inserted into the active panel on the hero’s screen. |
3232s | Artifacts have two baskets of characteristics: Primary and Secondary. |
3238s | The primary artifact basket carries basic characteristics in the game, such as Attack Power, |
3244s | Spell Power, Health, Mana, Armor, Magic Resist, Physical Crit Chance, and Magical Crit Chance |
3252s | The secondary basket carries a set of characteristics |
3255s | that includes such parameters as cooldown reduction, buff duration, |
3259s | vision radius, increased area effects, increase control duration, |
3264s | tenacity, health regeneration, mana regeneration, and many more. |
3269s | As the item quality increases, |
3272s | characteristics are added to the secondary basket. |
3275s | A Tier 1 artifact has one basic characteristic in the primary basket. |
3279s | The player can create Tier 2 artifacts, |
3282s | combining these characteristics with each other in any variation. |
3286s | And when creating a Tier 3 artifact, |
3289s | it is possible to combine 3 characteristics with each other in any variation. |
3294s | It is important to note |
3296s | that if the player uses artifacts of the previous Tier (Rare or higher) when crafting, |
3301s | they will receive additional characteristics in the secondary basket. |
3310s | As the Construction profession levels up, |
3312s | you receive a bonus for using artifacts. |
3314s | For example, the player will get +5% for using artifacts at Level 2, |
3320s | and +10% at Level 3. |
3323s | It’s also worth remembering that the bonus does not affect the crafting of an item, |
3327s | but rather the use of the item by the player, i.e. the characteristics of the item itself don’t change. |
3390s | Weaponsmithing is where the player crafts weapons |
3393s | and bio-organic chips which are essentially weapon upgrades. |
3397s | Weapons in the game have fixed stats: Damage Per Second (DPS), |
3402s | Weapon Damage, and Attack Speed. |
3405s | As the weapon Tier increases, |
3407s | it expands the limits within which these characteristics can be rolled. |
3412s | Weapons in Corepunk can be upgraded. |
3414s | It is through weapon upgrades |
3415s | that the most powerful weapons in the game can be acquired. |
3420s | As the grade increases, a weapon receives upgrade slots. |
3424s | The higher the quality of a weapon is, the more upgrade slots it has. |
3429s | Chips can be inserted into these slots. |
3431s | Every slot has its own bonuses that are rolled at random when you receive the weapon. |
3436s | To receive a slot bonus, the slot and the chip that is inserted must have the same icons. |
3442s | Chips can come in two variations: an advanced chip is inserted into an advanced slot, |
3447s | and a standard upgrade chip is inserted into a standard slot. |
3452s | Advanced chips have effects on weapons that are unique for this system, |
3456s | and can be triggered when dealing damage to an enemy. |
3459s | Every chip has either magic or physical effects. |
3462s | Standard upgrade chips, however, give an increase in stats, such as Attack Speed, |
3468s | Haste, Weapon Damage, Spell Power, Physical Crit Power, Magical Crit Power, |
3474s | Armor Penetration, and Magic Penetration. |
3477s | As mentioned previously, stats like these are unique for this system |
3481s | and cannot be permanently stacked anywhere else. |
3484s | Crafting weapons and their upgrades follows the same logic |
3487s | as with the Construction profession, |
3489s | and the other crafting professions in fact. |
3492s | So once again, to create a higher Tier item, |
3495s | you must have two Uncommon items of the previous Tier. |
3499s | If the player uses higher quality items (Rare or Epic items) for crafting, |
3503s | the weapon they will receive will have extra slots, |
3507s | and the advanced chip will have extra effects too. |
3510s | It’s time to look at an advanced chip and its effect. |
3513s | The Execute advanced chip will be used as an example. |
3517s | So here we took the best quality item |
3519s | that was crafted from two epic chips of the previous Tier 1. |
3523s | Here you can see all the possible effects. |
3526s | There is a mark on the chip that defines the effect of the chip. |
3530s | An advanced chip can be inserted into a slot with any mark and it will work, |
3534s | but you won’t get any slot bonus. |
3537s | In order to receive a slot bonus, |
3539s | it is important that the slot has the same mark as the chip. |
3543s | So, as you can see, this advanced chip has a proc chance and a proc condition. |
3549s | So let’s look at what the effects could be on this particular chip. |
3553s | Its main effect is that it gives you a chance to execute an enemy. |
3556s | The first additional effect “If the target dies, you will heal for 50% of the killing damage” |
3563s | appears if the chip has been crafted from two Rare Tier 1 chips. |
3567s | The second additional effect is “executes at 25%” improves the proc condition |
3573s | and appears if the chip has been crafted from two Epic Tier 1 advanced chips. |
3579s | Advanced chips have a limited number of charges; each time the effect is triggered, |
3583s | one charge is removed. |
3585s | The player can recharge an advanced chip in the inlay window. |
3589s | it’s a good idea to carry extra charges with you |
3592s | before an important foray into the world, and… just in general. |
3602s | Time to consider Profession Bonuses — in Weaponsmithing, |
3605s | as you move up the three mastery levels, you’ll see improvements in weapon efficiency. |
3611s | Time to give you the lowdown on The Synthesis Machine. |
3614s | This impressive device is needed to craft items beyond standard recipes, |
3618s | or to craft without a recipe. |
3620s | If the items used as ingredients are of a higher quality |
3623s | than those specified in a given recipe, |
3626s | The Synthesis Machine will produce for you an item that has additional bonuses. |
3686s | the synthesis machine can also improve the quality of items you already have change their |
3691s | characteristics re-roll their stats and even alter an item's visuals to name just a few of |
3697s | its other functions the synthesis machine has two disadvantages though the first one is that |
3703s | it's expensive to use for some operations requires consumables that may be very rare |
3709s | and the second one is that it's not fully implemented yet so we can't show you how it |
3714s | works right now you will see it in the beta and we'll be able to try it out yourself |
3723s | skins play a big part in how your hero looks though they are purely cosmetic and don't |
3728s | change your hero's stats the synthesis machine can be used to upgrade the Skins |
3732s | you've got to do that you need upgrade kits another rare resource in the game |
3738s | first you put your lower grade skin item into the synthesis machine before adding some upgrade kits |
3744s | at this point if you want you have the option to throw some valuable resources into the mix |
3750s | and if you're lucky and get the combination of resources as well as their respective |
3755s | quantities right not only will you get a higher grade skin but you will also end up |
3759s | with a skin made of different materials giving it a distinctive visual appearance usually you |
3765s | can wear up to six skin items at once bodysuit or underwear lower body upper body gloves and shoes |
3774s | some skin items may take two or more slots at once depending on their structure and Design |
3780s | you can combine skin items from different skin sets too to achieve exactly the look you're |
3785s | going for there's literally millions of different combinations you're free to express yourself and |
3791s | this is just one of the many possibilities that the synthesis machine opens up to you |
3947s | how are you I'm kind of busy here with my job okay keeping all those |
3951s | leaf and me and the officials happy with my reports and new outworlders |
3959s | what is this place yeah I think that too real nice place just keep your distance all right |
3972s | who are you sorry what what I can't hear you in this suit the toilet is over there |
3980s | yes |
3983s | uh another virus spreader from the outside needs a medical certificate well I couldn't care less |
3989s | about what blues or plagues you brought here from your world but others do you want to stay |
3994s | here you have to get the shot but I'm not gonna make the vaccine anytime soon so you'll have |
3999s | to craft it yourself here's the recipe craft the vaccine you can use my crafting table the |
4005s | ingredients are outside of town inject yourself and speak to me if you're still able good luck |
4014s | you know where to find me |
4028s | going for a Mosey yes yeah found the plants no |
4035s | you out worlders are the worst all right take the ingredients from my stash they're in the |
4041s | chest right there speak to me when you've made the vaccine and taken the shot thank you |
4048s | lovely |
4059s | yes yeah found the plants no listen stop bothering me I saw you opening my chest |
4068s | stop fooling around just make the vaccine and take the damn shot I don't have time for this |
4082s | Steve ahead foreign |
4106s | everything is both simple and interesting you'll get to craft |
4111s | all kinds of consumables that give temporary Buffs you'll be making |
4115s | medicines vaccines and ointments as well as rolling joints and doing a whole lot else |
4122s | during crafting the Alchemy Master doesn't have to contend with quality procs and worry about their |
4127s | impact because these are consumable items and so don't have different quality crates when crafting |
4134s | Alchemy consumables though the player can get a proc that might enable them to make two or three |
4139s | consumables at once instead of one also every consumable has a limited duration on its buff |
4148s | and the player will have to use a lot more consumables in the next tier of |
4152s | crafting to increase this duration the reward will be a long lasting buff that |
4158s | will come in handy when traveling through the wildlands of kavalot |
4162s | in core Punk the player can have several Alchemy Buffs at the same time and the number of Buffs |
4167s | that can take effect simultaneously depends on the profession level with each new Mastery level the |
4174s | number of alchemy Buffs used simultaneously will increase a player who is focused on Alchemy will |
4180s | feel more comfortable when exploring the most difficult and harsh locations of the wildlands |
4188s | foreign |
4198s | let me look at you red eyeballs dry lips swelling limbs yep worked |
4204s | perfectly here's your certificate now get the hell out of here already |
4210s | yeah bye bye |
4219s | full steam ahead |
4230s | foreign |
4239s | this profession is all about crafting runes runes are upgrades for artifacts runes enable the player |
4246s | to upgrade artifacts by placing Steals on them seals add special mechanics to player gameplay |
4252s | and in some cases can be a great addition to a certain build or play style runes are |
4258s | thus another important layer of progression and hero building gameplay in the overall system the |
4265s | player can upgrade items without restrictions but the number of artifacts with Rune effects |
4269s | that they can carry at the same time is limited the principle of Rune effect is mechanically in |
4275s | many respects similar to how advanced chips work on weapons but unlike Advanced chips |
4281s | runes have very different prop conditions they are more permanent and more predictable |
4287s | let's look at the Hedgehog Rune as an example the main effect of this Rune is when struck by an |
4293s | attack deal physical damage to the attacker as the Rune grade increases so does the effect scaling |
4301s | and as the tier increases it expands as with chips the limits within which the effect values can be |
4308s | rolled just as in the example with the advanced chip we have two additional effects slows Enemy |
4315s | by ten percent for one second appears on a rune if it was made from rare Runes of the previous |
4320s | tier and the second additional effect reduces enemy attack speed by 15 for three seconds is |
4328s | added if epic Tier 1 ruins were used during Rune crafting the bonus of the mysticism profession is |
4335s | that the higher the Mastery level is the more equipped Rune artifacts the player can use |
4342s | thank you for watching |
4349s | sign up for beta at corepunk.com |