Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

20 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I did get this from one affected Gamepass user:

In case anyone else had issues when they purchased the season pass from gamepass.
The season pass shows no downloads and the dlc by itself looks like you need to purchase it.
Click the dlc and click the purchase.
It’ll change and say you own this already.
Click the same box that now says you own this already and it’ll ask you to download it.
Do the download and boom it finally adds
You need to do it for both northern and RC downloads.

Please let us know if that helps you!  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I did get this from one affected Gamepass user:

In case anyone else had issues when they purchased the season pass from gamepass.
The season pass shows no downloads and the dlc by itself looks like you need to purchase it.
Click the dlc and click the purchase.
It’ll change and say you own this already.
Click the same box that now says you own this already and it’ll ask you to download it.
Do the download and boom it finally adds
You need to do it for both northern and RC downloads.

Please let us know if that helps you!  

19 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
FYI the only supported distro is Ubuntu 20.04 or better, so we may or may not be able to help you with this here.

What happens if you run ./ck3 from a terminal command line? What output do you see when it crashes?

And check your nVidia driver is the latest available


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    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not sure when that happened exactly, but it is routine for the minimum required Ubuntu version to be regularly updated for our games, as older ones fall out of support.  

18 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Lightningbolt1226 said: So, I've had a go at this but I can't seem to make this work either. The descriptor can't find the unzipped file and that completely stops CK3 from being able to open. This is probably as a result of me not being any good with manual mod installation, any tips?
I myself have never done this as I don't use mods, and indeed have no chance to play this game anyway.

Please ask for help from the folks in that thread who found the workaround.

Good luck!

PS: I have raised this issue with Paradox again!   ... Read more

17 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Some graphics/DirectX errors in there. If you choose openGL in the launcher game settings menu, do you still get this crash?

And is it repeatable from any particular save game file? That is, if you load it again after a crash does it crash again in the same place? or carry on for a while?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
As you can see here, this is a common problem:

Mods enabled, yet not working after 1.6.0 update.

After I updated to the new 1.6.0 update, my mods stopped working for some reason. I tried disabling and re-enabling my mods, uns... Read more

16 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
That is not generally necessary. Is this again for modded MP games?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
gabriel373 said: The links in the solution, are invalid and are showing up as error 404...
You mean the ones in my post #6 above? They all work, I promise you!  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
gabriel373 said: When I go to download vcredist_ia64 this message appears. ''This setup program requires an IA64 platform. It cannot be installed on this platform''.
That is why I said to only "run the x86 and x64 installers". IA64 is for hardware you do not have.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes! And is this the Steam, gamepass or other edition of the game?

Are these mods from the Steam workshop, or mod site, both, or elsewhere?

Have they ever worked for you?

Does it affect every mod, no matter how little or big?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Please go here:

Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads

This article lists the download links for the latest versions of Visual C++ Redistributable packages. And run the x86 and x64 installers there.

IF that doesn't help, also Install ALL these Microsoft modules:


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14 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
diiter said: okay so you think its a linux issue? could running the steam deck with windows 10/11 solve the issue?
If that is possible, I'm pretty sure it would, yes - after all they work on your PC.

diiter said: ...
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    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't think we're going to be able to fix this one, I'm sorry. For a start the Steam Deck is not supported hardware for this game, and as (I now see!) it runs Windows games under Linux via Proton, I'm not surprised there are problems.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Luka031 said: It's doesn't crash all the time when it autosaves. Sometimes it's the first autosave sometimes it's the 10th.
I frankly don't know what could cause that; if it were all save attempts it might be an antivirus app getting in the way for instance.

This is only autosaves, not manual ones?

Does it matter if they are local or cloud?

Has this always happened since you've had this game? Or it was okay up to some point?  

12 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Very hard to see how to proceed them, really. It needs ALL of the mods you've chosen to be enabled to cause this? Omitting any one means it runs okay?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
You cannot, I'm sorry to say - Microsoft do not provide any facility for us to distribute older or alternate game versions, unlike Steam.

Your only way to play that save would be to buy the game from Steam, OR use family Sharing to borrow that game from anyone you know who has it.

Sorry about that!  

11 Oct

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Right click on ck3.exe , properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations" untick every other box in that dialog, Apply and exit.
Then in the launcher Game Settings menu, select fullScreen display mode, Vsync off, refresh rate 60.

IF that doesn't help, Please go here:

Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads

This article lists the download links for the latest versions of Visual C++ Redistributabl... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Ah, okay, that would explain it! If you have a save game from that campaign which has NOT been updated and written by a later patch, you should revert to 1.5.x in the Steam Betas tab to finish that campaign.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Try each of those mods one at a time to see which one is doing it.