over 2 years
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This year’s edition of Lucca Comics & Games is almost upon us and we’re excited to meet everyone at our location in Villa Bottini. Apart from all of the activities we have planned for the festival, there’s one specifically tailored to celebrate our amazing community: a party!
If you have a ticket to enter Lucca’s event during the 28th or 29th October, stop by the villa to take part in our planned activities and to get your hands on a party invite — space is limited, so we’ll be upping the ante by giving out invitations to those who complete one of our ticket masters’ tasks!
Party details:
WHEN: Saturday, October 29th, 8:30 PM
WHERE: Villa Bottini, Lucca (Italy)
WHO: As previously mentioned, you can enter the party only if you have an invite. Our RED staff will check your invitation at the entrance of the venue, so be careful not to lose it!
HOW TO GET IN: To obtain an invitation, you’ll need to find a RED staff member during Lucca Comics & Games (they will all be wearing a TEAM t-shirt or badge). These REDs will then direct you to the ticket master, who have the ability to give you an invitation as long as you complete a task for them! What kind of task? It can be almost anything: taking a picture with a cosplayer, solving a riddle, answering a question related to our games, and so on! Once you complete the request or answer their question, you’ll receive an invitation to the party!
Good luck everyone, and see you at Lucca!
P.S. Even though the party is in Italy, we want to be inclusive to our global community and will be hosting it in English. As you can imagine, that’s the language most of our REDs speak as well!