over 2 years
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As our anniversary challenges, streams and trivia slowly come to an end, there's one more anniversary surprise we have in store for you. You already know that we're coming to Lucca Comics and Games 2022, but what we haven't told you yet is that we're bringing Toussaint with us!
We send this appeal across our continent for all to know that our merciful sovereign, Her Enlightened Ladyship Anna Henrietta, hath declared Savoine's eve to be the commencement of festive celebrations.
We humbly beseech all who wish to honour the Duchess with their presence at this festival to appear in the resplendent town of Lucca, where we shall await thy arrival in full hopes of providing a feast of delights and amusements.
All who seek to travel thither shall find the necessary minutiae in the enclosure below:
See you in Lucca, Italy between October 28th and November 1st!