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When Cyberpunk 2077 released, back in December 2020, we announced #Shutterpunk2077 — our official Photo Mode Contest, and asked you to share your best shots from the game. Turns out Night City is full of talented photographers! We were blown away by the quality of your submissions and impressed how you were able to tell a whole story in only one frame.
After hours of consideration, we finally chose 9 winners and 3 honorable mentions from thousands of submissions. Here they are!
Category: Portrait
1st place — @rafbrzoz
This screenshot has everything: V, his trusty bike and busy streets of Night City in the background. We couldn't name a better combo if we tried! It captured not only the main character of the game but also an intimate friendship between a man and his ride.
2nd place — @MJellllo
It’s one of these screenshots that makes you stop scrolling and take a second to admire it. It’s simple and elegant, with exactly the right pose and background for the character. In addition, we appreciate the author’s creativity in choosing this original place. Going black & white was a smart decision!
3rd place — Maxim S.
This picture caught our eye straight away - it pretty much screams “Cyberpunk” at you. Swagger, chrome, kitsch, neon, it has it all. A Mox-style setup, great light play, and a nice touch of smoke. Too easy to mistake for a quality cosplay photoshoot! We saw it, we loved it, we couldn’t let it go.
Honorable Mention — @synthcode_
Viktor, as a ripperdoc, represents the advanced technology of the year 2077, while the black & white photos are usually associated with things of the past. In this screenshot, old meets new. In addition, the angle of the shot reminds us of a close friendship between him and V.
Category: Action
1st place — @3brtm055
At first sight, this screenshot looks pretty static, but when you take a longer look it seeps danger. You can almost hear epic battle music and you instantly know that you’re in deep… trouble. Adam Smasher is coming for you.
2nd place — @Michael1210GJ
This is exactly what we were expecting from an action shot — dynamic poses captured in a moment with lively and colorful background. But there’s also an additional layer to this one… We know they’re enemies, but in the picture we can see them fighting back to back, trusting each other, as though they were friends.
3rd place — @SkreappaHD
Rage, blood and gore — no war is ever pretty and more often than not V has to get their hands dirty. Night City is a violent place, after all, and Puppy-loving Pacifists don’t last very long there. We loved this expressive close-up shot for capturing the brutal, uncensored essence of a fight, the way the character is reaching through the curtain of blood in a gesture of defiance, face twisted with anger.
Honorable Mention — @sTyL3Tz
This shot encompasses Judy’s personal conflict and her drive exceptionally well. Each day in Night City is a gruesome fight for survival, and many lose their humanity along the way. Not Judy. Although she may be reckless in her fury, her heart’s in the right place. And if she has to blow sh*t up to change the world, you bet she will.
Category: Sights
1st place — @LORD_CLONG
Night City is "a city of dreams". It'll promise fame and glory, tons of eddies to spend like there's no tomorrow. The city gives and takes. One day you are rich and famous, like the city in the background. The other day you are simply abandoned and forgotten, just like the car on the riverbank. We chose this one as it grasped the essence of Night City perfectly.
2nd place — @takezshin
Cyberpunk is usually associated with neons and colors, so we enjoy this different take on the genre. The photorealism of this screenshot makes it look like it could’ve been a photo of one of our contemporary cities. The contrast between the buildings and the imperfect symmetry of the shot truly caught our eye.
3rd place — @masaoandm
When you hear Cyberpunk and Night City, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? A colorful, busy and loud city with a bunch of neons. The reason we picked this screenshot is mainly because it shows the other side, another face of Night City — calm and quiet, a place where you can go to reflect on things. And colors used in that screenshot sync really well!
Honorable Mention — @DrBaobab64
This moody shot pays tribute to the legendary movie and screams “cyberpunk genre” to us. On top of that, it shows what kind of weather and scenery you can encounter in the game.
Congratulations to all the participants and winners — we hope you’ll keep showcasing your skilful use of our in-game photo mode and taking our breaths away!