Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

13 Mar


Originally posted by Awsomonium

Thanks for the response mate. I love that you're always willing to talk to us about this stuff.

Just out of interest, what's the coolest new thing that your team is working on your allowed to talk about?

Thanks, I love chatting when I'm able to!

Unfortunately I don't know if anything we're working on at the moment is anything I'm allowed to talk about just yet, but hopefully soon! Since January my plate's been filled with non-API-related tasks (including the work we had to do to begin moving away some things that were being hosted by Activision). Life at home has been keeping me busy too: I got married at the end of January, and we just got back from our honeymoon a week or so ago!

My current work is... tangentially related to the API, or at least to the backend: but nothing that results in cool new user-facing features in the API unfortunately. But my hope is that I'll be able to loop back to it once all of this current work is done! The API's backlog of feature requests grows weekly, there's so much to do and so little time!

12 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Prove it.

Show me the clip where you solo'd the King's Fall raid.

I'll wait.


Originally posted by Awsomonium

It would only SHOW you YOURS, but it would be in the servers data, that it has to keep track of. Otherwise we'd be able to lose items when we're transferring. We can infer that it's NOT as simple as a simple tiny data file from the fact that they could implement mass shader deletion easily.

We also know that things like inventory size can have an effect on things from this post:

Quote from DMG04: "If you dismantled a stack of 999, or if you and a few other people in the tower did at the same time, there would be potential for issues to arise."

On the server, on EACH tower instance, it'd have a temporary tracking profile for everyone in that tower instance. Under each profile it would hav...

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There's a lot in there that I don't actually know about being on the API side, so I don't have the expertise to talk about it (for example, what performance constraints exist when you're in the tower specifically).

I can say that, indeed, vault transfer and other features that you can get at from the API are essentially managed by their own logic on our servers, and can be accessed at any time (barring certain restrictions put in place intentionally to prevent potential harmful edge cases, like how some actions aren't allowed to be performed while in an activity). That divide is also why some actions are theoretically possible from the API where others aren't: it all depends on what types of servers performing what actions the API has access to.

For instance, you'll note that we can't return you an accurate statement for information like the current amount of ammunition you still have available: that's handled by a different set of infrastructure that the API can't...

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11 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SharpVenum

This is something the community REALLY wants, I’m glad you’ve noticed. Only thing we can hope for now is something to be done abt it

It’s a tricky thing, balancing game development. One QOL fix could eliminate 10 others due to the resources needed, or impact work on new content that’s coming. Not to mention, making the change may break a few other things, taking more developer time to fix the bugs and eliminating more changes that the community is asking for.

There may be a world where we aren’t able to allocate folks to make the change. If that’s the case, we’ll let you know. If we are able to address this, we’ll keep you updated too!

Many thanks to all that have been sounding off on this feedback item. Helps us to give a sense of how many players want the change.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey, please post a report to the Help Forum. That way we can snag some character data from your linked account. Helps with the investigation!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

We’ve passed this feedback along to the team. Ultimately, this is much more than a single value that could be changed. There is development time and test wake that would occur - which needs to be prioritized against bug fixes and other feature development. (Think QOL for other features, or future AP content.)

Can’t make any promises, but folks are aware of this request. Will give updates when I can.

10 Mar

09 Mar


Looking into this now, probably not going to fix.


Originally posted by vixeneye1

Then that mean that players are only meant to be carrying 20 of each type at any given time?



Originally posted by TheLittleMoa

Fixed an issue where Blockers were not spawning on Kell’s Grave and Cathedral of Scars. These maps will be re-enabled when this issue is resolved.

If you wanna leave Kell's Grave disabled, Bungie, go right ahead.

Please watch your step when it returns.


Originally posted by Goldenspacebiker

Is the lack of dismantling the bug or the multiple stacks?

The multiple stacks. It was never intended for players to have more than one stack of each type. We are currently investigating.

08 Mar


The team is aware of this issue and already looking into a fix. Thanks.


Originally posted by kinggamer1st

/u/Cozmo23 Do you guys know of the losing motes in Gambit even when you don't die bug or how the Business as Usual quest step does not update even after getting wins in Gambit?

Yes, it's a known issue we are working on. Thanks.


Originally posted by AspirantCrafter

Dread it.

Run from it.

Sunshot Ghost still arrives.

So we didn’t make Sunshot Ghost. It just appeared in the game and no one knows why.

We tried to take it out, but it doesn’t want to leave.

Be careful.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Known issue, working on a fix.


Originally posted by GjallaGjallaBillYall


anything on Bloom not working?

Yes it’s being fixed in an upcoming update.


Originally posted by NiiN10DoH

Real question is will Thorn be timegated or be done in a day like TLW?

You will be able to get it as your own pace starting on March 12.


The Team is aware of the feedback that Glass is making Reckoning too difficult and/or less fun. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

07 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

I have added this to the patch notes. There was no intention of a stealth nerf here. With each season, we increase the maximum power that players can achieve.

This was negating the challenge found in Nightfall activities, and we'd been receiving feedback as such. We are looking at further changes and tuning to the Five of Swords Challenge Card for a future update.

We are working with teams to ensure patch notes like this aren't missed moving forward.


Shaxx just didn't want Crimson Days to end apparently. We are looking into, thanks!