Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by MCA2142

Thank you!!!

Happy to help. I use the API too, every day.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Voelker58

Yeah. It's going to take a LONG time to find a match as a five-stack.

We'll be watching as things unfold when the playlist goes live. While Comp Freelance is a thing, people still hit the main node solo to fill out teams of 2 or less.

04 Sep


Originally posted by SwiftDolphin

Multiple strikes on Europa confirmed

Here is the full list of Strikes that will be available for free to all players on Nov 10. Europa will have one new strike at launch.

  • The Arms Dealer
  • Lake of Shadows
  • Inverted Spire
  • Exodus Crash
  • Insight Terminus
  • Warden of Nothing
  • The Hallowed Lair
  • Broodhold
  • The Corrupted
  • The Scarlet Keep
  • Will of Crota
  • [Redacted]

Destiny’s Devil’s Lair and Fallen S.A.B.E.R. will also be coming out of the Vault in Year 4.

Sorry about the confusion, I'll fix the text in the TWAB.

03 Sep


Originally posted by red5_SittingBy

/u/cozmo23 any chance you could pass along the feedback that we'd appreciate the ability to earn this lore weekly instead of every 3 weeks? kinda sucks for those of us that can't finish this until after Beyond Light launches :/

I'll will definitely pass this along, thanks.


Originally posted by Mrbubbles153

Is that a DARK THEME?????

Go beyond the light.


Originally posted by Bpe-dsm

"But hopefully once the initial couple of months go by, life will be back to a manageable pace :)"

Yeah.....our first was deceptively easy. #2 though. I havent slept a straight 8 hours in 8 years. Mwahaha.

Oy! now I'm scared! :D ha!


Originally posted by itsnotunusual_rk

Glad to see you're still on the team!

Just quick question, wasn't there a 1s delay implemented in the transfers on purpose. So most of the faster transfer would be from removing that limit? :)

Actually, there are some throttles that limit transfers per second, but those don't affect how quickly a transfer would complete.

02 Sep


Originally posted by Count_Gator

Hey Edgar,

Is it ok if you still drop in every once and awhile here in the subreddit?

We all really appreciate your responses, openness, and technical knowledge. You do not have to have answers to the questions people ask - we just really enjoy your contribution to our community.

Same to your former and current team members - we really really enjoy the fruits of your labors and the teams contributions.

Thanks, I've always enjoyed talking with you all as well! I'll try to do so when I can! Admittedly life's gotten a little busy too, which is part of why I haven't been around much. I'm having a kid, oy! She's almost here, another couple of weeks! But hopefully once the initial couple of months go by, life will be back to a manageable pace :)


Originally posted by Scorpion1011

/u/EdgarVerona any chance you could share details on how the performance improvement was achieved from a technical perspective?

Oh, I'm not on the API team anymore actually! Been working on gameplay engineering for the past few months! I'm hitting someone up to see if they can jump in on the thread and answer questions, as I would hate to give inaccurate answers (now that I'm a bit more removed from the on-the-ground situations there)


Originally posted by Gwendly

Can you pass along to the API team that we would like to be able to query boss damage per encounter via the API? This would be amazing for and

I don't even care if it wouldn't be retroactive, but just to be able to see it going fotward would be amazing

I'll let them know - I know that historically that's been something we haven't been able to store, but I'll pass it on!


Originally posted by ChefDrizzt

Awesome dude! Haven't seen ya around for a bit, figured I would do a shout out to you. Glad all is well and with the new team too, always know you'll do great work.

Thank the old lead then if you can, much appreciated to them for this!

Thanks, will do! :D


Originally posted by ChefDrizzt

I dunno if Edgar was part of this team, but since he's the only one I know of, thanks u/EdgarVerona for the API work.

Oh, I actually moved over to the gameplay engineering team a couple of months ago! The API lives on! I don't know if he has a Reddit account but my old lead worked on this fix!

01 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by theNamelessMidnight

I love them, more shards and chances at exotics. However, the shaders that drop w/ them are annoying

Well, looks like we'll have some good news for you next Tuesday when Destiny 2 Update 2.9.2 drops.

Have some minor changes to Shader drops in the engram. Hope it helps!

27 Aug


Originally posted by -UnclaimedPants-

Merciless is getting fixed finally but what about Jade Rabbit, isn't the perk on that still bugged?

Jade Rabbit's perk is also not working properly because of the same issue affecting Merciless and will also be fixed in 2.9.2. on September 8.


Originally posted by frodo54

Cozmo, thank you guys for explaining why the Sleeper Node hunt was so bad and saying what you're going to do to fix it. Please do more of that. I promise you that it will help your standing with the community.

Thanks, we will keep that in mind.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ThatGuyFromTheM0vie

I posted a joke TWAB maybe 5m before this dropped and I knew it had a chance to be a nothing TWAB but now it’s too real and it hurts. We really are gonna get drip fed from a water tank in the Sahara until November.

Edit: The bread lord has spoken! No intense shade meant (maybe some salt). I suppose it just hurt more after checkin in every 5m during the Gamescom stream waiting for a Gameplay Trailer/Exclusive Look at Stasis and it wasn’t really anything new except the names. Also doesn’t help that someone on here found a press pack with actual gameplay in it that looks dope. Hopefully Saturday has more to show!

In all honesty, best way to approach TWABs is to not have expectations.

Sometimes we have things to talk about. Other times, it's a callback to information that rolled out earlier in the week. Will absolutely admit that there have been many weeks in the past where it's a simple community update to say "the team's working, check back another week for news."

With the change in release date, we have a few extra weeks for the team to be heads down while they jam on Beyond Light. In time, more information will be released as we get details from the team and can talk through goals/aspirations/previews of changes. We don't have an ETA on that, but we do know that between now and November, we'll have some TWABs with info to get you ready for 11/10.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 2robins

I'm sorry but can we get just a tad more info on these subclasses?

As a Titan main I'm pretty concerned about what was shown. It doesn't really look like anything more than a reskinned fists of havoc. Doesn't exactly inspire me to buy Beyond Light.

Edit: Don't know how I missed the dates in the TWAB. Thanks!

Check back on 9/3. will be updated with some nice Titan info.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by thingsandstuffsguy

Don’t worry. Telesto will break something soon.

I really, really hope not.

Maybe Merciless will get some well deserved spotlight.