Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

10 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Toll free.

I'll shoot over some feedback concerning Iron Banner today. List of points:

  • 3 tokens for a loss feels a bit rough
  • Players feel like they're seeing a ton of Mercy games (and have for a few Iron Banners, even before SBMM was removed)
  • Playing solo can feel bad when matching teams of 6 numerous times in a row
  • It's difficult to tell when an enemy is higher in power than you, leading to frustrating moments where a 1-hit-kill requires 2-hits, or other.

If you have any other notes, feel free to comment.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Some currencies and items will end up rotating out of your inventory (Ex: Destinations that are going into the DCV won't need the slots in your inventory), so hopefully that cleans a few things up.

Team is definitely aware of this feedback. Don't have details to share on UI changes to currencies, but we'll definitely have a TWAB before launch going through stuff like that.

Also, I know there will be questions on "are currencies from DCV destinations going to be removed, or can I exchange them at a vendor in Beyond Light?" - Don't have info just yet on that. We'll let you know ASAP!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Checked with the team, look like this will be fixed in Beyond Light.

08 Aug


Originally posted by Spawnling Moderator here, you can report those under Solicitation and we will ban them.

Can confirm.

07 Aug


I made an error in the TWAB yesterday. I just corrected it but wanted to call out what was changed for clarification.

  • You don’t need to complete the final 5 listed objectives to upgrade from Majestic to Magnificent.
  • Those final objectives are only to unlock the glows on the Magnificent set.
  • You do need to upgrade from the Majestic to Magnificent set during the Solstice of Heroes event.
  • You can continue to do the final objectives on the Magnificent set to unlock the Glows even after the event ends.

We don't have a "Spam" report option because it means too many things to people. When we had it, pretty much everything was reported as "spam".

In this case, I suggest using the "Disruption" option.

06 Aug


Originally posted by Envaze458

Bungie for real, its time to be extremely clear about last year's glows. I dont understand why we have had to wait this long to hear about why they aren't universal ornaments and why the set we got during shadowkeep was horribly rolled and no seasonal mod slot making them effectively useless after shadowkeep launched.

We concentrated on improving the armor and ornament experience for current and future Solstice of Heroes events, but we have no plans to return to make changes to the old armor at this time.


Originally posted by Glamdring804

There will hopefully be more info in the TWAB.

I bet there will be. :)

02 Aug


As soon as we can share a solid yes or no on this we will let you all know. We don’t want to make any promises that could result in players dismantling items until we are ready. Thanks for being patient.

29 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Some TWABS will be meaty, giving topics for you to chew on and discuss for hours on end. Others will be business as usual. This week may be a light week, depending on whether or not we can get some info together.

We have a bit to talk about before Nov 10, but things are still in development and we want to get our ducks in a row to make sure our messaging is clear and factual.

We know you want to hear about things like Transmog, further DCV details, Sandbox updates, and other general changes to Destiny 2 features. Details will come in time, and we’ll be more than happy to get that info to you when it’s ready. Until then, we’ve got Moments of Triumph, seasonal events, and general D2 gameplay to keep you company.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

What aspects of Nova Warp feel to need the most attention?

We’ve passed a bit of general feedback over to the team, but I’d love to see examples. Tell me about your feelings on damage, movement, abilities, or whatever your heart desires.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post. I think I replied to one of these a few weeks back, but the major feedback points I’ve shot to the team are...

  • Competing for kills can be frustrating, players would like to see shared fireteam progress
  • There aren’t enough strikes that feature large amounts of Fallen consistently. Strikes like Arms Dealer can have a bunch of fallen, or be mostly cabal. This prevents natural feeling progress on the bounty

Thanks again for the continued feedback.

24 Jul


Originally posted by JaegerBane

Tbf the industry has never quite decided - generally - whether this should be the dev’s or the language’s problem.

I blame Python.

So do I.

(says the guy who wrote in Perl back in the day)


Originally posted by tobiashieta

In season of the worthy Bungie switched from direct P2P networking (i.e. my computer talks to yours) to Steam Datagram Sockets which relays the data via Valves servers. The idea is to hide your source IP since other players will only see valves IPs.

Now in some areas players got disconnected a lot from other players and they couldn't understand why.

Lot of debugging later (including the dev at valve playing a lot with his kids in a debug build with extra logs) they found that there was extra many DC's on servers using a new network stack.

Usually the networking is handled by the OS (kernel) but it's pretty slow because it values correctness over speed. Linux offers a API to bypass the kernel network stack but it requires you to write your own Ethernet packets (this is the lowest level of the network stack and nothing you ever care about in normal cases).

Valves code assumed that packets from the relays would always be sent to the router on the networ...

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Yes, networking is very difficult.

Going into Season of the Worthy, we took protecting players from DDOS very seriously and worked hard to try and create the best possible experience possible. Despite efforts to cover all our bases, we inevitably ran into some bugs with both new and old code that we didn’t catch in a test environment. Since the launch of Season of the Worth several of us including Fletcher have been working diligently hunting down these bugs of which a couple had a significant impact on beaver errors for all players not just those frequently connecting to the bad relay servers. Ultimately, we reached a point where just about every point of failure within Destiny had been ruled out or addressed:

1) The first issue we ran into had to do with our connection handshake not being robust when exchanging hello messages simultaneously from both sides of the connection. In some cases, both peers could end up confused as to which peer they are in the hell...

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23 Jul


Originally posted by o8Stu

later in 2021.

Is that a typo?



Originally posted by Acer1096xxx

Does this include Xbox Game Pass for PC as well?

Edit: Confirmed no PC for now, but planned for 2021.

We will have news for PC Game Pass members later in 2021.

22 Jul


It's has been mentioned, but we can let the team know it's still being asked for.


Originally posted by Puppy-love-420

Is there a single aspect of this game that you don't try to monetize further? Just one?

17 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Infinite who? Me?

16 Jul


Originally posted by Cozmo23

They are not dogs, they are War Beasts. You would know that if you asked them.

Second time I laughed at this thread. The first was the headline.