Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

15 Jul


They are not dogs, they are War Beasts. You would know that if you asked them.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Talking with the team about this, wanted to source more information.

  1. How often are you hitting this bug? Running the strike personally (and having a few employees chiming in too), we're having trouble reproing.

  2. Does this frequently happen when you sparrow through the transition tunnel between Mercury/Infinite Forest?

  3. Do you have a video of this happening? (Is there a waypoint pushing you back to Mercury, or are you able to go through the entire strike, seeing enemies spawn, all the way up until the boss?)

  4. Is this happening with all three fireteam members present, or are you more frequently hitting this issue when a player is joining while your strike is in progress?

We're in a tricky state here, as this strike will be required for the Grandmaster title, but the bug seems like it's not super easy to repro. If we did a server override to change the strike, we'd still have the issue po...

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09 Jul


Originally posted by Gonzalla

I just want to know if I need to be hoarding armor for Transmog.

We know this is a big question in the community right now. Transmog is still early in development, but as soon as we can share some more info on this we will.


We've passed along similar feedback around separating Ghost she's from their perks before, we'll continue to let the team know this is something the community wants to see.

07 Jul


Originally posted by JohnGazman

The following raids no longer have weekly reward limits from main encounters:

u/dmg04 u/Cozmo23, does this apply to Exotics from said raids, Anarchy and Tarrabah?


02 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by emeka0408

True. With the sword mod with charged with light, it’s still gonna shred.

That's the goal. This sword still does some pretty crazy damage, and will still probably be a go-to for many of you.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Chtholly13

“Heavy Hitters” Triumph was not progressing when defeating bosses. Do we have to do them again, or will be retroactive.

I believe you'll have to do them again, as two of the bosses were pointing to the wrong spot for progress.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DerpinTurtle

Weren't they supposed to address like one big topic concerning the future of the game per TWAB or did they just stop after Season of Arrivals?

Hitting topics as we can. Team is heads down jamming on development.

As we get more information about the question you have, we'll be sure to get answers out as quickly as possible.


We've actually played with this idea on occasion. Open-ended PVP is completely out of the question for the reasons you list and many more - but we've pitched ideas before about having arenas in the world where players can opt into temporary and controlled PvP experiences. We've never actually built them though, but who knows maybe some day. If y'all have feedback or ideas on how this could work, we're more than happy to hear it. :)

01 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Let this serve as the moment where The Stag proved that it can rise above the rest.

30 Jun


We are sharing everyone's feedback with the team on Max Power Levels with both weapons and armor. We've seen a lot of feedback that share your point about Legendary Armor specifically and that it feels bad to have a lot of masterwork materials invested in a piece of gear that will have it's Max Power Level capped out and no longer be useful in end game content.

As soon as we have more to share we will definitely let everyone know.

29 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. A few things I'll pass along:

  • It's time consuming to get through the consumables - UI element of loading inventory is a breaking point
  • Players would like to see these automatically trigger
  • Players would like to see these stack, so you can consume multiple at a time instead of just one at a time

What else ya got?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LoCaPatsfan

When I’m using it I throw on enhanced pulse reload and a pulse reload mod on my armor, reloads plenty fast, and like said above you can use a rift or barrier for even faster reloads. Faster than that and it’ll practically be back to auto loading straight from reserves again.

While I'll pass the feedback along, this is a good strat if you want to use Outbreak for DPS.

Buildcrafting can be fun, and gives some meaning to masterworking armor / completing Ordeals for mods.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Will see if we can get some info in the next few weeks. A few things are still in flight/planning stages on exact acquisition methods, but will check with the team.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I heard Warlocks are doing extremely well in this contact event.

I can't imagine why.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I think I'm going to do what I just did in another thread.

What's your prioritized list of catalysts that you'd like to see introduced to the game? Not necessarily ideas of what you want them to be, but which weapons you'd like to see with catalysts.

Give me a top 5. Reminder, this is not in any way a promise for any specific weapon to get a catalyst, but can pass along your feedback to the team.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

While I don't know if I can promise every exact detail, our goal is definitely to get more information out before S12.

What questions are highest priority to you, as a player? Let us know, and we can work with the team accordingly to get that information together when it's ready.

25 Jun


Definitely passing this along.

No promises, but it sounds like fun.