Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

23 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Stewbeef12

It was always a joke about Titans being simple minded and childish. Toddlers eat crayons, that’s a common troupe in media. And from what I read it was also joke about Marines which was also calling them simple minded and childish.

Honestly this whole thing probably wouldn’t have blown up if DMG wasn’t so quick to hop on to the train. He seemed to just take a single persons word as law, which is weird considering he’s a “community” manager.

Edit: Karen decided this was the easiest comment to downvote I see.

I'd like to add more context. My reaction to this wasn't solely off of the one report, but that a few personal friends and community members had commented on the joke feeling offensive, some of whom said it put focus on their disabilities. While many had never heard the joke in this context, quite a few had. Sometimes it's a breakdown of regional slang/slander, other times it's simply not meeting someone who desires to hurt others with the specific joke.

That said, the broad statements and phrasing of my response was harmful in the overall conversation. I put far too much focus on one group, as opposed to speaking to how the joke can be harmful and insulting to many, even if it was meant in good fun. To anyone who was hurt by this, I absolutely apologize, and am taking the time to learn and do better in the future. I had made another comment on twitter, but this was an example of me taking the stage and speaking on matter that I should have left to others. I would much rath...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xCesme

Could you change the catalyst progression perks in the season pass to apply to all catalysts? Why is it only applying to Witherhoard? For returning players who don't have the older catalysts like Eriana's vow or Symmetry it will take an absurd amount of time to get them. Erianas takes like 250 strikes now.

If not this season maybe add it next season but ideally people can grind them before Beyond Light.

This is something the team is looking at. Not just for Tommy's Matchbook, but all Season Pass exotics and catalyst quests.

I don't know if players would retain the full buff, or if quest progression requirements would be reduced with a portion of the buff still active, but they're on the case.

Once we have more info, we'll let you know!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by iambeherit

Even for folk who had it almost complete? Oaft.

We reduced the requirements in hopes of offsetting some of the sting. Many apologies on that one.

22 Jun


I've actually had several people reach out to me recently about this and sent their feedback to the team last week. Thanks!

20 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The team believes they have identified the cause, but are still working out exactly how to fix. Earliest we can expect this to be addressed is fall.

We’ll keep you in the loop if a fix is found and can be made earlier.

19 Jun


Originally posted by swiftstorm86

I can’t say for certain, but I think it probably has something to do with Ghost-lights in particular. Veegie mentioned that dark areas with flashlights were specifically made with flashlights in mind, so perhaps charged grenades act as more of an omni-directional light source rather than a directional flashlight? And that directional flashlights are a bit more difficult to work cleanly into the environment?

Completely spitballing here, honestly don’t have much of a clue. He’s likely busy this time of night, but perhaps /u/Veegie could shed some light hehe on the situation. He’s usually quite knowledgeable about these things!

Yeah that is generally the reason.

Lights that are part of the player sandbox can appear anywhere in our world, so we can't carefully cater the scenes GPU cost towards them, so they have to render quite cheap, achieved through both limiting their size or the complexity of the lighting effects — thankfully these lights tend to be temporally quite rapid so you can get away with it. Since we know that combat won't be present around flashlight areas we can use more expensive lights that are actually casting dynamic shadows on their surroundings.

Generally speaking the cost of a light is proportionate to the amount of pixels that it hits on screen, rather than the shape of the light (omnidirectional, spotlight, line, etc.). Things like shadow casting are so costly that we enforce a total number of shadow casting lights that can be on screen at a single time, this is why you won't ever find the effect on any lights that are part of the player sandbox.

18 Jun


Originally posted by Fabulous_Spot

Hey /u/Cozmo23 /u/dmg04 can you comment on if the team is aware of the issue with sparrow dismounting with the Bumper Jumper control scheme? Since the update, LB/L1 (which should sparrow dodge left) makes you dismount your sparrow. Really annoying and makes world traversal a bit harder.

Was bummed when it wasn't listed as one of the issues to address in this TWAB.

I'll make sure it's logged.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nopersonia

Currently the final column double perk bonus for focused umbral engrams doesn't work with the Season of Arrivals season pass weapons (Falling Guillotine and Cold Denial). Could we get an update if a fix is coming for this, or was this discrepancy deliberate?

Looks like this is planned for the july update. We'll keep you updated when we know more.


Originally posted by treesessions

this community is f**king insane

In the best way.

17 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for throwing this together. I believe the player support team is tracking the majority of these, but I'll check with them to make sure.

We'll have a quick patch note preview tomorrow for, which is scheduled for next week. More controller remapping issues will be addressed (dodge issues) - along with a few other general bugs (S10 AR quest missing).

We're cooking up another patch that should be out in early July. Will try to get an update next week on what's included in there - but some of the issues still need investigation.

As always, be sure to post issues directly to the help forum on That way player support can pull your account data and we can get a better snapshot of what state your character is in.


Originally posted by KarateKid917

It goes straight to St Jude. GCX doesn’t touch any of it. The donation page is linked to St Jude’s PayPal

Confirmed. It's a direct donation to St Jude.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Just because you can fix something doesn't mean you should. Maybe it was better broken.

That is definitely feedback I can give the team. I'll let them know that many players would rather the powerful rewards continue to drop from Umbral Engrams.


Originally posted by linkinzpark88

What about Gambit dropping 750s and the Prime Engrams for my Warlock dropping Hunter gear?

Working on a fix for these.


Some have already pointed out some of the technical reasons on why some fixes are able to made quickly, while others take more time. If we ever fix something within a day or so that usually means that it was something that was able to be fixed server-side and didn't require a lot of testing to verify. It's always nice when we have that option, but it's not always the case and most bugs require an update to the game which is a much more complex process that takes more time and testing.

We have an update currently in flight which should go out tomorrow that addresses some high priority issues such as the controller sprint bug and a blocking issue on the opening quest. Sorry that these fixes take some time. We're working on it.


You should really give us a mechanism for infusing the newer version of the SAME WEAPON into the old one.

I'll definitely share this idea with the team. We're sharing all of the feedback on reissued weapons we are seeing. I've seen some players say that if weapons are reissued they should have updated perks. Let us know what you think.

16 Jun


Originally posted by engineeeeer7

I do hope in addition to jokes you guys are taking the feedback about how tedious it is to grind power every season just to stretch the meager content.

There's lessons to be learned here and acted upon. They should have been learned earlier but hopefully a movement this large of players drives it home finally.

Yep, we've been passing feedback that many players don't enjoy this large power bump between seasons. Let us know if you think the smaller 10 power bumps between seasons was fine or if you would only like to see power bumps during expansions.


Originally posted by infinity8208

Looking into this now, thanks for the report.


Originally posted by inphektid_forest

It's also clear from /u/Cozmo23 and his tweets that he thinks very little of the average player that makes up most of the population.


Originally posted by ninth_reddit_account

Just to clarify - do you mean existing Garden of Salvation and Last Wish armour and weapons that we own will be able to be infused up to max power cap of Season 14?

Yea it will apply to both the current items you have and any future ones you earn.