Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

04 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by mattster42

Still no love for Tarrabah drop rates?

Checking with the team, Tarrabah will follow the same rules as the other exotics.

Starts at 10%, builds to 50% over 20 clears.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Skeletor_418

Glad to hear its being fixed nonetheless, its good to know the team still works on fixing up the things that even arent at the forefront of problems. Polaris lance has been a favorite of mine, cant wait to bust it back out !

At a time, this bug was slated for fall after being pushed from a few releases. Lucked out being able to push it up.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by OrangeLocker

Polaris Lance finally fixed after two season?! LETS GO

It was an annoyingly deep bug. The team was excited to get this one out.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Colovance

Sounds like it's almost time to log in on my little brother's account and remap a few random buttons.

Let's be bad guys.

"My sibling remapped my controller, then my dog sat on it, now my characters are gone!"

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ColeTrainHDx

After 2 weeks of ignoring the subreddit lol

Edit: Come on Bungie defense squad let’s keep the tears coming

Real talk:

A lack of replies isn't an act of ignoring posts. Sometimes we can give concrete info and lengthy replies, which feels great. Other times, we don't have much to say. I know a lot of you greatly enjoy the opportunity to meme on a "Thanks for the post, we'll pass it along" reply. Sometimes I poke fun at it too. I just wasn't taking the time to hit those.

Last two weeks, between personal illness and some other projects, I didn't take much time to reply to threads. Just spent time talking with devs about specific feedback points, helping folks to reprioritize some issues, and focusing on some upcoming content.

Will make sure to reply more often, but please don't take a lack of replies as us ignoring y'all.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DefinitelyNotThatJoe

I love it when you're snarky :)

We're listening!


Originally posted by never3nder_87

Whilst we don't see you as much as the CMs, it's always great to see a comment from you as it's almost always insightful and interesting.

Thanks for taking the time to interact with us here

<3 I'm glad to be of help! Yeah, the last year or so I've been knee-deep in non-API related work, so I've been less useful out here! But glad to chat when I can :D

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PotatoesForPutin

Question: will the 20 clears thing be retroactive, or will the update put everyone at a 10% chance regardless of past completions

No idea. I would expect this to not count previous completions. Will ask when I can.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by justsomerandombeard

Trials Tokens are no longer awarded from match completions.

Tokens are now granted specifically through wins and bounties.

Isnt this going to further reduce the trials population? And not to mention not deter people from farming early games?

Tokens are now granted specifically through wins and bounties.

Rebalancing the Tokens overall, hopefully, will push more W's for the lower brackets as the higher skilled players will be going for flawless cards instead of resetting at 3 wins.

Weekly bounty will also bring incentive to gameplay. Snag bounties, get your weekly done, unlock the engram, etc.

We'll be watching how the changes land. More planned for fall.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


This Week at Bungie - "Support Black Lives Matter. Support the LGBTQIA+ Community. We have an announce next week. We have a new season next week. We have patch note previews covering some important changes that y'all have been asking about. We have info on controller remapping, which will help bring more accessibility to the game and kick off some ideas in your head on how you'd like to customize your experience starting next Tuesday. Read the Player Support Report to know what to get done before the end of the season, what's being fixed, and what new bug we have for you to watch out for. Check out a MOTW that is 50 Guardians strong. Tune in for Next week at Bungie."

There's your TL;DR.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by mattster42

Still no love for Tarrabah drop rates?

Tarrabah has some bad luck protection. This change is getting the others up to par. I can dig in to get exacts.


Originally posted by The_Rick_14

Appreciate the insight as always!

No prob, glad to be of help when I can be! <3 (and I always enjoy talking about the strange case of magazine size ;) )


Originally posted by The_Rick_14


If I recall correctly, API data is not always one-to-one with the game's data (though they do a great job of keeping it super accurate in my opinion).. Might just be a mistake on the API side because yes none of the perks have a magazine size reduction, just increases.

Maybe /u/EdgarVerona knows.

Yeah, there's a lot of history here, particularly with magazine size. I tried to document it for API users here:

Ultimately, in D1 when we discovered this inconsistency, we almost removed it from the API entirely: but API users wanted it retained, because it at least gave them a number they could use for general comparison. We left it in, but it does continue to be a misleading number. I don't know if it still happens in D2, but in D1 you could even ...

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31 May


Originally posted by Ethrinil

In strikes right now almost all of them are:

run down this hallway killing guys. Eventually you will get to a room where you have to slam an orb, kill waves of guys, or none of these. You get to a boss, which do offer a nice diversity of fights. Get a purple item of random slot.

I think that 2nd part of that statement is where the improvement can be. Some things i would love to see.

  • Split paths where guardians have to accomplish similar goals.
  • Branching paths that end with different loot... Want a lot of glimmer? Go down this path, kill/save these things. Want upgrade mats? Go the other way. Finish the strike where each member of the strike went different paths/completed goals successfully? Get all rewards.
  • Sparrows being incorporated where we have to race against time. Something like an escape or race to stop something from exploding.
  • Community challenges for night falls. Maybe there's a chest ...
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For your second suggestion(Branching paths/rewards) do you have any ideas on how to handle the following possible outcomes:

  • A path is deemed 'optimal' and the other path is never used.
  • The other players take a different path than you and thus you're mad at them for doing so.
  • Your allies all take the same path as you and thus you're mad at them for doing so?

Originally posted by [deleted]

I don’t view that as the main issue with strikes tbh. People played strikes a lot in D1 before strike-specific loot was a thing. I think just overall better loot and better strike design to make them more fun would be the first steps. Strike-specific loot would obviously be welcome but I think other things should come first.

Can you elaborate on what kinds of things you mean when you say "better strike design to make them more fun"?


Originally posted by Redthrist

For some reason I've read the title as "Strikes 2.0"(we could really use those as well) and was confused for a second.

What kind of things would make up "Strikes 2.0" in your opinion? (Not to derail this thread!)

30 May


Originally posted by ninth_reddit_account

I heard/hope that Bungie are doing some work to get this back down closer to the 30s mark.

Work to improve the way throttling the api works is definately on the todo list. Right now it is not as fine grained as we need it to be, so we often have to make limits tighter than we really want them to be. There is also a technical limitation with how caches data that greatly limits a lot of our flexibility in available solutions to scalability problems (which directly affects rate limits). That limitation is one of my highest priorities to fix, but it is a really low level problem that touches every aspect of the code, so it is taking a while.

29 May

28 May