Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

22 May


Originally posted by faesmooched

Calling it Dr. Who and showing a picture of Doctor Strange? Damn, haven't the communtiy managers already gotten enough nerd rage?

Seriously though, thanks for this.

To be honest I was concentrating far more on the rest of the message. :)

I don't even watch Dr. Who.

Should I?


Originally posted by Kidnappedboy

Can you please clarify one thing from yesterdays twab? Core activities sharing the world loot pool mean there will be no uniques other than the one armor set? u/Cozmo23

Armor will come from specific activities like Crucible and Gambit and turning in tokens at the vendors, but you will get weapons from the world loot pool listed in the TWAB from doing those activities or turning in tokens at the vendors.

So for example, you would always get Crucible armor from turning in tokens to Shaxx, but you might get the Gambit sidearm for turning in Crucible tokens as well.


Originally posted by DeerTrivia

we weren't forecasting out all of the possible timelines for the next 5+ years to come Dr Who style.




It's hard for me to speak to this since it's even older than my time at Bungie and I'll have been here 5 years in July. As community managers we are extremely careful with what we say. We try to be as accurate as possible and represent the vision of an entire studio and future proof our coms as much as possible. It can bee tricky at times since Destiny is fairly complex game that is always evolving.

Back to the point, the game has changed significantly in the last 5 years and It's pretty obvious that in the moment that TWAB was written we weren't forecasting out all of the possible timelines for the next 5+ years to come Dr Who style

. Infusion changes are what the team thinks is best for the games health going forward....

Read more

21 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LittleGayDragon

Does that mean it wasn't found before release because it's tested in private servers?

Nah, it's not so simple as that. The team does a lot of work to replicate the environment you play in. Far more bugs would make it through if those steps weren't taken.

That said, something wasn't right here. We probably won't be releasing a deep-dive on exactly what went wrong. It was a moment to learn from so we can prevent bugs like this from happening in the future, which is awesome.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JackSparrah

Any chance of sharing what the problem and the fix were? Considering the straightforward nature of it, I’m sure a lot of people (myself including) would appreciate a little peak behind the scenes

While I can't give the exacts (because I'm nowhere near as smart as our testers), I can say that it was an awkward interaction between a "private" quest instance and a "public" destination.

This is why we were able to confirm rather quickly that something was off - respawning at the moon LZ was not intended whatsoever.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Sometimes we luck out, where something can be fixed server side.

Other times, we strike out, having issues identifying the bug, developing a fix, or ending up finding more bugs in testing.

Stars aligned for this fix. Couldn't hit it server side, but the issue was identified rather quickly and the fix was straight forward. Team kicked ass, and we absolutely didn't want this to be something that was blocked for the remainder of the season.

Hope you enjoy the remainder of the quest.


Originally posted by InitialG

Materials are so much less of a problem than actually bricking weapons.

We're definitely sharing all of the feedback from players asking to not introduce Max Power Levels as well.


We've seen the feedback around build crafting and how players feel that Masterworking is going to feel far too expensive if the gear you put the materials becomes no longer infusible a year or X months later.

We'll share all your thoughts on this with the dev team. Max Power Levels will be shown in Season 11 but won't actually be reached until Season 12. Keep the feedback coming, thanks!

19 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hope to get more updates on investigation for The Lie today.

As noted yesterday, the cause for the bug was identified, but a fix needs to be developed, tested, and go through the certification process.

Don't know if we'll be able to commit to a specific timeline today, but we'll get whatever info we can to you when it's available. Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for official comms.

18 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Bugs suck, plain and simple. I think I can speak for most anyone at Bungie when I say that it hurts to see stuff like this ship. We absolutely want to build amazing experiences from beginning to end, but things just don't fly the right way sometimes.

We're working on improvements internally. We definitely see the bugs shipping and how they're impacting the experience. This isn't a matter of test specifically, mind you. I have to applaud our folks on the amount of bugs that don't ship. This one in particular, we're even having issues reproducing it internally. Sometimes it's tools, sometimes it's timelines, sometimes it's random things we could never have caught in our limited amount of dev time.

Thank you for your service in helping to get the community step done. Hope to get things back on track quickly.

14 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Viscereality

This is the perfect scenario to request\remind that foundry weapons could fill the gaps that any new seasonal weapons leave and serve as an excellent "general weapon" family that Destiny needs. They don't need amazing stats or cutting edge perk pools either.

Recluse being sunset is fine, but you could add a Veist SMG to Banshee's loot engram so that type of gun isn't gone forever.

This is a pretty good take, in terms of how things could pan out.

The team will indeed create new weapons and exciting loot to earn, while filling other sources of loot with a mix of new and re-issued gear. I would not look at re-issued weapons as the main drive for future content drops, especially paid DLC/Seasons, which is what some replies seem to fear.


Originally posted by Eris_Morn_Is_Gay

Will Pinnacle weapons Be subject to the same treatment as legendaries? Or have more lifespan?

Yes, pinnacles are legendaries and will share the same Max Power Level lifespans based on when they were released.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xNemo

not to be confrontational, but, is this confirming that we indeed will see our sunset weapons, like Recluse (as OP mentioned, to keep this example consistent to the thread), recycled back into the game? Isn't that counter-intuitive to enabling sunsetting of weapons?

No. Some weapons will be left to the sunset, while others will be re-issued in future seasons.

In other words, there is no promise for a given weapon to return. Some may come back with new perks or balancing, where others will still be weapons that you like using when running through Strikes, Patrol, or regular Crucible.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Eris_Morn_Is_Gay

Will Pinnacle weapons Be subject to the same treatment as legendaries? Or have more lifespan?


Pinnacles and pursuit weapons are legendary weapons, and will be subject to sunsetting. They can still be used in activities that aren't power enabled.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by eye_can_see_you

If a lot of loot is level capped for infusion, what happens to existing sources of loot? Will Gambit, Iron Banner, Crucible, etc. get new sets of guns every year or every season?

I'd hate for all gear earned from a source to not be useful in current end-game activities.

We'll have more info on these activities next week. Stay tuned.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pokupokupoku

I love how they're sunsetting weapons just to say that they're going to reissue some of them later, peak laziness.

"hey, instead of making new cool shit, why don't we just have people go crazy over being able to get recluse again!"

edit: I have no problem with sunsetting weapons. it's a bummer, but I get why it happens. but sunsetting a weapon just to have it return later at the new higher power level is really really shitty. I love my recluse, it's really enjoyable to kill things with, but that's my recluse with all my kills on it and the shader I really like on it. getting another one is just not the same, and it defeats the whole purpose of sunsetting weapons.

if you sunset weapons because of power creep, fine, I get it. if you sunset weapons because of power creep to just re-release them later, then you're just trying to lazily add content to the game and say "hey, we introduced new weapons!" or "do this event for the ikelos shotgun!"

What if we did both, though?

The team absolutely wants to make cool new sh*t. We also understand that players want to see things return. Finding the balance is key.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're not trying to convey that changing the champion is the solution - it was just one of the things we could do and didn't think it would hurt anything.


Originally posted by DizATX

Is there a timer switch? Genuine question.

No or we would have likely also utilized it.

13 May