Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

13 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Daddybear1012

I would say yes to all the bullet points except the first. Once a season does not feel too frequent.

I guess it depends on execution. Yesterday, we saw a lot of folks saying "Really, another?"

If the timing was a bit different, farther away from Guardian Games (which was a pretty big community event in itself), maybe we would have seen less of this reaction.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Venaixis94

They’re gonna give it to us either way.

Something I want to touch on here: Success isn't whether or not you complete the quest - it's how quickly you complete it.

The point of this step wasn't to challenge the community to complete something, and if they didn't, they wouldn't get something. It was to rally everyone to a single event to kick off "The Lie".

The feedback I'm seeing is as follows:

  • Community events are cool, but they feel a bit too frequent at this point in time
  • The current community event splits the population between three destinations. Would be nice to focus players more to a single activity or area.
  • Players would like to see more rewards that are exclusive to the event, which could drive participation. Whether they be tied to steps or general engagement with the activity, "Exclusive" rewards for stuff like this is key to player excitement.
  • The current goals were far too high, which resulted in a lack of visible progress. As such, folks fe...
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Originally posted by Venaixis94

They nerfed Champions? That was the easiest part of the event. The issue was it was really hard to get there in the first place.

Yea, it was one of the switches we had so we flipped it. The progress one should be the one that is more impactful.

11 May


Thanks for the info, ill send it over to be investigated.

10 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Huh, you sold me. Guess I’ll go for this now.

09 May

08 May


Originally posted by DakRaike

I have one quick question about transmog in case is possible you can answer, we will pull the armors we want to turn into ornaments from collections or we need the item itself? I am asking particularly because of the Solstice Armor.

That feature is early in development so we don't have a lot of details to share. Hit me up with what you would prefer and I'll give that feedback.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Here's what I'm seeing in terms of feedback. Can't promise any specific changes for the "needs improvement" section, but I can pass along thoughts to the team.


  • Cosmetic Rewards (Class Items, Ghosts, Shader, Emblems)
  • Exotic Reward - Powerful, fun to use, unique in functionality
  • Theming - people enjoy the class rivalry, drove hype

Needs improvement

  • Scoring metrics - Players want to see different ways to contribute to standings, and would like objectives that don't need to be balanced based on population. Calls scoring metrics into question, feels like event is rigged even if it isn't.
  • Event participation - too many bounties, medals too similar to bounties
  • Scoring representation (This was our first in-game representation of standings, but it could use some work to better communicate where the teams are)
  • Lore - too much on Eververse items (We're already in the process of addressing t...
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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Fahns

So if I'm reading this right it's one Pinnacle/Ritual/Pursuit weapon with three skins to earn per core activity?

I don't hate the idea as much as I thought I would when I first read it. I understand if they feel that this is a good way to save some development time without completely abandoning the Ritual weapons, but I do worry about how they will try to balance a weapon that will be taken into PvP, PvE, and PvPvE.

If the skins are sick I have no complaints, it sounds like it will be a bit more easy to pursue the weapon itself and if I really want the Gambit skin then I have to buckle down and grind that playlist, as opposed to the slog that was Hush.

It's a sustainability thing. We want to pump out weapons and rewards, but we don't want to overburden the team. I've said before, "it's a tricky balancing act" - not only in balancing unique pursuit weapons on top of the slew of weapons for a season or release, but balancing the time of the team. We went from too much to too little, and we hope this solution is a good middle ground. If it's not, we have time to iterate. We have a live game, and can continue to improve season over season.

As a player, I'm excited for this. I might not be earning a specific pursuit gun from each core activity, but that's OK to me. I look back at many of the pinnacle/pursuit weapons that I've earned each season and realize that I don't really use more than one of the three. This way, I get the one pew-pew that I care for, then slap a cosmetic on it if I want to spend the time in strikes earning it.

07 May


Originally posted by DrEpicFrag

Don't really get why DMG said to not be hyped for this twab.


Transmog any armor? ☑

Vendor refresh ☑

Less EV, more actual rewards? ☑

Rewards clearly made for an activity no longer in EV? ☑

Trials loot, new armor next year AND Adept weapons? ☑

I'll have to wait and see if Bungie can follow through with their words, but damn if this didn't pique my interest.

We just wanted you to know what to expect. We promised both words and graphics and delivered on both.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


There isn't any anger here. Just facts.


Originally posted by iLoonytik

We finally heard from Fenchurch

Fenchurch sends his regards.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Saw some confusion over this quote:

Beginning in Season 12, we will no longer be selling ships, ghost shells, sparrows, or armor ornaments in Eververse that are visually based on themes from Aspirational Activities.

This is in response to feedback on the Red Keep themed cosmetics. There will still be cosmetics in the shop, just not themed to Aspirational Activities.


Originally posted by FireStrike5

The most hunter thing there is...

Coming second in an event that lasts for 3 weeks, by doing the least work possible and only trying for the 1st day

And still look good doing it.

06 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

But you're gonna add that lore elsewhere, right?

It's critical to understand here, we're not asking for less lore. We are just uncomfortable with the location.

Trust me, there isn't a single person on the team that would ever think players wanted "less lore"

The delivery method of said lore is what this feedback is about.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by dmg04

Thanks for the feedback, all. Folks have eyes on this internally. Will give an update when we can!

Checking back - looks like the team is moving to avoid doing this in the future. May not apply immediately (Season 11), but seasons after that is when you should stop seeing lore on Eververse items. Thanks to all who'd given this feedback previously, and to those who had brought it up again.

In general, I'll reply when I can to let you know feedback is being passed along. Today's a nice day where I can snag some info quickly to pass back to you. I understand "we're listening" is something a few of you love to dunk on, but I hope things like this help you understand that it's not just a placebo.

Tomorrow's TWAB will have info on Eververse and some other reward stories.

See you then.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback, all. Folks have eyes on this internally. Will give an update when we can!

05 May


Originally posted by deftpanda

u/Cozmo23 Sorry to interrupt you, but you sound like this feedback is something new to you or the team. You are always telling us "we've already been sharing player feedback ..." or "will pass that along to the team", yet nothing changed. Nothing.

People want meaningful content and will always prefer such over meaningless public events.

Also, this whole season is just ... empty. The Almighty is not even close to a threat it should've been since the season started. Hell, some people even forgot about it completely. This is in no way an evolving world.

For me, it starts to feel like you guys are collecting feedback over feedback to push this into what, Destiny 3? Another IP?

Just ffs get transparent already.

STOP the whole PR shit talk and tell us what's really going on. Those last 2 TWABs are just the same shit like we had in Destiny 2 Vanilla, when the former Chief ...

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Most feedback is not an entirely new thing and probably something we have seen in one form or another before, but I still read it and will share it wider.

Sorry you felt the last two TWABs were PR sh*t talk. We're trying to give a better look ahead into what changes we are making. We'll have more info for you this week.


Originally posted by laundry_dumper

That's a really, really odd takeaway from this post. Are live team resources so thin that we should have nearly zero expectations for seasonal content?

Bungie can either do a 20 minute mission, or a half baked public event? Bungie can either do reskined event weapons, or ritual weapons?

I get that individual seasons are 10 bucks compared to 15 dollar armor, giving you Bungie next to no reason to focus on seasonal content, but this feels silly. I feel silly having read it, and you should feel silly having written it.

Sorry I wasn't trying to frame it as a statement about resources, just referring to OP stating they wanted an epic mission where they planted a bomb in the almighty.


I'll share this feedback, thanks!

I'll also share this idea on making only pinnacle drops be frictioned each week as well.