Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

24 Apr


Haha, I actually don't know if I've ever heard that one. :P

When the team was making the title for completing a lot of the Shadowkeep triumphs (Which shipped as "Harbinger"), I pitched that it should be called "Lightmare". Can't win 'em all!

23 Apr


Originally posted by PaperMartin

We have plans for future editions of the TWAB, but we also want to hear from you. What are other topics you want to make sure we discuss in the coming weeks?

Eververse, for the love of god

We will definitely be talking about Eververse in one of these.


Originally posted by cuboosh

- Possible adept esc weapons coming soon with unique perks

If this happens, can we please have a PVE version of the "adept mod slot"?

This could make Grandmaster Ordeal worth doing, and make raid weapons feel as special as they did in the Fatebringer/Black Hammer days.

If this happens, can we please have a PVE version of the "adept mod slot"?

We'll look into it. Thanks for the feedback.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Roketsu86

This tweet ( makes me think that they may. It seems to imply that farming can lead to victory, which isn't the case if only the medals matter.

(I wonder if Titans just realized that Insurmountable Skullfort is a thing and they can punch their way to victory.

Or Ashen Wake + Grenades.

There seem to be a lot of exotics that classes can leverage to get some ability energy back...

/u/Cozmo23 or /u/dmg04 should really clarify how progress is made.

This is more commentary on players saying it’s easier for Hunters to earn medals because of their abilities, or other.

Every class has multiple builds for farming laurels.

22 Apr


Originally posted by SerPranksalot

We're sick of talking. You've been taking for years now. We need changes, not talks. Stat.

Totally fair. Actions do speak louder than words. But change to the game do take time and I'd rather us not go quiet until they are released.


Originally posted by ApocDream

incentivize quitting out of matches early.

Rofl, way to take the wrong message here.

Sorry, the main point I took was the whole thing was a poor experience. Was there anything else I should bring up on this topic?


Originally posted by lssjbro1y

The game is designed to craft unique/strong builds. Have “bounties” be a place for players to utilize them. How about complete X strike in under X time. Or defeat a gambit boss in less then X time. Right now players aren’t motivated to win at gambit. Just to complete whatever bounty requires them to play gambit. Same with strikes. They run them only to get X kills in X way during a strike. Give players a reason to build strong unique builds.

Or defeat a gambit boss in less then X time

This is an interesting idea. There is already a lot of team social friction in Gambit, do you think this would add more to that if a blueberry wasn't dpsing the boss properly in time on top of taking 15 motes through the invasion portal?


Originally posted by Battle_Rifle

do our jobs for us

I really hope you didn't take that one comment on that thread seriously. There was a reason it was nuked and downvoted into oblivion.

I've seen it made a few times and just wanted to assure everyone that is not our intention. :)


Thanks for the feedback. I'll let the team know that super kills in Rumble make for a poor experience and can incentivize quitting out of matches early.


Appreciate the feedback, I know there is a lot of bounty fatigue right now and many players feel like too much of the game is dependent on bounties and many bounties don't feel fun to complete.

As far as quest steps and bounties, you mentioned "Get X many kills (Y way) (with Z) (at W destination)" can get repititive and feel tedious after a while. What are some steps that you do enjoy or think we should consider for the future?

Please don't take this as "do our jobs for us." just hoping to get some additional feedback if anyone wants to share. :)


We totally agree. Starting with tomorrow's TWAB, we plan on addressing a major topic of feedback in the community each week for the rest of the season. Tomorrow, we are going to talk about Trials of Osiris as well as cheating. We know there are are a lot of players not currently happy with the state of the game and we want to discuss what actions we are taking to continue improving it.

21 Apr


Originally posted by Phorrum

I don't think the "Void Feast" bounty is working right. I just did all my weekly Moon bounties, clearing out basically each lost sector while devour was active the entire time. Sometimes letting it run out so I can reup it after killing 20 targets, and also running it constantly while doing the moon sorrow event. But I've made absolutely zero progress.

/u/dmg04 /u/cozmo23

Thanks for the report. We are currently investigating this.


Originally posted by religiousjedi

Fixed an issue in which casting Nova Bomb did not consume your melee ability (Attunement of Hunger).

I’m sorry, what? It’s supposed to consume your melee?!

Looks like a stray edit was made. Sorry about that. It should read:

Fixed an issue in which casting Nova Bomb consumed your melee ability (Attunement of Hunger).

I updated the notes, should be changed soon.

17 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tjseventyseven

You're goin' down, son

No u


Originally posted by MonksMercs

Warlock gang!


16 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by crazycow013

The engram from the Trials Flawless chest will disappear for players who have earned all available Trials rewards.

Does this mean the flawless chest will drop nothing this week for those of us who have gotten every reward? Lmfao. It's like they want us to reset after every win.

EDIT: dmg has clarified below, please read that

Apologies on the wording here, talked to player support to get more context:

There's an issue where some players who own all available mods from the chest will see an exotic engram appear, but because they own all of the mods, they don't get anything at all.

No other rewards are impacted.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Duwang-

First time in weeks you guys mention eververse on here and it’s just advertisement. Thanks dmg.

Pulling copy from the outro:

So, we come to a close on another TWAB but we understand that there are some topics that weren’t covered on here that you may have strong desire to know more about. Eververse, Trials improvements, our plans to address FOMO, tackling the bounty problem, and more. There are also questions like “What about feeling like players can’t play their way? What about Ritual weapons, anti-cheat improvements, etc?” .

We’ve been having frequent syncs to talk through these issues and more. Many of them require a long-term plan with short-term mitigation to help ease the pain. The last thing we want to do is over-commit to changes that ultimately may be reversed, or sign the team up for work that leads to crunch. We don’t want to make promises we know we can’t keep, so to speak.

Over the next few weeks, we hope to solidify some plans and get them communicated out. We’re looking at what can be accomplished in Season 11, which is comi...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ViceisAsian

Cosmetics that aren't tied to Eververse???? What sorcery is this?

We're listening.