Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

08 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ohshitimincollege

Lol right? Like god damn half the time I think they're trolling us with these baiting f**kin questions. Put yourself in the shoes of a player and the answers to most of your questions are obvious

I'd rather ask questions and get an assortment of feedback, rather than assume and potentially miss points that are being made in the replies.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Do you think this is because of the instant gratification, or rank rewards not being up to par with Nightfalls?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JibJambaroo

Even if unintentionally, pleeeease don't change it :)

With all of the other feedback I'm going through (hell, look at the front page today!).... this is the last thing I'm going to prioritize in passing along.

07 Apr

06 Apr


I'll look into this tomorrow. Thanks for letting us know.

04 Apr


Thanks for the report. I wrote a bug on it so it can get updated.


Sorry about that. I need an account to send them emblem to. Please link your profile in the video description and I'll do the grant.

03 Apr


Originally posted by pelicanflip

"Eh, they probably won't care getting locked out of rewards for a week. Good enough."

Are you seriously telling me that is the acceptable baseline for the Bungie dev team when it comes to updates?

It wasn't intentional. When we made the fix it worked correctly in the test environment, but it's not working correctly at scale in the live environment. Sorry about this, know it's frustrating. We're working on it.


Originally posted by The_Na1l

I wish Community Focus actually focused on people that have made a tremendous impact on the game. Sharditkeepit, the team behind Charlemagne, Afpac at, the creator of DIM, Ginsor, todayindestiny... These people deserve to be recognized as they provide us necessary tools to function well within the game.

Streamers have ways of being discovered, it's built into the platform. Let those shine that have given to the community endlessly

Fully agree that creators of community tools deserve community focus, which is why I've highlighted Charlemagne and DIM in the past.

iLulu has had a posit...

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Looks like players in the state are not able to get rewards this week, but it looks like the issue wont continue into next week.


Originally posted by Jaspador

One of my old D1 mates will still refer to that one time I dropped a bubble at his feet while we were DPSing the Templar.

Or on the island DPSing Atheon.


Originally posted by Brockelley

I don't know if it's a glitch, it could be because there are both twice as many champions as usual and all 3 kinds of champions.

This could be Bungie's way of doing exactly what you are saying.

It's definitely a bug. We aren't rushing to fix it so enjoy it for the rest of the week. It's specific to Warden of Nothing and I believe it will be fixed before it rotates in again but feel free to go ham for now.

I love when bugs become features. I've let the team know that the community would like to see some kind of PvE activity bonus rewards in the future.


Originally posted by THE-SWOTI

NO, wheres the fun and thrill with rocket launchers without the possibility of a friend blocking your shot with their butt, barrier, bubble or body and blowing you up? Woah i just noticed, those things all start with a b. NERF THE BEES

Truth. My favorite part of playing a Titan is putting down a bubble when your fireteam is firing rockets.


Originally posted by Riablo01

This is what I’d do to fix rockets:

• Increase reserves from 6 to 10

• Increase ammo capacity from 1 to 2

• Field Prep provides +2 ammo instead of +1

• Reduce self harm damage for rockets

I'll share these suggestions with sandbox designers. Thanks.


Right now we plan to continue to improve the seasonal model rather than trying to pivot back to a couple of releases a few times a year with long content droughts in between. There is nothing wrong with preferring the OG model, and we appreciate the feedback on it. :)

I know there are a lot of constructive critiques of the current season and we are taking that feedback in to look at how we can use it to further improve future seasons.


Originally posted by Unusual_Expertise

ctrl + f

Fighting Lion

Results: 0

u/dmg04 u/cozmo23

Why is Fighting Lion's Back End "Change" (Read: Nerf) not considered an Known Issue ?

It's a known issue we're also investigating.


We're still working on this one. Sorry, it's taking some time, but looking at the bug it looks like making the change could impact other weapons that have multiple types of projectiles and they are making sure there aren't any side effects caused by the fix. It's not going to go out in the next update but is currently scheduled for the one after that.

31 Mar


Yea this is something we are currently investigating. It's currently set up that whichever team gets the kill first wins the match, but it feels really bad to kill someone a frame or 2 after and lose the round. Or even getting off a clutch grenade that kills them from the grave a second or two after feels like you should be rewarded with a round saving tie.

We're looking into it, well share more details when we know more.

27 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Who else do y'all want to see on a focus?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Replied on Twitter, but bringing notes here:

This is a great video/post! We've been talking to the team about the token system, reward paths, and more. While I can't make a promise for when things will be addressed, I can say this: We want Trials to be the best experience it can be, and it's not going away any time soon.

A few general notes:

  • Desirable rewards will be coming at the end of cards for the next few weeks. This should help prevent the early card farm, and push players to go for 7wins/flawless.
  • "I can't turn in tokens without X wins" - We hear you, are passing around ideas
  • Skill Creep - while this happens naturally as players come in and out of the game, there are opportunities for us to slow it, or get more players back in the fight.
  • Skill Creep - This section gave me Pro-SBMM vibes. (NOT FOR TRIALS, but for the rest of PvP)
  • ((And before a large amount of people say "No, remove SBMM from every aspect of th...
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