Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

27 Mar


Originally posted by c14rk0

Is there a reason the faction armor sets seem to be left out of this as far as getting seasonal mod slots added to them? Bungie just added those armor sets back into the world drop loot pool but now everything except them is getting seasonal slots added and they're left without them?

The three faction sets will get Season of the Worthy mod slots.

26 Mar


Originally posted by Nick_J_at_Nite

Are the mod slots being added retroactively?



Originally posted by Dakine_Lurker

So no update on fixing the token farming issues in trials?

It's something we are looking into. Don't have any details yet.


Originally posted by JustAnotherRWBYFan

What about the all the error codes? Lost a flawless card because of it.

Sorry about that. We are still working on them.


Originally posted by eatntae

It happened to me on EDZ last week. I just figured you get 1 rally flag per instance, not per public event.

Good to know. Thanks!


We're looking into this now. It looks like its currently only affecting the moon, but let us know if you have had it happen on EDZ. Leaving the area and coming back can sometimes reset the rally flag but not always.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Duwang-

The iron banner quest is the one thing that keeps me from playing the game mode. It’s nothing but a time waster.

Do you feel high stat rolls, enhanced perks, and pinnacle power rewards are not enough to justify the time spent on the quest?

In other words, are there any rewards that could incentivize you to spend the time to complete the quest, or is this a hard no?


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Many objectives throughout the quest require you to get zone captures, which is meant to push players towards them. We've seen feedback for quite some time that players don't push the objectives often enough, so I'd love to know if you feel this has helped at all.

We've seen mixed results between feedback around the Iron Banner quest over the last few seasons. While some players leave poor feedback over having to use specific weapon types, others are appreciating a wider range in sandbox when approaching the Iron Banner.

Ex: Rather than seeing every player running the norm, players are using Handcannons, SMG's, Fusion Rifles, and Bows to finish up their quest.

Sure, after you finish the quest you can default to your desired loadout, but the more hardcore among you may be running these quests 3 times. This is also leading to some players who hadn't tried Handcannons or SMG's into new territory, leading to some new playstyles or attempts at strategy.


Read more

25 Mar


The team is definitely aware of the feedback around being stomped by bosses not being an enjoyable experience. I'll give feedback that you would like to see snipers re-tuned in a future update. Let me if there are specific changes you would like to see or just the previous reduction removed.


Originally posted by MafiaGT

It's not just iron banner, it's all crucible and gambit. This bug has been in the game since forsaken but I've yet to see any bungie employee acknowledge the existence of it.

Edit: [mods], why ignore this issue? Do you guys really not know it exists? Or is it so bad of a bug you don't know how to fix it and choose to ignore that it's a thing?

Edit2: Apparently it is on a known bug list. Silly me... Hopefully it's a priority for the team at Bungie.

Not ignoring it. It's on our list of known issues and we looking into it.

24 Mar


Originally posted by HaloGuy381

Can people get the Leviathan’s Breath bow still? If not, that should be added too. Being some of the only exotics or special/heavy weapons packing mods besides risky swords, as well as being very effective in that role...

EDIT: Okay, people, I get that you can still get the bow, please stop messaging me about it! XD. Like six or more people below you have already made your point.

We have plans being made on making these seasonal exotics available again. We'll share more details when we can.


Memory of Skorri has entered the chat.


This is a known issue. We are currently looking into it.


Originally posted by Zero_Emerald


Doing a sweet backflip dunk was always fun times in D1.

Yea easily the best part of rift. Especially when you got multiple kills with it.


Originally posted by Sergei_the_Bear

Personally, I think the main takeaway when people ask for things like rift and srl back is that we'd like more wacky modes in general. Things like momentum control, mayhem, and scorched are great because they're just a silly time and a nice break from all the sweatiness of the usual pvp scene.

Bungie made some awesome gametypes back in the day, griffball, infection, king of the hill, etc. We need more wackiness in general in my opinion as a complement to the more serious modes.

Just my 2 cents.

This is good feedback. Moar wackiness!

23 Mar


Rift always seemed to have a mixed reception. It required a great deal of teamwork so if you were running stacked you would have a good time, but if you were matchmaking with teammates, it could get away from you pretty quick. At least that's the experience and feedback I remember most, especially during Iron Banner.

I'll definitely share the feedback posted here, feel free to add to it below. If it did come back, would you want any changes made or for us to keep it as close to the OG D1 version as possible?


Yea it's a good system for cosmetics, fixed rolls, and exotics but doesn't currently work for random rolls. It's still on our backlog to look into a solve for this in the future. I'll share this thread to let the team know this is still a feature that a lot of players would like to see improved. If you have any additional suggestions you want me to share on collections, let me know.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The team is hammering on these issues. We made a server side change last week to help address some of these errors, but are continuing to investigate the root cause.

I'll see if we can get an update this week for y'all.

20 Mar


Originally posted by I_Love_Jolteon

Did anyone else not got their 3 win drop?

Edit: it's broken per character, not account

We're looking into it. Got reports that it's not working for some players at 3,5, and 7 wins.


Originally posted by nicotoroboto

Fix looks good. I see the change today and it appears to be ok so far. Both consoles appear for D1 as well as my cross save D2 data. I've moved a few pieces of gear just to test and it's looking good. Thanks for you and your teams hard work on this! Stay safe!

Glad it worked! You as well!