Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

19 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by echoblade

It's been just over a week of the season, give it time as i'll assume there is a bit more to come. While yes, this is starting slower than Dawn did, I doubt they cut content.

We're trying to be careful with roadmaps, leaving players to discover more content on their own, and this is an expected side effect. Definitely seeing the feedback that the season started slow, but there is indeed more coming.

Moon bunker kicks off next Tuesday, which will bring some different upgrades, another Seraph weapon, and more Heroic Lost Sectors to the fold. While some of you may have already taken a peek, Trials has more weapons and armor that will come into play over the next few weekends. Grandmaster comes in mid season, with Guardian Games and such as well.

We hope that as more seasonal content comes live, players have some positive feedback. We're still in here every day though, collecting your thoughts.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by sturgboski

Choosing between ritual weapons and rewards elsewhere seems odd. Since their inception they were an additional pursuit and reward vector on top of what was offered. I mean, last season we got so many Dawn weapons AND originally 4 ritual weapons until the IB bow was held back. Further, it seems odd to claim "its a reward choice" when all the trials weapons and gear are D1Y1 items.

Perhaps diverting modelling efforts from the $100s of cashshop cosmetics might afford the ability to both support rewards from activities AND these pursuit items? Heck, its not like you cant just throw an ornament up on the shop afterwards (see Recluse getting its 2nd ornament this season). And considering the ritual weapons are no longer getting unique perks, there should be less impact.

The comparison above isn’t simply from a modeling perspective, but other resources and time.

When looking at Trials weapons, you have to consider the time of bringing the models from D1 to D2, but also the process of setting up perks, creating new ones, testing them, hooking up the reward sites, and testing those. There are more then likely many other angles of development that I can’t necessarily speak to, but making a collection of weapons and rewards for the return of an activity that is free to all players (Trials) was prioritized over creating three quest based weapons for those existing activities for this season.

The questions above are great, ones that I can bring to the table. I don’t mean for these responses to come off as the feedback being disregarded, and hope you don’t take it as such.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aquatico_

I wonder when that "future TWAB" discussing the weapon perk pools and the lack of Ritual Weapons will be.

Hey all,

We are aware of the strong desire from players for pursuit weapons to return for Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit. Speaking with the team, they are candidates for future weapon allocation in a future season (Note: can’t make any promises yet.)

It’s a tricky balancing act, as pursuit weapons could come at the cost of general rewards allocated for alternate activities (legendary weapons for Trials, as an example)

We’ll be sure to let you know our future plans when we have more information


Originally posted by RussianThere

Huh? So the Trials emblems had specific conditions to earn them other than just “go flawless”?

Nah, the conditions are for the stat tracker to count up.


We're investigating this now. Thanks for the report.

Edit: Looks like this is also affecting the new Seraph shotgun and we have a fixed planned for both items in the next update.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by wickedsmaht

/u/dmg04 and /u/Cozmo23 any timeline for fixes on game instability and crashes? Since the last update Alt+Tab crashes the game, trying to close the game crashes the game, and at random times the game crashes and shuts down my entire computer (happened about 7 times now). This is only happening with D2.

No timeline yet. The team is digging on crashes and error codes.

There was a server side change made which reduced gambit errors, but we're aware that many are still hitting issues within the activity.

Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for updates. We'll get them to you as fast as we can, but some of these issues will take time to investigate and fix.

18 Mar


Originally posted by chowdahead03

This has been broken since season started. no mention of the bug whatsoever. I tagged /u/dmg04 and /u/cozmo23 multiple times no response. it's ridiculous that these are broken let alone no word on getting fixed. they didnt fix worm god caress for how long? I just dont think its a top priority for them.

Sorry I get a lot of pings and must have missed it. I'll report this issue to the team today. Thanks!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Much love, all.

Be safe out there.

17 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


No desperation and I'm not trying to claim someone is ignoring me. I just can't even have the appearance that something is being worked on unless we are ready to confirm that. All I can say right now is we are aware of the request and passing the feedback along.


We've given this feedback in the past but will let the team know that you feel it will be even more important going forward.


Looks like there was an issue with the Legendary Lost Sector Scheduling as Quarry was suppose to available today.

We just did an override and the Quarry Legendary Lost Sector will be active today and tomorrow.

Sorry about any inconvenience.


Known issue if you are still in one of the old Towers before the update. Leave the Tower and load back in. Might have to do this a few times if you continue to load into old Tower.


I'll share this suggestion. Is the broader feedback that you would like to see more reasons to go there in general?


The heroes we deserve.

16 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by This_is_Bruhtastic

I found the YouTube video

And it is, in fact, comedy gold

What year is it


Originally posted by Zero9123

Have you seen the issues with gambit recently? Are they being fixed?

The crashes are known and being investigated.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It's an interesting mix of feedback, to be sure.

Seeing some folks asking "why would you make me play Classic Mix?" Other saying "Wow, it's cool I have reason to go play Classic Mix now!"

Fully acknowledge the feedback we've been seeing about Bounties being the best means of progression. Glad to see some aspects of their functionality are appreciated. Will be sure to pass this positive note to the team.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Technical-Present

Example 1001 how they are disconnected from their playerbase.

We have collected feedback regarding the following:

  • Lack of Pinnacle Weapons (Players would like to see Celerity as an Adept perk)
  • Players disliking that Glows require bi-weekly Flawless runs for upkeep
  • Armor pieces having a stat range (players want to see these drop at higher stats)
  • Masterwork materials - players would like to see more, so Trials could be in line with Nightfalls

My tweet was illustrating the current rewards, in response to some players who were illustrating Trials as an experience that lacked rewards.

There are indeed rewards, but some players are not currently satisfied with the amount. Cozmo had been replying to a few threads noting the above mentioned feedback items as well. Apologies that my tweet didn't contain all information.


Originally posted by salondesert

We would like to help more, but part of the problem is there's like 4 clicks through menus to report a post:

  1. Click on the post.
  2. Click to report.
  3. Click on the dropdown to select the reason.
  4. Click the submit report button.

It shouldn't take that long, that's bad UX for a common problem. Often you see multiple posts and it's a lot of work to report each one.

Make it easy for people to report.

We need 1-click reporting for $$$ solicitations/spam, and put it on the main listing page, not in a subpage.

Getting the reason wrong doesn't matter, the act of reporting matters more.

However, you bring up a good point - feedback on the systems that allow us to see nefarious actors is very helpful too. UI feedback, and also descriptions of patterns that you see people attempting to use to hide their intention is useful too. Sometimes you can see those better than us, since you're the ones being targeted by people attempting to solicit you.

15 Mar


Originally posted by Cromica

I haven't been able to play the game for 3 days because of beaver errors even after the port forward changes... any updates on this?

We are currently working on it.