Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

09 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gleepot

u/dmg04 any update on wishender? I'm still confused if this is broken or intentional, and if not is a fix high on the priority list?

This will be fixed in next weeks update.

I fully understand this will bring some negative feelings to players, as they enjoyed the unintentional increase to damage. We've brought this feedback to the team, which could be considered for future updates when looking at Bows overall.

Again, not a promise, but wanted to give more info.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Edg4rAllanBro

I think they should really consider sending a popup message to players if someone they reported has been banned. Right now, people don't have a whole lot of faith in the anti-cheat, so letting them know it's working will massively improve morale and get people to actually report cheaters.

This is something we're discussing internally. We sent out some "a player you have reported has been removed" messages in the past. May happen again in the future, if we can!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ZekromZZ

EDZ obelisk will finally be not broken and eververse will stop winking at me creepily every-time I visit the tower! Now I can only hope they will fix armor mod menu lag.

Team is investigating perf issues. We'll check with them on the menu load times.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by sstpierre88

You guys announcing something Monday?

Nope. Monday's the day after a weekend, when we get back in the office.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gustygardens

Welcome back! Any chance we could get some thoughts from the Crucible team in the next TWAB? It doesn't have to be anything too juicy, just some acknowledgement from them would be cool. Even if we don't get that specifically, it'd still be nice to hear from them and what their plans are for it.

I think a lot of us would really appreciate a more open line of communication between that part of the team and the community.

Also, Bones of Eao when?

What specifically would you like to see?

Now, before we get ahead of ourselves, this isn't a promise for a Crucible section next TWAB. This is another way of me asking for your feedback.

We've got points on matchmaking and rewards. Today we spoke to Game Security, which will help to remove more players who are cheating. What else would do you feel needs priority?


Originally posted by j_dirty

Hey /u/dmg04 any word on the glitched Green With Envy quest where the enemies % just doesn't increase?

Still working on that one. Didn't make it in this hotfix but should be in the next update later this month.


Originally posted by brianxbang

Hold up. Is this the first TWAB that doesn't start with "This Week At Bungie??

That's what I said.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by brianxbang

Hold up. Is this the first TWAB that doesn't start with "This Week At Bungie??

Editing snafu. Fixing shortly.


Originally posted by SoulReaver717

I'll let the team know your feedback that you would like the color to be able to be changed.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DefinitelyNotThatJoe

I occasionally run into players who macro either in crucible, usually rumble, and in strikes.

I don't see how y'all can fix that other than having something like "If player doesn't kill an enemy in five minutes then they get booted" or having a vote to kick option.

I do know after some changes in the Shadowkeep timeframe, Idling in Crucible/Strikes was reduced as players weren't getting rewards.

We'll check with the team to dig a bit deeper and see if more can be done.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kidsnextdorks

Got my first ever sum of all tears from using it. I was shocked, since I'm not that great. The gun is great.

Pics or it didn't happen!


Originally posted by MizterF

The problem (not mentioned by Cozmo) is the very real threat of AFK/idle players farming XP in playlists (if it becomes a profitable source) and ruining the experience for everyone they are match made with. Sure, this wouldn't affect the raid, but it would for strikes, crucible, gambit, menagerie, sundial, etc...

I know we have done some work to combat idling and will continue to work to prevent it. Are you still seeing a lot of players AFK/idling and claiming it's profitable?


Glad you got it, sorry it took so long.

We have been working on a change to make getting the rare bounties less of a pain. Currently planned for an upcoming update later this month.


Now that we are in the second season where XP has been made much more important with the season pass we are gathering feedback from the community on improving how is XP is earned.

The majority of feedback I am seeing from players is to increase the amount of XP is giving from activities so there is not as much of an emphasis on always concentrating on completing bounties. I'll be sure to include the suggestion that raids should have their XP gains increased as well. Thanks for the feedback!

08 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

How frequently are you loading in solo? Do you find this is happening at any specific times, or randomly?


Originally posted by TheDarkSaint14

Personally I feel I might be tapping into a large part of community opinion in saying that time limited (read seasonal) Titles/Seals should be accomplishable regardless of other players performance. Having 19/20 of something grinded and being forced into an LFG situation kinda kills the "I earned this" aspect of the title.

Raid seals are raid seals and everyone accepts the total coordination aspect on that. Seasonal titles shouldn't absolutely require that.

Thanks for the additional insight. I'll pass it along.


Originally posted by CorbinTheTitan

Power level isn’t the problem. It’s that your loadout is locked and there’s no way to change your champion mods or weapon element accordingly.

Leeches are another problem. Players that have no idea what they’re going into and expect a carry with the wrong weapons or a class that’s doesn’t help with the match game.

When deciding whether an activity will have matchmaking or not we consider the amount of coordination required. Locked loadouts, champions, and extinguish all factored into having Legend Sundial require matchmaking even though it's power is not at the power cap.

I will let the team know that many in the community feel like Legend sundial should have matchmaking enabled. Please give us any other thoughts you have on the topic.

Thanks for the feedback!

07 Jan


I'll give this feedback to the team. As you most probably already know there are bounties that exist to reduce the cost. I'll let the team know that players would like the overall cost reduced though. Thanks!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks to all for the post and replies. The team has been digesting feedback concerning Solstice armor (from Year 1 and year 2). I don't have any specifics on status, but I can say that this will not be addressed this season, or next.

We'll continue to bring feedback to the team concerning Solstice armor/ornaments.

06 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Loving this thread.

Keep it coming.