Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

06 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gleepot

I love how ordeal is currently. Doesn't need a 100% revamp, but I always welcome improvements.

What do you find the most satisfying about your time playing Ordeals?

Got the above feedback from the OP, but would love to pair it with the strengths of the activity as well.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Now that we're getting back from holiday, we'll be planning a quick hotfix (potentially for next week) which will address this issue.

Stay tuned for the TWAB.

Oh, and before you ask, we're looking to address the EDZ Obelisk too!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Filing a couple bugs based off of these threads.

  1. Items move around in inventory when opening the dawning packages
  2. Some highly important items dismantle as stacks

Won't be addressed during this event, but we can work towards preventing these headaches in the future.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. Will be sure to pass it along.

Do you have any other feedback on these consumables and their functionality?

03 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

A few have said this in comments below, but Xur still serves this function for new players of Destiny 2.

Each week, do you not feel excitement for the Exotic Engram that has the potential to grant armor at high stat rolls?

02 Jan


Thanks for the feedback. This is our second stab at the reward structure of the pass and we are definitely looking to continue to improve it season over season. Feel free to add any suggestions on what things you would like to see as rewards in the pass and what you don't want to see.


Originally posted by LawlessCoffeh

One thing, I'd really like to have like, a tiny bit of choice, or the ability to reject and replace a crapshoot objective that I'm NOT going to do.

Part of the reason I didn't like objectives as they were implemented was that if I didn't want to do one, I didn't really have any other options, and the problem here is psychological in part.

Fortnite has challenges that are given to you daily, and you have the option to replace one a day if you don't like it (IE: Play a match with a friend). I feel like this is an acceptable compromise, I'm not sure how you'd work in the option to replace one though.

What objectives would you be likely to want to skip? Is it a specific type of objective, does it depend on the exact situation, etc? Can you give some examples? I believe a more ideal approach to this issue would be to design objectives that players don't want to skip in the first place!


Originally posted by Joey2Chainz

First I would like to say this was a very well written post from OP and also, a great response from yourself. With that said, I do have an issue that caused immense frustration yesterday while playing.

Loaded up Mars patrol to finish my weekly flashpoint and run some public events but there were two guardians in interceptors who were camping the rally flag killing all other guardians in the area. Never knew this was a thing but it was a very frustrating experience. Even when the public event did spawn, they clearly were only going after other players instead of participating in the event. Fast traveled out of there and said screw it until I was put into another instance.

there were two guardians in interceptors who were camping the rally flag killing all other guardians in the area

How were the players in the interceptors killing other players? This should not be possible as they should deal no damage to and physically pass through other players.


Originally posted by thebakedpotatoe

Challenges should have just been endless, like repeatable bounties. You clear one, get the reward, a new one loads into its spot.

A public event update might be good. The vex invasion felt kinda fun, but my favorite thing in d1 was where a taken event and public event happened at the same time. Patrols also need a bit more enemies on the map, especially because player presence actively causes enemies not to spawn. I've legitimate had players abuse this to get me to leave the zone. That's a bigger problem with "final blows" style bounties and objectives though (btw, final blows quest steps actively suck and cause way to many problems in this game) and less about other problems.

Event overlap is awesome and something we're definitely interesting in continuing to do & do more of!

Patrols also need a bit more enemies on the map

How do you feel that the number of enemies in D2 patrol areas compares to the number of enemies in D1 patrol areas?


Originally posted by ZilorZilhaust

Hi Gunmaster! Thank you so much for the reply! I'm happy to elaborate on anything and everything. :-)

To me when someone is on patrol they are taking things as they come, they're out there looking for trouble and trying to keep the place safe. As the system currently stands you're not naturally patrolling. You're going into an area and bringing up your ghost and finding a patrol beacon that's got a quick turn around time to get whatever objective requires it done. If you're looking for planetary materials you go to the Planetary Vendor and get the 4 bounties and do those specific things. It's very structured for something that I think would feel better as a more free form experience that erred towards an open world feeling.

The experience itself isn't fluid because it just feels like you're doing some checklist items from other activities, either for a bounty, quest or to get some planetary mats and then moving off. I think it's safe to say that very few people go...

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So to summarize your main points (please correct me if I'm misunderstanding!):

  • You would prefer that the player's objectives and goals be more free-form and feel less structured. Random objectives & things happening to the player as opposed to the player actively seeking out and opting in to their goals.

  • When you say "more challenging" you mean more mechanically complex. There are added layers and steps required beyond simply "Kill everything". Stand in a spot, destroy a non-combatant object, shoot a weak spot, etc.

  • When you say "requires multiple players" you are referring to enemy count and difficulty, not actual cooperative requirement. I.e. "There are so many enemies and they are so tough that I would be crazy to try this alone" as opposed to, "You must stand in 2 places at once to progress, meaning it is literally impossible for one player to succeed".

No problem and thanks again for writing out your feedback...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Stewbeef12

Thanks for the reply DMG. As I said in my post I understand that content is being removed because Destiny 2 can’t grow forever. Eventually we’ll get Destiny 3. But I just want you guys to know that “you had to be there” moments have always come from really cool missions, sometimes bugs, and general community joy. Those moments can’t be forced.

Thanks for the post! I didn't say it specifically (which I should have) - there is no intention to force these moments by removing content. We have things to improve on to make some of these moments more impactful. Wanted to provide the reasoning in case people had missed the previous posts.


Firstly, thank you for this well thought out and constructive post. These are some very interesting ideas!

Can you enumerate the problem space (List the issues) you're trying to solve with your goals? What specific issues indicate to you that the current experience is not fluid?

When the game had Challenges how did you feel about them being automated? One of the goals of removing those and returning to a bounty system (as well as the current patrol beacon system somewhat) is to make players feel like they're opting into the content as well as (potentially) giving them some agency over when and how they take on these additional objectives. An automated rotator system like you describe above removes these things. Do you believe these are important? More or less important that making the experience easier/simpler for players?

What are your goals in distinguishing "world boss" from public events which frequently feature powerful enemies to fight?

One of ...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Pulling the quote from our Season in Destiny 2's Third Year blogpost, where the "You had to be there when..." quote originates:

Doing this allows us to evolve the world—narratively, but potentially physically as well. It is not possible to keep Destiny frozen in place to allow all activities to live forever while also changing the world in meaningful ways. This strategy lets our team be agile and innovative. We believe that Destiny will grow even better when the world state can change, and that the best Destin...

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30 Dec


Originally posted by Aquatico_

If you're going to increase XP gains from activities, please have the foresight to implement more anti-AFK measures first. I can forsee playlist activities becoming a nightmare if they become the most efficient source of XP.

Overwatch has a system where you have to deal damage within 2 minutes to prevent being kicked. A system like this would go a long way in preventing AFKers in Destiny.

Yep. always got to consider AFK protection. Thanks!


Thanks for collecting feedback in this thread on Bounties and XP sources. We'll share your thoughts with the team on how you would like these systems to improve in the future.

So far the main points I am seeing are:

  • Make activities reward more XP
  • Bounties should be able to be picked up in Orbit or one location
  • Increase amount of Bounties you can carry

Let me know what other main points you would like us to pass along. Thanks!

27 Dec


Thanks for the report. This is a known issue that we were able to reproduce internally and investigating a fix.


We are passing all of the Iron Banner feedback to the devs, especially about the rocket launcher step not being fun and causing friction in matches. Feel free to add anything else you want me to pass along about Iron Banner here as well. Thanks!

23 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by proxima987

Your Titan isn’t heavy. It’s that everything else is a lightweight around him.

Fueled by the rage of a thousand dawning cookies.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I absolutely love the sound design of Arbalest.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

While you aren't able to bake any cookies for the Postmaster, what would you give them?

Think of this as an artist challenge. Draw something up, and we'll feature some picks on the Bungie twitter account.

Those who are featured will get a new Artist Emblem to boot.
