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Transcript (by Youtube)

0s thank you everyone for joining us
2s welcome to the Diablo 4 campfire
24s chat welcome to BlizzCon
28s 2023 wow this is crazy
31s this is awesome seeing so many people
34s very very different than our streaming
36s Studio back in the office for sure uh
38s but uh thank you all for joining us on a
41s very special version of Diablo's
43s campfire chat uh we kicked off this
45s program as a live stream as you all know
47s and it's it's an amazing feeling to see
50s us actually do this here in front of a
52s live audience now at BlizzCon uh we have
55s some news to share with you and before
57s we get into it I do want to welcome and
59s learn more about our wonderful panelists
61s here uh for today's campfire chat so
64s let's go right into it um
69s Brent hi everybody this is your first
72s this is this is Brent's first time up
74s here uh can you tell us a little bit
76s about yourself wardrobe I know it's for
79s a very good reason don't worry break a
82s little color tradition up here green
84s yeah um yeah so my name is Brent Gibson
87s I'm an associate game director on Diablo
89s 4 uh um I was a part of the vi vicarious
93s Visions team that uh came together with
95s Team three a couple years ago to make
98s Diablo 4 and uh I'm really excited to be
101s up here today to talk a little bit about
105s uh the expansion coming up yes the
107s expansion
110s oo love you
113s too now I know we have uh multiple teams
116s Brent that are working on Diablo 4 so
120s and and you you yourself are going to be
121s talking specifically about the expansion
123s here today um so yeah it's it's great to
126s hear that you know we have multiple
127s groups working on the game for Diablo 4
130s but we're all one big team which is the
132s exciting part yeah very very big team
134s and of course you know based off of
136s feedback and everything that we've heard
138s uh those groups are going to be working
140s on seasons and upcoming items and then
142s of course the expansion that we have
144s here uh next up though we have uh we
148s actually have Tiffany who's goingon to
150s be talking here actually or actually do
153s you no no no we do oh hey I'm
158s Tiffany I
160s was I was not pausing for Applause I'm
163s just awkward but uh this is my 14th
165s licon uh it's my ninth as an employee I
168s first attended as a part of the
170s community in 2005 it's really special to
172s be up here uh I've worked on the Diablo
174s franchise for 12 years now uh starting
176s on Diablo 3 12 years ago and then moving
179s on to Diablo 4 for the past uh you know
182s years um Brandon and I actually
184s unknowingly worked on the same game back
187s in 2009 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 um
191s yeah that game is awesome it's a big
193s throwback so it's been such a thrill to
195s work with him and a bunch of the others
197s from the Albany office again on diabl
200s for the past few years awesome thank you
202s so much Tiffany uh we have Kaye Calder
204s here Kaylee is actually a familiar face
206s in the Diablo side uh you may have seen
208s her in some of the videos
211s uh for our our seasons and everything
213s Kaye uh yeah hi everybody I'm Kaye CER
216s and uh I am on the league game producers
218s on Diablo 4 uh like Tiffany and a lot of
221s our team I have been working on Diablo
223s for for last 10 years across both Diablo
226s I and Diablo I this is my first time on
230s stage at BlizzCon so while I am so
233s honored thank you I'm so excited to be
237s here with all of you I'm a little
239s nervous but it's so good to see everyone
241s in person and I'm really excited to talk
243s to you all today about some changes
244s coming to season 2 some additions and
246s other future developments awesome thank
248s you so much Kaylee and of course we have
251s Mr Joe shell here a very familiar face
253s on all our Diablo for campfire
257s chats
259s Joe welcome again thank you thank you
262s Adam and thank all of you I really want
264s to thank all of you for being here um
267s and submitting questions we're going to
269s talk take questions at the end uh and
271s really uh for all the feedback that
273s you've given us throughout the launch of
274s the game and season 1 it's incredible to
277s have uh campfire chat but with this huge
280s uh array of other attendees at our
283s campfire so it's incredible exactly
285s thank you so much Joe and of course I am
287s Adam Fletcher I'm the director of
289s community
294s for so weird with an
296s audience and I will be today's host and
299s moderator I want to thank you all again
301s for taking the time to join us on this
304s very special uh Diablo 4 campfire chat
307s um and I do also want to give a huge
309s call out to this amazing plush campfire
311s that we did bring in for this uh it's I
314s joked it's got very soft
316s lighting there we go first fun of the
318s day already we're already we're doing
320s well uh but the kickoff activities I
323s know the dev team um they do actually
325s have some news to follow up uh regarding
327s yesterday's announcements uh so let me
329s actually pass off to the team so BR yeah
332s we're really excited to show the sneak
334s peek for the next chapter of hatred
336s we've been on pins and needles to share
338s what some of the information from the
340s expansion for a very long time and it's
342s going to be taking us to a brand new
345s place and it's really cool because it's
347s actually in contrast to that dark Gothic
351s setting that we're used to seeing in the
352s main game we're going to go to some
354s place that has uh a bit of a different
356s flavor so uh for those of you who are
359s new to the fr franchise it's going to be
361s new it's going to be fresh but for some
363s of you who have been with us all along
365s uh we're going to go take a trip down
367s memory lane and actually go to a place
369s that's a little nostalgic so with that
371s being said let's take a
377s look we have each played a part in what
382s has happened
385s here you abdicated your choice to this
393s child and with every step she
397s takes I grow
403s stronger there will be no salvation in
408s the
418s light
424s there we have it it's so cool to see on
427s the big stage you know Diablo 4 vessel
429s of hatred coming in late
432s 2024 yeah I I mean Brent what does an
435s expansion mean for Diablo 4 well first
437s off I want to talk a little bit about
438s breaking the color convention you've
440s been giving me I've got green shoes all
442s sorts of grief over my green jacket I
444s like the green um yeah so uh for for us
449s uh expansions are important because it's
451s a it's a great opportunity to take one
454s big cohesive step forward you know when
457s it comes to continuing our dark story
460s exploring the new region we're going to
462s talk about today or even new ways to
464s play with new monsters in a new class we
467s want to make sure that all of these
469s things go together in in a really nice
472s way and I've been joking for a little
473s bit about how this is kind of like
474s making a really good burner right you
477s want to make sure that you're pulling in
478s all of the ingredients that you need so
481s that uh when they all come together and
484s you take one big bite all those flavors
485s are working together and so for us that
488s cohesiveness is really important so you
490s say Burger there are a lot of variations
492s of burgers there's like single burgers
494s or like maybe a double double from in
495s and out or something like that so hungry
498s now you know coming from Albany in and
500s out I'm down that's great so what what
503s kind of burger is this year uh that's a
506s good question you know I guess I look at
507s it as kind of like a like a a bacon
510s barbecue burger with all the classic
513s ingredients but with like jalapenos
515s right like throw something in that's a
516s little bit spicy a little bit different
518s and a little bit green and a little bit
520s green that's a good point I didn't even
522s think about that so yeah we we want to
524s make sure that we have all the nice
525s traditional ingredients that speak
527s directly to the core of our audience but
529s we're also offering things that are new
530s awesome well I know uh with vessel of
533s hat a new expansion uh there's going to
536s be some story and lore kind of attached
538s to it and let's kind of talk a little
540s bit more about story what do you think
541s Tiffany yeah so when we last left off in
543s the main campaign Nel was traveling
546s south with the stone with Mesto uh he
549s got himself trapped in there again as
551s you know he tends to do uh she's been
554s following the footsteps of a prophet of
555s light looking for a way to deal with
557s this Stone and the Prime Evil that's
559s trapped within she's a really
561s fascinating character because she's a
563s child but she's been through a trauma so
566s spoilers if you haven't played the main
567s campaign of Diablo uh but she here she
569s is directly challenging the influence of
571s a Prime Evil something the Herod have
574s always famously failed at uh so for
578s players that might be jumping into
579s Diablo 4 for the first time with the
581s vessel of hatred they'll have the choice
583s to either play through the main campaign
585s or jump directly into the new chapter uh
588s there will be a recap in the game so
589s you'll have full context to all the
591s events of sanctuary that played out in
593s the main campaign so don't worry you
594s won't miss out on anything if you want
596s to just see what's happening with Nel
598s and explore those jungles
602s all right I love this picture uh he's
605s real creepy looks like he's coming out
606s of a mud bath of Swords so this is Mesto
609s now he is my favorite Prime Evil um I
612s think he's he's just a badass if you
614s don't know who he is he is the Lord
616s hatred and he is the father of Lilith so
619s I believe that makes him yeah grand
621s grand granddaddy of meiso Grandaddy
624s Grand fist something like sounds sounds
627s grouchy
628s too so misto did not intend to be
632s trapped in the stone like I said it just
634s they're very bad at that uh it tends to
636s happen so he's as you heard in the
638s trailer every step of the way that Nel
641s is taking with him he is pushing against
643s her uh constantly trying to unravel
646s every single moment that they have
647s together um it's in this next chapter in
649s vessel of hatred we are going to find
651s out what is his fate with this Stone and
653s what's going to happen with Nell yeah so
656s with vessel of hatred you know we're we
658s we even saw it a little bit in the
659s teaser it seems like we're actually
660s going to be uh it's going to be taking
662s us to a new place um I know you guys
665s have actually mentioned nantu uh can you
667s tell us a little bit more about nantu
668s Bren yeah so we're going to a whole new
672s region called nantu now for those of you
674s guys who know the the history of
677s sanctuary you know that heading south
680s actually means going to toron uh when we
682s started off with the expansion we
684s decided as a team to really think about
687s how we're referencing cultures moving
689s forward and for those of you who may not
691s know the torjan people are a real people
693s and they're they're an amazing culture
695s they have beautiful tradition you should
697s totally look it up um but for us as
700s creatives we want to make sure that
701s we're always in a position where we're
703s being inspired by as opposed to lifting
707s from and so because of that we decided
709s to review some of our names and make
711s some changes so how are we kind of doing
714s uh we've actually decided to fold it in
716s creatively so for those of the people
718s who are out outside of the region you
720s know maybe you were from the dry steps
722s you know this place as tan but the
725s people who are there know it as nanu and
727s so you're going to see that folded into
729s the story in some really creative ways
732s uh to give that name some power awesome
735s I know we have uh a lot of cool art show
738s like here right here we're seeing kind
739s of a what looks to be like a Rivergate
742s yes so everything starts here at the
745s Rivergate uh we look at nantu as a place
748s that's been closed off from Sanctuary uh
751s it's been closed off from the all the
753s things that have been going on with
754s Lilith over the last several moments of
756s our story um and so you can imagine this
760s monolithic statue where the doors have
762s been closed for the last several decades
765s and now they're open and we're going to
768s see what happens with Nella as she
769s passes through these
772s Gates if you look at this next image we
776s we like to look at the jungle as this
778s place that is a a wild and dangerous
780s place we also love the idea that it's a
784s living breathing character of its own it
787s has its own personality it expresses
789s itself in in different ways throughout
791s the game um and so this concept is a
794s really good example of where things from
797s the outside may have come in but the
799s jungle's going to reclaim it right so
801s you're going to see these branches uh
804s pulling back some of the architecture
806s that you would see through the region
808s but for the things that been there all
810s along it's going to live symbiotically
812s with and so you can watch the river flow
814s through the structures of the area as
818s well you know what this is actually one
821s of my favorite concept pieces that we've
822s made for the expansion so far because
825s even though it's kind of it's an
826s environmental Scene It really just shows
828s the depth and scale of the Jungle which
831s is not really like a place we've ever
832s gone to before within Diablo 4 so far
835s and it just really inspired the team as
837s well when they saw it just that that
839s feeling of like scale and age I guess is
843s a good way describ it the idea that
845s these roots are so old that they stretch
849s across the chasms in the area um you you
852s can see there's a very small character
855s in the middle of that brand to see like
857s yeah it creates it creates a sense of
860s scale that allows us to do a lot with
862s the environment right so it's not just
864s trees in the area these trees are
866s actually fixtures or structures of the
869s place as well you know we've seen a lot
871s of environments and I know there's a lot
873s of also architecture here in the H too
875s so uh can you show us a little bit more
877s about that as well yeah so uh this is a
881s great image that starts to show how we
883s wanted to integrate a lot of the natural
886s features of the world in with the
888s architecture and so you can see the
889s river is Flowing with and around uh this
892s piece right here all of this starts from
895s a place called curost so for those of
897s you who've been with us for a while
899s curas is an iconic place that sits in
902s the heart of the Jungle and it's not
905s just a town it's not just a capital it's
907s a sprawling City so you can imagine a
910s lot of these structural elements popping
912s up all over the place uh spreading
914s across the entire jungle and this is
916s just one piece that shows the potential
918s of
919s that if you take a look at this next one
922s I I love this this is this is one of my
924s favorite concepts of the entire package
927s this is a perfect example on how we're
930s folding in that uh living breathing
933s jungle into the architecture I got to
935s give a huge shout out to the team the
937s level of detail that we put into this is
939s absolutely incredible they pay attention
942s to our environments just as much as one
945s of our characters so all the detail that
947s we put into Lilith or inarius is the
949s same amount of detail as you would see
951s in a piece like this so uh big shout out
954s to the team for what they can do
958s yeah
961s so I know um you shared a little bit
965s about like ciros and you know it's a
967s very recognizable place like or in the
970s Diablo history like can you get get into
973s a little bit more detail for us of like
975s some of these maybe recognizable places
976s that will kind of come across yeah I
978s love to talk about these next few
980s Concepts here so I was a big player of
982s Diablo 2 myself so you may recognize
985s some of these places we keep talking
986s about bringing you back somewhere
987s nostalgic so we're going to start with
989s the dock towns so you can visit the
991s original Cass docks from D2 in act three
995s uh and through time it's changed it's
997s been 72 years since the events of Diablo
1000s I in the world of sanctuary has been 72
1002s years in your life um and to so I'm
1005s excited to jump in there and see what
1006s the Denis have been up to see if there's
1008s anybody that's still around from the
1010s past 72 years um and like Brent and Kaye
1013s were saying earlier a piece a concept
1015s piece like this really gives me this
1016s incredible sense of scale in the world
1018s of S sanctuary and I just I I'm super
1020s excited to explore areas like that uh we
1022s know that locations like this really set
1024s the tone for successfully delivering on
1027s that Nostalgia and embracing that Legacy
1029s of the Diablo uh
1031s Universe um so the Cal curos is
1034s something that we've always wanted to
1036s know more about so this is a clip that's
1038s actually from the teaser that we've
1039s showed you a couple times now and this
1041s is that incredible ziggurat with really
1043s really creepy Grandpa and Fisto talking
1045s over it so we've always wanted to know
1046s what's under the zigurat uh what's
1049s amazing about this is that uh for the
1051s dev team this is one of the uh earliest
1053s sources of inspiration when we started
1054s working on the expansion uh and so
1057s seeing it make all the way from original
1059s concept into the actual teaser that we
1061s showed this weekend uh is is really
1064s exciting so we've got one more really
1066s really cool place to show you uh so this
1068s is the Temple City of traven call and
1070s it's where the herodin orig Herod
1073s originally imprisoned Mesto in his soul
1075s Stone it's deep inside cast uh and I am
1078s so excited to go in there and see see
1081s what's happened in the last 72 years Joe
1082s what do you think I hope I don't get
1084s slowed by hostile blizzards again but
1088s but it's going to be really cool to dive
1090s under under traven call and sort of
1092s revisit that area it's it's such a
1094s memorable area from B3 yeah traven call
1097s was super memorable act three everyone
1099s remembering as they're fighting the
1101s council there uh so it's great that we
1103s can revisit that here in vessel of
1105s hatred and of course a big question I
1107s know that people have with vessel of
1109s hatred does that mean a new class is
1112s coming uh Brent do you have any more
1115s infro info that you can share
1117s potentially I'm sure a few of you have
1118s been on Reddit asking questions about
1120s the new class it's the number one
1122s question we've been getting all week um
1125s you know when when we started off uh we
1128s were still making the main game and I'm
1131s really proud of the fact that we
1133s delivered five classic classes right we
1136s got that great feeling of all of them
1139s spread around the campfire felt really
1140s really good and so when we were talking
1142s about the expansion uh we we had a
1145s decision to make we're kind of at a
1147s Crossroads of do we do another classic
1151s or do we do something new and the team
1154s really thought about it hard and we felt
1156s we have a responsibility to actually
1157s bring new things to Sanctuary like this
1160s game is really big this world is very
1162s big uh we need to continue to broaden it
1164s and so we made the choice to go with
1166s something new so you're saying new here
1170s and we're seeing a lot of jungle
1171s environments obviously so does that that
1174s for sure rules out something like the
1175s witch doctor yes that for sure rolls up
1178s it's absolutely a brand new class it is
1180s not the witch doctor all right we've
1183s we've been hearing a lot of like might
1185s still be the witch doctor like I'm I'm
1187s pretty sure we said new class so um
1190s awesome that was great that we got to
1191s see kind of like and get a little bit
1193s more information about Diablo 4 vessel
1195s of hatred again Diablo 4 vessel of
1197s hatred is coming out in late 2024 we'll
1200s actually have more news next summer
1201s about Diablo 4 this little patri green
1205s green Green great green I'm glad you're
1207s you're your color coordinator for this
1208s spr so uh but we do want to talk more
1211s about uh some of the other items that we
1213s talked about in the opening ceremony
1215s yesterday and so Joe I know wants to uh
1218s talk a little about a little bit about
1220s season two and what's coming forward
1222s yeah absolutely so you know we've had as
1225s I said here earlier when I welcomed of
1228s you we've had so much Community feedback
1231s and it's been incredible for us to be
1234s able to release season 2 and and and
1236s bring a lot of those changes to you uh
1239s and I think we have um I think we have a
1241s road map here uh you know you can see
1245s here that on the season of blood uh some
1247s of the things that uh we brought with
1249s season of blood if you know if you
1251s haven't played since launch or since
1253s season 1 um you'll be able to check out
1255s the new boss ladder leveling 40% fast
1258s faster leveling right uh the change is
1260s thank
1262s you uh that was that was all me
1266s know we have an incredibly talented team
1268s of system designers um who care deeply
1271s about the player experience and the
1273s feeling of uh movement through the
1275s levels and being able to capture the
1278s objective of reaching level 100 right
1281s and so that change was something that we
1282s thought was really important for season
1284s 2 but we also changed things like uh the
1287s way that item power scales right right
1288s so that as you fight more difficult
1290s monsters you can get more powerful loot
1293s including some of those Uber uniques
1294s from duriel yes and so many other
1298s quality of life changes uh the mount I
1300s think is
1305s transformed and you know that's not all
1308s we have in store for season two like we
1310s were talking about with the in the
1312s opening ceremonies we made some
1313s announcements and we want to get into
1315s more detail about those here today and a
1318s little bit of a sneak peek at uh you can
1321s see here season of uh I'm going to say
1323s the orange text um yes that's definitely
1326s a final name final final name uh no we
1330s we're not quite ready to release the
1331s season name but uh we have a sneak peek
1333s of some of the one of the features
1335s coming with leaderboards and the
1336s gauntlets so we're really excited to
1338s talk about those let's jump into it yeah
1341s so we're going to kick things off with
1343s some updates of season 2 that are coming
1345s really really soon um literally this
1348s coming Tuesday November 7th we are going
1350s to be adding new unique Rings which were
1352s called the malignant Rings um developing
1355s seasons is an opportunity for us to look
1358s for ways to bring things back that you
1361s are players really enjoyed and really
1363s engaged with it doesn't mean that we'll
1364s bring things back from every season but
1367s we will look for opportunities
1368s especially when the community is letting
1371s us know how much they enjoyed it and
1373s also we also had a lot of fun with these
1376s um this also is an opportunity for us to
1379s kind of revisit those Powers because
1381s these are coming not just on to the
1382s season but also to the Eternal realm so
1385s these Powers you're about to see on
1387s these Rings we've tweaked them slightly
1389s so that they work with the other uniques
1391s in the game and but we feel they're
1393s really going to add something for each
1395s class and kind of complete their
1397s continue on building their kit and that
1399s fantasy you're going to be able to get
1401s these by defeating Varan so I hope
1404s everyone's been saving their materials
1405s you do have a little bit of time to farm
1407s more yes if you didn't um so yeah with
1411s that said we're actually going to move
1413s to the next image and we're going to
1415s take a look at these so I originally was
1418s going to talk to Brent about his Rogue
1421s but when we started doing this he saw
1423s the Barbarian ring and switched on me
1426s sorry still wor but so for our Rogues
1429s out there for those of you um if you'll
1431s be start you'll be sorry excuse me uh
1434s use your subtitute skills U it's going
1436s to spawn a decoy uh it's going to taunt
1438s uh enemies and then it's going to
1439s explode for a really nice amount of
1441s damage um think you're going to have a
1443s lot of fun uh Adam H this is for you and
1446s the rest of the sorcerers out there yes
1448s B lightning crew yeah well okay maybe
1451s hopefully maybe this all you know you'll
1453s try something a little different than
1455s just B lightning uh for the sorcerer
1457s each unique element that you deal damage
1459s with is going to give you increased
1461s damage and then dealing Elemental damage
1463s again it's just going to refresh that
1464s duration so sling Fireballs lightning
1467s lightning balls as well like and uh keep
1469s increasing that damage uh we have three
1472s more classes to take a look
1474s at so next up now is the Barbarian uh so
1479s for our barbarians out there uh when you
1481s use uh there you are I knew you're out
1484s there somewhere uh when you next cast
1486s Hammer the Ancients upheaval or death
1488s blow it's guaranteed to be a crit and
1491s that crit is going to deal bonus
1492s Critical Strike damage as
1495s well exactly so hit them hard and hit
1498s them often guys um and I definitely know
1501s there's a few Druids out there you guys
1503s who don't want to forget about you
1504s exactly dr's got the loudest ground here
1507s know represent Druids uh so for Druids
1510s when you are casting your ultimate skill
1512s it is going to um draw enemies in and
1516s deal a huge amount of damage based on
1518s your willpower it will do that when you
1520s cast your ultimate and then five seconds
1522s after and then lastly The Necromancer
1525s necromancers rise
1527s up there they are there's actually three
1530s necromancers up here cuz we're three of
1532s us are playing it this season total
1534s coincidence so we all love this power
1537s and we know everybody else loved this so
1539s we are bringing back that walking near
1541s your corpses um is going to
1543s automatically activate one of the
1545s following skills which is corpse trrs
1548s corpse explosion or Ray skeleton so yeah
1551s that is um that's going to be the
1553s malignant rings and as we said you're
1555s going to be able to get them from
1556s killing voson starting on November 7th
1559s so next week everybody awesome thank you
1562s so much
1564s Kaye and again we're we're super excited
1567s about uh bringing in these malignant
1569s powers from season one thanks to
1571s community feedback and you guys actually
1573s wanting these powers back in we are able
1575s to get these in these new rings that
1577s will be coming out on Tuesday and again
1579s patch notes actually are going to be
1581s available on diablo.com for that patch
1584s immediately after this panel so you guys
1586s can actually see what's in that update
1588s uh for players on Tuesday which is
1591s awesome to see so um but we do also have
1593s some more information to talk about even
1595s more we have some more events taking
1597s place in early December um Haley is
1600s gonna Jump Right In oh kick us off yeah
1602s December 5th is our next update for
1604s season two um and we've got some
1606s additional updates uh coming in some
1608s quality of life things and then
1609s something Joe is going to talk about but
1611s I'm going to talk about some additional
1613s changes to the occultist uh Chris
1615s mentioned this yesterday in opening
1616s ceremony um um so for those of you who
1619s may not know enchanting is what allows
1621s you to replace an AIX on an item with
1623s another um and those that are familiar
1626s with it will notice when you go and
1628s visit from December 5th there is a new
1630s view view a possible AIX button I can't
1633s remember yeah view possible affixes um
1636s and when you click on that it's going to
1637s give you a list of the affixes that that
1640s one could roll into so that way you're
1642s not kind of just blindly guessing and
1644s hoping that the one you've picked is
1645s going to give you um we think this
1648s update along with the gold changes we
1651s have made is really going to help
1652s everybody optimize their builds and uh
1656s continue to have fun in the end game um
1659s we have also heard feedback about aexes
1663s and how some of them aren't serving you
1666s in the ways you want we do have plans to
1669s talk about both changes to aexes and
1672s itemization in the future but we're not
1674s quite ready to talk about it right
1676s now yeah that's right this is a really
1679s important change and itemization is one
1681s of the itemization endgame are the two
1684s things that we're laser focused on right
1685s now we're going to talk a little bit
1687s more about that uh right up here next
1689s with Avatar zir yeah um and you know
1692s it's it's awesome to see these occultist
1694s changes because obviously Community
1696s feedback has been we we've heard you
1698s guys like that it you know blindly
1700s choosing different aexes has been very
1702s very difficult but with the changes with
1704s the cost plus this will be much better
1707s um and this update of course hitting on
1709s December 5th but other feedback that
1711s we've heard a lot about and Joe knows
1713s this as well uh has been about endgame
1716s and so I know you wanted to talk a
1717s little bit about uh a new kind of
1720s endgame feature that's coming in season
1722s two uh so Joe yeah do you want to talk a
1724s little bit about yeah so we want to add
1727s more endgame and then we want to add
1729s some more endgame and then some more
1733s we're going to add more yeah we're going
1734s to add some more after that okay yeah
1736s yeah uh and and in particular uh
1740s permanent or Evergreen endgame features
1743s that extend the uh challenges and reward
1747s opportunities uh from 50 to 100 and
1750s after you've reached 100 and so Avatar
1753s of zir is a 100 plus uh new thing that
1757s we're trying here this is a seasonal
1759s endgame event so it's temporary and
1763s we're really interested in uh paying
1765s attention to how all of you run through
1767s it and your feedback on it to uh for the
1771s future of you know maybe we'll bring it
1773s back uh and we'll see how it goes but
1776s you probably want to know more about it
1777s than just staring at this red portal
1781s right um so you know uh we have a chart
1787s that uh used to be on a napkin um but
1789s it's very beautiful when you work with a
1792s bunch of designers they like to make
1794s these little flowcharts and then they
1796s hand them to you on a napkin and they go
1797s can you make them pretty so we can show
1799s them to people so design our flowchart
1802s paint paint for
1805s life but uh so you can see here how the
1808s flow of Avatar of zero will work um
1811s after you complete the final step of the
1813s Season Journey you'll be ready to face
1815s off against the Avatar and this is a
1818s very very difficult area you're going to
1822s need to bring all of your skill but also
1824s you're going to need to bring the very
1826s best builds um not every build is going
1829s to be able to succeed in Avatar year uh
1831s and that's why it's positioned like
1833s after you've really done you've defeated
1836s uh echo of Lilith you've Defeated duriel
1839s You've Got Your Uber uniques and you're
1841s like what's next what can I what's the
1843s next challenge right the Avatar is meant
1845s to be that so you're going to get a
1847s recipe for the first tier of Avatar of
1849s zir uh when you complete that first tier
1852s you're going to get a recipe for the
1854s next tier and I want to state that uh
1856s there are 25 tiers of Avatar of
1859s Zer and you know that's fewer tiers than
1862s there are of nightmare dungeons but each
1864s tier of the Avatar is much more
1867s difficult than the tier before this is
1868s not the same as you know nightmare
1870s dungeons 70 to
1872s 71 and you're also going to get uh a a
1875s ton of paragon glyph XP so uh you know I
1878s know some people have expressed that uh
1880s it can be hard to level up all your
1882s glyphs through nightmare dungeons that
1884s you're going to get so much from this
1885s event and you're going to need it
1887s because going to want to level up this
1889s new unique glyph that you can get as a
1891s reward for completing the
1893s Avatar this glyph the tears of blood is
1896s tied to the event and is also persists
1899s during the duration of the event but it
1901s will be incredibly useful for uh
1903s increasing your character power so that
1905s you can take on those tougher tiers of
1907s the Avatar you can see that it has a
1909s larger radius than other glyphs it can
1911s grow uh even beyond that uh it has
1914s multiplicative powers on it and it can
1917s be leveled up up to 200 times so it is
1920s still a capped uh level but it has a lot
1923s of progression uh in it
1926s awesome lots of stuff coming here
1929s December 5th uh we got the occultist
1931s updates and Avatar zero which is the
1933s endgame that we just talked about that
1935s and that will run through the end of
1937s season two so uh players can expect you
1940s know to be able to go through that
1942s starting on December 5th which is great
1943s to hear but we also have even more
1946s events in December that we do want to
1948s talk about one that's a little bit more
1950s festive uh we mentioned it yesterday
1953s Kaye I know you want to talk a little
1955s bit about Mid Winter blades yeah so for
1957s everyone that doesn't live in California
1960s this time of year can be um darkening
1962s and colder you might get snow or lots of
1965s rain um like where I'm from yeah where
1968s you're from basically um you're going to
1970s need the winter clothing um as you
1973s return to um fractured Peaks on on
1977s December 12th where the midwinter blight
1979s is taking place um as you return you're
1983s going to find that it's been enveloped
1985s in a storm it's freezing out the locals
1987s it's eternally dark and there are new
1989s Horrors lurking waiting to you know make
1991s your lives and the inhabitants uh
1994s miserable so yeah I hope you brought
1995s some ice scrapers with you maybe help us
1997s Scout here yeah we got uh we're working
1999s on a special Diablo ice scraper reaching
2002s out to John Mueller to see if we could
2003s get that marketed there yeah definitely
2006s Okay so so this going to start in kashad
2009s and you're going to meet Gillian a
2011s Wandering Bard and he's here to try and
2013s bring some cheer and warmth which you
2016s can see in the video as we go to that um
2019s and he is located in the hibernal Square
2022s um and he's giving as well a warning of
2024s the storm and the Terrors lurking within
2027s and as you can see you know this is a
2029s classic Diablo holiday space decorated
2032s mostly in skulls um which we find very J
2035s festive on the team personally um
2038s um yes and at its Center we have the
2040s totem of midwinter which plays a part in
2042s the event um itself but I'm not going to
2044s spoil that and we'll kind of go into
2045s that um so what's happening outside
2047s Kovash Shad you're going to head back
2049s out into fractured Peaks you're going to
2050s explore the zone and you're going to
2052s encounter some um Sinister snowmen um or
2056s what demons consider snowmen that we're
2058s calling frigid husks which uh yes
2062s they're beautiful um that's very
2064s beautiful um I will note I I don't
2067s actually know if uh Rod Ferguson rgm is
2070s here uh he he is making me insert this
2074s wonderful Pun It's he was like as soon
2076s as he saw him so Rod Ferguson trademark
2079s pun uh Frosty the Goatman is what he
2082s likes to call the I you to sing that
2084s yeah n you know no we're not okay no no
2087s we're ning the singing no singing okay
2089s all right so who's building these so
2091s mentioned demons so you're going to see
2093s some familiar faces um but they're under
2095s a new Allegiance these blight f um have
2098s new tricks and new ways to terrorize and
2101s harass both you and the locals and
2103s they're just generally causing mischief
2105s and Terror under the orders of their
2107s leader um who is the red cloaked horror
2111s he lives in the darkest corners of
2113s fractured Peaks emerging only with the
2115s storm and he is going to you know be
2119s really really mad at anyone disrupting
2120s his plans and he's going to try and make
2122s you dead um I think he looks really
2124s Jolly personally I'm a big fan again
2127s another Rod ferus H uh and this one I
2130s will sing I will I will Rudy the Red
2133s Cloak teror oh God there we go all right
2136s just leaving now we're done he doesn't
2139s even have a nose that's the problem I
2141s know Rod has the worst puns we know that
2144s so all right so what are you going to be
2145s doing you're going to be um heading out
2148s into fractured Peaks um so we're going
2150s to bring up a video with some of the
2151s kind of gameplay a little bit here
2154s you're going to encounter the blight
2156s beans having a really jolly time you
2158s know there they are they are this is the
2161s cutest little like well we're going to
2162s ruin their day yes exactly snow glob
2166s murder destroy those snowmen um and
2169s you're going to engage in a number of
2170s events unique to midwinter blight
2172s destroy Fred husk defeat the blight
2174s fiends and if you disrupt things enough
2177s you may end up summoning the redcloak
2179s Torah himself who's as I said very
2182s annoyed at you um and participating in
2185s these is going to give you resources is
2187s that you can take back to the high bural
2189s Square to progress the events and uh
2192s yeah and some rewards right right the
2195s rewards cuz what's a festive event
2197s without presents and gifts and you know
2199s things in general so we have a number of
2202s um new cosmetic rewards that you'll be
2204s able to earn through participating with
2207s the on the event itself so these are
2209s selection of weapons and then we also
2212s have uh some really cool back trophies I
2214s really like them they've got bells and
2216s there's some Rees and lots of skulls
2218s because we do like that here we have a
2220s theme and we're going to stick to it uh
2222s so this starts on December 12th um
2225s really hope everyone comes and slays
2227s with us there go got one there we go
2232s yeah did it um yeah fla for it good no I
2236s was not expecting that actually but yeah
2238s so yeah that's midwinter blight awesome
2240s it's great to hear um more information
2242s about uh all these updates coming in and
2245s uh midwinter blight's great because
2247s feedback has been uh we've heard a lot
2249s of people wanting more cosmetic options
2251s and so now you have the ability of
2252s actually unlocking some skulls some
2254s Bells some Holly uh that you can
2256s actually incorporate to your character
2258s uh with midwinter blight but all this
2260s information is going to be available
2262s again on EP blog on diablo.com after the
2265s panel and uh we're looking forward to
2267s getting all these updates uh in in
2269s everyone's hands for Avatar Zer the
2271s occultist updates and of course
2272s midwinter blight um but moving on we do
2276s have additional information to talk
2278s about season of the orange text as you
2280s called it right Joe uh so Joe can you
2283s tell us a little bit more about uh
2286s what's coming there yeah so more endgame
2290s more endgame
2294s yeah
2296s um this uh this is such a cool piece
2298s this is relevant to the season uh and
2302s I'm excited to find out uh what happens
2304s with this guy but I want to talk a
2306s little bit about uh one part of this one
2309s part of season 3 uh and there will be
2312s many more parts of season 3 we're going
2314s to talk about these more uh and future
2316s campfire chats um but we wanted to talk
2319s a little bit about uh leaderboards
2321s leaderboard driven trials he wants it
2324s this guy wants it and so we're gonna
2325s make
2326s it thanks
2328s guy we weren't going to make it
2331s but um and so the way this is going to
2335s work is when uh season 3 players reach
2337s World tier 4 they're going to be able to
2340s compete in The Gauntlet which is a fixed
2343s seed nonlinear
2345s dungeon where your Mastery and your
2347s skill are going to be needed to achieve
2349s the highest scores and those best scores
2352s are going to appear on the leader
2354s boards now every time you enter the
2358s gauntlet it's going to be exactly the
2359s same that means the monsters and their
2361s positions the layouts the affixes and
2364s because it's nonlinear you have some
2366s choices about how you're going to
2367s progress through to maximize your score
2370s and of course if you're playing in a
2371s party you can choose like which which
2374s direction each party member is going to
2375s go and and you really have an
2376s opportunity to uh optimize it loot will
2380s drop at the end of the timer so you
2382s don't have to worry about picking it up
2384s on the way and as you're killing
2386s monsters and you're opening chests
2388s you're going to get instead these uh
2390s pickups called proofs of might they drop
2393s from all of the types of content and
2395s you'll have a limited amount of time to
2397s collect as many as possible to maximize
2400s your
2401s score so at the beginning of each week a
2405s new Gauntlet is going to replace the
2406s current one and the leader boards will
2410s reset now uh this is an image of uh the
2414s solo Barbarian ladder we can see here um
2417s I want to caution that it is in
2419s development content so some things may
2421s change uh by the time we get to season 3
2424s but we wanted to show off uh to to
2426s really give
2427s all of you uh an idea a visual idea of
2431s like how how this is going to play out
2433s and you can also see on this next uh
2436s image that uh we have a number of
2439s filters so there are Solo leader boards
2442s for each class as well as party
2444s leaderboards that vary with party size
2446s uh of course hardcore leaderboards and
2448s then uh when you look at the
2449s leaderboards you'll be able to filter
2451s them globally or by platform you can
2454s filter by your friends or your clan so
2456s annoying better than bur yeah I mean I'm
2460s right here you don't have to talk to
2463s me if you play Barb you would be able
2467s to NEC cros are better that's why we
2469s have the Barb
2471s leaderboard so you know uh I mentioned
2474s that these leaderboards will reset every
2475s week but the very best players from each
2479s week's leaderboard are going to be
2481s recorded in the Hall of ancients this is
2484s a permanent leader board that will
2485s cement their legacy
2488s and you don't just have to be the very
2491s top ranking on the leaderboards to
2493s participate in the gauntlet all World
2495s tier 4 players will be able to take
2496s their shot at getting participating in
2498s The Gauntlet and getting Pro progressing
2500s to the leaderboard so that means you
2502s don't have to be level 100 to
2504s participate at all no you don't in fact
2506s uh if you look at the uh this uh
2508s wonderful um UI that we have up here you
2511s can see that we as you're leveling up
2513s and uh competing in The Gauntlet and
2516s getting higher and higher score you'll
2517s earn these seals and uh as you are
2521s earning these seals you'll be able to
2522s climb up until eventually you get to the
2524s Seal of the worthy and then you'll be
2526s able to jump into the leaderboard and
2528s you can show these off on your character
2530s profile and
2531s game awesome very
2534s cool and then I know with leaderboards
2537s that coming in uh season 3 uh with uh
2542s all the information that we've been
2543s sharing here again I'm just reminding
2545s everyone that you can end up checking
2547s all this out on the the site afterwards
2550s we'll have all the artwork up there and
2552s of course all the information that we've
2554s we we provided even on the expansion
2556s stuff will end up being there and I just
2558s want to remind everyone in the community
2560s that uh thanks to you guys and the
2562s feedback that we've actually uh uh
2564s gotten in for Diablo 4 we've been able
2567s to you know we were able to get all
2570s these amazing changes in so providing
2572s that feedback through our forums through
2574s social media through Reddit wherever you
2576s post at uh let us know here even here at
2578s biscon it's it's a it's a huge help for
2581s the whole entire team so thank you guys
2583s again thank you Dia commun for for
2585s making the the game a better experience
2587s for everyone um I know we do have some
2590s time for Q&A as well we did leave a uh
2593s question box out in Hall a for which is
2595s the Diablo Hall here at BlizzCon and
2597s then of course we asked on social media
2600s uh for questions through our fans that
2603s could not attend BlizzCon um but we
2605s grabbed the ones that seem to be pretty
2608s pretty regular repeats specifically so
2610s we'll we'll kind of just jump right in
2612s on them uh the first question I think
2614s this one would be good for Kaylee uh
2616s will there be more intermediate
2617s progression Dungeons and bosses between
2620s tier 4 and Uber Lis yeah so we have this
2623s question a bit and the short answer is
2624s yes um we've already started doing this
2627s with the boss ladder Uber durial and
2630s we're looking for even more
2631s opportunities with which to give
2634s everybody things to tackle as working
2636s their way towards Uber lith as well as
2639s you know things for people to pursue
2641s once they defeat Uber lith so yes um and
2644s as we develop those we will share more
2646s information probably in more campfire
2647s chats or on Diablo 4.com awesome thank
2651s you Kaylee uh this one's an expansion
2653s question so uh Brent I will give this
2656s over to you will there be a season
2658s Journey when expansion
2660s launches yeah we know we have a a a
2664s large community with players who like to
2666s play in a bunch of different styles so
2669s when vessel of hatred launches uh we're
2671s going to have stuff for Eternal players
2673s we're going to have seasonal content
2675s we're going to have people who want to
2677s continue to play vanilla people who want
2679s to jump into the expansion basically
2681s we're going to have something for
2682s everybody to have fun with cool thank
2684s you Brent uh Tiffany um this one for you
2688s uh well we have a system to save and
2690s switch between builds a very popular
2693s question very popular
2695s question
2698s so uh the reason Adam says this is a
2700s great question for me is because I ask
2701s Joe this all the time uh it's something
2704s I'm also very very passion myself and
2706s lots of the development team and lots of
2708s the community is very passionate about
2709s so uh for those of you that play Diablo
2711s I are very familiar with the Armory this
2713s is something that we brought to the game
2715s in patch 25 um and so we've been we've
2718s been talking about it for a very long
2719s time there's so many different things so
2722s many activities like so much room for
2724s activities in sanctuary um so many
2726s different things to be doing whether
2727s you're playing by yourself playing with
2729s the group PVP etc etc there's Paragon
2731s board customization there's build
2734s customization uh there's uh outfit
2737s customization uh what gear you're
2739s wearing so we want to be able to have an
2741s easy way to switch between those so you
2743s can keep playing uh and keep you know uh
2746s Min maxing all of your experiences while
2748s you're in the game so we have nothing to
2751s announce in terms of when it's coming
2753s but it's something that we're talking
2754s about all the time and hoping to break
2756s bring to Diablo 4 as soon as we possibly
2758s can awesome I know it's a thing that a
2761s lot of a lot of people in the Comm have
2762s been asking for and uh you know being
2765s able to switch between uh different
2767s builds and everything and have that
2768s saved it's it's something that the team
2770s most definitely is working on uh next
2772s question we have is uh from from someone
2775s who's actually attending here at bcon
2776s and is actually a content creator was in
2778s our opening ceremony as well in opening
2779s ceremony from Don the crown and I think
2782s he actually made like a decision to come
2784s to blon like 24 hours before ConEd so he
2787s could be here right now he could be here
2789s right now really wanted to ask this
2791s question yes exactly but I will say this
2793s question also came from a lot of people
2796s uh but Don the crown asked do you intend
2798s to add more sources of living steel to
2800s the game oh yeah yeah that grinning
2803s demon right yes yeah he sucks
2807s yeah um yeah no it's you know that that
2811s particular summoning material we've
2814s certainly heard and experienced uh doing
2817s hell Tides is feels much more stingy
2820s than the other summoning materials and
2822s so we want to make some improvements
2823s there yeah awesome yeah so expect
2826s improvements coming down the pipe for
2829s that um and by the way I just want to
2831s thank everyone for not putting your
2833s names in the Box because I would have
2835s completely screwed up half the names in
2836s there as I normally do so I appreciate
2839s people who do not put their names on
2840s there you're the
2842s best last thing I need to do is Butcher
2844s that in front of like 5,000 people uh
2846s will the expansion feature uh a group
2849s finder or Global chat uh as social
2852s features I know we've heard a lot of
2853s questions about uh Brent yeah yeah you
2856s know social is a really big part of the
2858s game and we see what everybody's doing
2860s with how they're leveraging trade chat
2862s to kind of work around some things um
2864s our social team finds this incredibly
2867s important right like we got a lot of
2869s different ways to play the game and we
2871s want to make sure that all of your
2872s communities can find each other and come
2874s together and so we got to we we actually
2876s have to really get some tools in there
2878s to to get to that point where everybody
2881s has a really smooth social experience
2884s and so our goal is to make sure that we
2886s get as many of those tools in place
2888s before we actually get to the expansion
2890s yeah and I really want to make a special
2892s call out to you know we have an entire
2894s POA team who are focused on social and
2897s the player experience and they are so
2899s dedicated and so enthusiastic and just
2902s amazing people to work with and they're
2904s paying attention to the things
2906s everybody's talking about need and
2907s trying to figure out the best plan to
2909s get those kind of things to you in the
2911s best time frame awesome thank you Brent
2913s thank you Kaylee uh and then we have a
2917s kind of a last question here um this is
2920s from Knox wherever you are here at
2922s BlizzCon uh what are your plans there we
2925s go we found him um what are your plans
2930s for itemization moving forward a very
2934s very popular question all right question
2937s B question for Joe yes I'll uh do we
2941s have a panel after this
2943s or no this is a very serious and
2945s important question right and um while
2948s we're not ready to share all of the
2950s plans for itemization that we have going
2952s forward the team is working uh on the
2956s problems that we see with itemization
2957s right now right uh I think I was
2959s watching uh was a carbot video I think
2962s recently and uh shout out to carbot love
2965s his the the character gets two items and
2968s they're trying to compare and he's got
2970s pulls out his sort of monocle and he's
2971s going through it it it's it's too
2974s difficult right now to compare items it
2977s takes a lot of time and uh we want to
2979s make that better we also um want the
2984s there are some affixes that are very
2985s conditional or have several layers of
2987s conditionality um sometimes this gets uh
2990s short hand for this is a damage on
2991s Tuesdays right like um yeah really good
2994s on it's a couple days from now will be
2997s incredible um but we think that there
3000s are too many of those that have really
3001s complicated conditional effects and it's
3003s really hard to build bring those into
3005s builds and it contributes as Kaye was
3008s saying earlier um to a feeling of having
3011s it be very difficult to customize your
3013s items in a way that lets you uh get
3016s exactly the the aices that you want on
3018s your build so that's the build you're
3019s looking for you know exactly so that's
3021s something that we want to review we also
3024s know that when you are optimizing your
3026s gear the the goal of that is to have the
3030s the effect be that you feel that power
3032s so you you are customizing your gear and
3035s then you go out and you want to you want
3036s to be able to V visually tell
3038s immediately like yeah this made a
3040s difference right um and then of course
3044s uh we also want to add more ways to
3047s modify items and add on additional
3050s complexity to items um sort of through
3052s this is often talked about in the
3053s context of crafting right better ways to
3057s uh better ways to modify items in that
3059s way yeah awesome well I know um I'm
3062s going to throw another question at you
3064s though uh because there has been a lot
3067s of talk about the amount of aspects that
3069s are within the game and so you know do
3072s we have any plans on what we like for
3075s for aspects specifically yeah so it's
3078s going to take us a little bit of time to
3079s to get this right um probably won't see
3082s it in season 3 but uh soon after that um
3085s but we want to get the aspect crystals
3087s out of your inventory and into the Codex
3089s of
3094s power I think they agree with that I
3096s think they quite like that I I I'm
3099s glad we're we're we're starting work on
3102s it right now so we'd have to go back um
3105s but no the Codex of power is really a
3108s great repository of all of the legendary
3111s powers or it should be we think and
3113s there are way there are lots of
3115s opportunities for for for upgrading it
3116s or um bringing affixes that you found
3119s and we we just really want to make that
3120s better yeah great that's awesome to hear
3122s I know a lot of people are excited to to
3125s have a an area where all their aspects
3127s are as opposed to you know where we are
3129s right now with with collecting
3130s everything with our aspects and having
3132s your inventory kind of running back to
3134s the stash and putting them all in there
3135s and everything so uh there we have it
3137s for the Diablo 4 campfire chat we do
3140s have a lot of awesome things coming down
3142s the road and I do want to remind
3144s everyone that you know this Tuesday day
3146s we have an update with uh five new
3148s malignant rings that will be hitting the
3150s game you can Farm bar Sean to earn uh
3153s earn those Rings specifically and and
3155s those rings are in Eternal and seasonal
3157s which is great to hear as well and then
3159s of course on December 5th we have our uh
3161s abatar of zir yeah Google abattoir if
3164s you don't know what that is I did it's a
3166s slaughter house it's a slaughter house
3168s yeah cultured Adam uh and then uh we
3172s also have a cultist updates hitting on
3174s December 5th and of course December 12th
3176s we have our first holiday event hitting
3178s Diablo 4 which is midwinter blight where
3180s players can actually end up earning a
3182s ton of different uh new Cosmetics you
3184s know dress your character up in some
3185s Bells some reads Holly ETA get very
3187s festive exactly get very festive um and
3190s uh I did want to remind everyone that we
3192s do have a Diablo blood drive that is
3194s currently running if you go to Diablo
3196s blood harvest.com currently the
3197s community is at 73% to the goal uh once
3201s we at 100% job everyone everyone gets
3203s some awards good job great cause as well
3207s it's for an awesome cause you know we
3209s we're we're aiming to have uh 666 quarts
3212s of blood donated course so of course go
3214s to got to stay with the theme so make
3216s sure to uh check out the site for more
3219s information um panelists I say thank you
3224s for for coming to BlizzCon um and and
3226s watching online uh we love Diablo and we
3229s love
3233s you I can't wait to get back in front of
3237s everybody here and have more to talk
3239s about with the expansion in the future
3241s uh so I look forward to seeing you all
3242s in
3247s sanctuary you know I I just want to
3250s thank all of our passionate players and
3253s you know we are we listen to everything
3256s that you're saying and it's been so
3257s awesome to reveal season of blood and be
3260s able to bring some of those changes back
3262s and then to come here and to be able to
3264s tell you about all the things that are
3266s more things that are coming in season of
3267s blood and in future seasons and in
3270s vessel of
3271s hatred
3275s yeah uh yeah I just want to say thank
3278s you everyone for making this an amazing
3280s experience to be up here also hi Mom and
3283s Dad surprise yes I'm on the panel um I
3285s didn't tell them but I mostly want to
3288s call out our amazing team um who many of
3291s them are working here at BlizzCon who
3293s may have met down in Hall a they're
3295s doing sign
3296s and everyone who is actually still back
3297s at the office or well would be it's a
3299s weekend they're not working um but
3302s everyone um across uh all the spaces
3305s that we have and across the team in
3307s general
3311s awesome and I just want to thank
3313s everyone here thank you guys everyone
3315s here everyone at home uh we hope you
3317s guys have had a wonderful BlizzCon we're
3320s so happy to have you here and we hope
3322s you guys come see us while blizzcon's
3324s still going on for the rest of the day
3327s and uh we'll see you in the next
3329s campfire chat we'll have more campfire
3330s chats this year and have a amazing
3334s BlizzCon everyone thank you so much
3335s we'll see you in sanctuary thank
3348s you