about 1 month ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s the Armory is finally here and it's
2s available to both seasonal and eternal
4s players you can now save Swap and name
7s up to five your builds per character
9s including loot skill points and Paragon
11s points this is for players that want to
13s try different setups like if you wanted
14s to speed load out for running dungeons
16s you can visit the Armory and swap to it
18s or if you want to tankier sturdier load
20s out for pushing the pit swap to that or
22s maybe you want to experiment with a
23s different build entirely the armory's
25s got you no more spending precious time
28s reallocating all those Paragon points
29s and glyphs the system will remember each
31s setup and pull the gear from either your
33s inventory or your stash space as long as
35s you don't Salvage it of course to help
37s with this your Armory items will be
39s automatically favored and tagged with
40s this text and icon pretty neat huh to
43s find the Armory head to this icon on the
45s map found in every major city and if you
48s die on Hardcore they'll bury you with
50s your loadouts since they're tied to each
52s character specifically that's all for
53s today see you in sanctuary