over 7 years
ago -
Blizzard Entertainment
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Edit: Our apologies—the original dates published for the PlayStation 4 sale were incorrect. These have been updated.
There’s something in the air this time of year, and we think we know what it is: fire and brimstone! Give your dearest friends the gift of demon-slaying with savings of up to 50% on Diablo III on select platforms.
Sale begins December 20 and ends January 2:
- Diablo III ($9.99)
- Diablo III: Reaper of Souls ($9.99)
- Diablo III: Battle Chest ($19.99)
- Rise of the Necromancer ($9.99)
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 4 sale begins January 2 and ends January 9:
- Diablo III: Eternal Collection ($35.99)
- Rise of the Necromancer ($11.49)
Xbox One
Xbox One sale begins January 2 and ends January 8:
- Diablo III: Eternal Collection ($29.99 w/ Xbox Gold Subscription)
- Rise of the Necromancer ($9.74 w/ Xbox Gold Subscription)
Xbox 360
Xbox 360 sale begins January 2 and ends January 8:
- Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition ($15.99 w/ Xbox Gold Subscription)
These deals are only available for a limited time, so head on over to the Blizzard store or your preferred digital sales front for more information. Happy Hellidays!