Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Dev Tracker

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26 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone -

Final update this evening from the War Room. The team got the hotfix out across all regions. Queue times and servers are looking good across the board and for the Ashava events tonight and early tomorrow morning.

We will be monitoring throughout the night and provide any updates if needed tomorrow.

Thanks again for all the wonderful feedback and bug reporting throughout this beta.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Happy Saturday evening everyone -

The team earlier this afternoon was able to successfully stabilize some of the player drops we were seeing from this morning. This has allowed us to alleviate queue times for all players.

We have another backend hotfix that we will be aiming to deploy later this evening to help out with further server stabilization. The deployment of this hotfix may disrupt some connections but is needed for the betterment of the beta through Sunday.

We will provide further updates when available. Thanks again and please continue posting about bugs and feedback in the forums.

25 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone -

This morning the team has been performing some rolling restarts on some services behind the scenes and a few additional hotfixes. The intended goal is to improve performance, but there may be some intermittent disconnects for users while we perform these updates. We will have another update later today.

Thanks again for your patience, feedback and excitement around the beta this weekend.