Q: Will Vanellope also be joining the Valley this update?
A: You bet! You've all been so patient and we can't wait for you to meet her.
Q: Do I need social media to participate in DreamSnaps?
A: Nope! DreamSnaps submissions, voting and rewards are handled entirely in-game.
Yesterday, we shared the first details about the DreamSnaps Update. Amidst the excitement, there were some great questions!
While we'll be sharing more details over the coming week, we wanted to answer a couple of the most common ones, so let's dive into DreamSnaps below!
Excited to learn more?
We'll be sharing a blog post soon that walks you through the entire DreamSnaps process.
Stay tuned for this and more information about launch timing, coming soon!
Q: Who will be able to earn weekly Moonstones?
A: Each week, everyone who participates will earn a minimum of 300 Moonstones! This amount can increase depending on your score and placement in that week's challenge.
Even better, you can earn 50 more Moonstones per week by voting.