18 days
ago -
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Greetings Commanders!
We're excited to announce the next squadron of awesome content creators who are joining the ranks of the Elite Dangerous Partner Program!
Please welcome:
- CMDR Mechan | https://www.youtube.com/@Astyrrean
- cmdr_totallynotademon | [MEDIA=twitch]cmdr_totallynotademon[/MEDIA] Source: https://www.twitch.tv/cmdr_totallynotademon
- JurassicAcidGaming | [MEDIA=twitch]acidjurassic[/MEDIA] Source: https://www.twitch.tv/acidjurassic
- mr_w4rpath | [MEDIA=twitch]mr_w4rpath[/MEDIA] Source: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_w4rpath
- mint_toby | [MEDIA=twitch]mint_toby[/MEDIA] Source: https://www.twitch.tv/mint_toby
- Vendicious | [MEDIA=twitch]vendicious[/MEDIA] Source: https://www.twitch.tv/vendicious
- Mile 13 Gaming | https://www.youtube.com/@Mile13Gaming
- Content and channel promotion from Elite Dangerous channels and streams.
- Twitch Drops for your own Twitch channels and code bundles for YouTube channels containing in-game cosmetics.
- An exclusive set of Elite Partner Program merchandise.