9 months ago - - Direct link
Greetings Commanders! As you continue the fight against the looming threat of the Thargoid Titans, we're making a few adjustments behind the scenes to ensure your progression isn't thwarted by any unnecessary barriers. As it currently stands, Thargoid Titans create alert systems whilst they continue to threaten the galaxy. These alert systems are challenging to reclaim if they are close to the Titan and currently even if the Titan is destroyed these still need to be taken back. We're making a change that will take effect this Thursday: Alert states will be considered defeated if the Titan met a fiery end before they could initiate the subsequent Invasion. That means you won't have to worry about trying to complete an impossibly hard Alert state or any subsequent invasions beginning as long as you can take out the source.
9 months ago - - Direct link
"Untilting, post: 10331581, member: 294702"
Fdev are uploading a virus to the motherships.

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