Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

03 Jun

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!


The Escape From Tarkov art contest is over and it's time to announce the winners!

It was a very hard choice for us, since there were many amazing submissions.


We will announce the winners one by one, starting from the 4th place and it goes to Mirage and this amazing USEC operator photo!


Mirage, please make sure to check your private messages on Discord!


3rd place will be announced tomorrow!


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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

If your list of servers has disappeared - just restart the launcher, it should appear again.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a technical update of the client to improve the stability of the game.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher.

02 Jun

16 hours ago, Pyroon said:

just submit a new bug report every day. and hope they get annoyed and solve it


16 hours ago, zoflora said:

Yep I just submitted one an hour ago

Please indicate application number.

7 hours ago, jasonzd3 said:

Все просто получают один и тот же ответ через службу поддержки. Я не думаю, что эта проблема будет решена в ближайшее время. Извините, ребята, я старался не быть отрицательным.

Просто хочу поиграть


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Escapers!


Recently, account theft cases have become more frequent and we strongly recommend supplementing your security settings with two-factor authorization.

You can enable two-factor authorization in the security settings located on your profile page.

To use it, you should install the google authenticator program on your phone or tablet.

After connecting, it will display shortcodes which should be entered during authorization.

This will greatly complicate the life of attackers trying to encroach on your belongings!


Thank you for your attention!


Respectfully yours, the Escape from Tarkov team.

01 Jun

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

More than 700 banned for today


Уважаемые Тарковчане!

Мы надеемся, что вы чувствуете себя хорошо в это тяжелое время.

Мы хотели бы поблагодарить вас, за вашу постоянную поддержку и оказанное доверие. После выхода обновления 0.12.6 мы прошли новый рубеж — 200.000 онлайн-игроков!

Мы не останавливаемся на этом, все вопросы и проблемы решаются и учитываются. Спасибо за все ваши сообщения об ошибках, отзывы и критику.

Да здравствует хардкор!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We hope that you are staying well during this hard time.

We would like to thank you for your continous support and trust, with the 0.12.6 update we achieved a new milestone - 200k online players!

We are not stopping, all the issues are being addressed, thank you for all the feedback and bug reports.

Long live hardcore!

31 May

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!


The Escape From Tarkov art contest is closed, thank you for all submissions!

As soon as we will choose the winners, we will share their works with you.

We are keeping the #artwork-submissions channel still visible, you can view all the submissions there.

Thank you again for all your arts, they are all amazing, it will be a very hard choice for us!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!


The Escape From Tarkov art contest is closed, thank you for all submissions!

As soon as we will choose the winners, we will share their works with you.

We are keeping the #artwork-submissions channel still visible, you can view all the submissions there.

Thank you again for all your arts, they are all amazing, it will be a very hard choice for us!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
12 hours ago, Cyver said:

1000+ more bans.

+462 more. Almost 1500 for last 24 total

24 minutes ago, Chernobyl_52 said:

Еще 1000 банов за сегодня. Битва продолжается.

+ 462. Почти 1500 забаненных за последние 24 в сумме.


Еще 1000 банов за сегодня. Битва продолжается.


Мы сделали несколько изменений сразу после выхода обновления 0.12.6. 

  • Квесты Механика «Оружейник» теперь начинаются с 5 уровня (было 10). 
  • Изменены многие предложения от торговцев. Они должны стать более легкими для покупки в ранней игре (газблок mk12 на 1 УЛ, Glock и магазины для Glock за рубли, увеличено общее количество предметов). 
  • Повышенный шанс спавна для флешек. 
  • Добавлено множество оружейных деталей в спавн лута. 
  • Мы добавляем новые сервера для OCE региона. 

Большое спасибо за ваш фидбек!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We remind you that our art contest ends today, so it is the last day for your submissions!

The way how you you can share your fanarts with us and the community is to share them on our Discord, where we created a special channel called #artwork-submissions for you arts:

Please also remember that you can vote for your favourite art with the reaction under the submission, the more reactions art gets, the bigger chance author of it will get the special Community Reward.

Best of luck and thank you for all submissions!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We remind you that our art contest ends today, so it is the last day for your submissions!

The way how you you can share your fanarts with us and the community is to share them on our Discord, where we created a special channel called #artwork-submissions for you arts:

Please also remember that you can vote for your favourite art with the reaction under the submission, the more reactions art gets, the bigger chance author of it will get the special Community Reward.

Best of luck and thank you for all submissions!

48 minutes ago, Acrux said:

Может оставить на время только максим пак)

На EODах не меньше читерят.


Еще 1000+ банов.

29 May

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just now, BattlEye has banned over 3,000 cheaters in EFT.

We decided that we will now let you know about large BE ban waves.


В настоящий момент наблюдаются проблемы с одним из датацентров, в связи с чем возможны проблемы с доступом в игру. Приносим извинения за неудобства.