Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

28 May


Установка патча 0.12.6 для Escape from Tarkov началась! Это займет от 3 до 5 часов. Игра будет остановлена на это время.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Today, at 11:00 Moscow time, we plan to start installation of the game update for Escape from Tarkov.

This will take from 3 to 5 hours, during this time the game will be unavailable.

There will be a global wipe of characters.

The wipe will not affect the saved weapon presets and examined items in the handbook.



Сегодня, в 11:00 МСК мы планируем начать установку обновления 0.12.6 для Escape from Tarkov - это займет примерно от 3 до 5 часов. Игра будет остановлена на это время.

27 May

Just now, tin-tin8d said:

А увеличение таможни не планировалось? Или я пропустил, что то?

В 0.12.7 планируется.


Завтра, в 11:00 МСК мы планируем начать установку обновления 0.12.6 для Escape from Tarkov - это займет примерно от 3 до 5 часов. Игра будет остановлена на это время. 

Вайп. Он не затронет сборки оружия/энциклопедию (изученные предметы)


  • На барахолку добавлена “Капча”. 
  • При подозрительных действиях на барахолке и в торговле может появиться капча. 
  • При неверном вводе капчи трижды, аккаунту будет заблокирован доступ на барахолку на 5 минут, после чего вновь нужно будет ввести капчу, чтобы купить предмет. 
  • Каждый последующий трижды неверный ввод будет увеличивать время бана. 
  • Доступ к торговле баниться не будет, но будет требовать ввода капчи. 
  • Все схроны, для всех изданий, увеличены на 2 строки (+20 ячеек). 
  • Доработано отображение предметов через тепловизионные устройства. Через тепловизоры, теперь, к...
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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

Tomorrow at 11.00 Moscow time, we plan to start installing patch

This will take from 3 to 5 hours, and the game will be stopped for this time.

There will be a global wipe of characters. The wipe will not affect the saved weapon presets and examined items in the handbook.

List of changes:



  • “Captcha” was added to the flea market.
  • If there are suspicious actions at the flea market and in the trade, a captcha may appear.
  • If you enter the captcha incorrectly three times, the account will be blocked from accessing the flea market for 5 minutes, after which you will need to enter the captcha again to buy the item.
  • Each subsequent three times incorrect entry will increase the time of the ban.
  • Access to trading will not be banned, but it will require entering a captcha.
  • ...
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Предвайповые ивенты в Escape from Tarkov стартовали - на всех локациях уже появились рейдеры, а у торговцев доступны все товары в неограниченном количестве. Удачных рейдов!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Friends, we decided to ask Developers of EFT a few questions.

Material was collected by Emissaries from their communities.

We present to your attention a small interview.

Q: Please tell us how do you create a roadmap for adding weapons to the game? How do you determine which weapon to add next? What was behind the decision to add the almost unknown DT MDR as the first bullpup, when there are much more well-known " brands” that, as guest stars in commercials, would attract more interest in the patch in which they are introduced, and the game as a whole. AUG in this case. 

A: There Is a plan, a list of weapons that was created at an early stage of the game's development. Some weapon samples, like the DT MDR, were taken from Contract Wars to more closely link both projects into one universe. Also, we add weapons that we like, not that are currently fashionable and in the trends. After that, the weapons from the list a...

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Друзья, мы вновь решили задать несколько интересных вопросов Никите Буянову. Материал был собран при участии эмиссаров.

Представляем вашему вниманию небольшое мини-интервью сразу в двух форматах. Для вашего удобства мы также написали список вопросов и ответы на них находятся чуть ниже, а также есть вариант в прикреплённом аудиофайле. Приятного прослушивания и чтения.


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25 May

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
4 hours ago, DrBloom said:

Yes... Yes we can... lines are tricky alright 😄 I leave lines to the professionals, but I do try my hardest.

Let's attempt to make the perfect circle and call it art. 

24 May

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a post in 2018 people. Let it die...


Plenty of other “bad game” posts to chat on. 🙃

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 5/23/2020 at 1:25 AM, DrBloom said:

Best of luck to all, my art ability goes as far as stick figures 😆

Maybe you and me can compare our art then because even my stick figures are horrible. Haha

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

sadly there is no ther way to see all the submissions, I recommend you to go through the verification and join our Discord, you can find great people there to play with, but I will understand if you won't want to do that.

But you will be able to find the winning arts on our channels, including this thread.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We remind you that our art contest ends in 7 days, so it is the last week for your submissions!

The way how you you can share your fanarts with us and the community is to share them on our Discord, where we created a special channel called #artwork-submissions for you arts:

Please also remember that you can vote for your favourite art with the reaction under the submission, the more reactions art gets, the bigger chance author of it will get the special Community Reward.

Best of luck and thank you for all submissions!

20 May

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

please contact our support center about those issues, you can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:


15 May

2 часа назад, Chernobyl_52 сказал:

Сегодня в 13:00 МСК мы планируем начать установку обновления 12.5.7295 для Escape from Tarkov. Установка займет примерно 2 часа, игра будет остановлена на это время.

Список изменений:


  • Ограничения обзора в тепловизионных прицелах.
  • Различные ошибки, которые могли влиять на производительность игры и фризы.

Установка патча завершена.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The installation of the patch is complete.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The installation of the patch is complete.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Understtod, there is a chance that you are not getting our mails, please try the following:


Check the "Spam"  folder - a letter by mistake could get there;

Add to the whitelist of your sender's mail [email protected];

Please check if the mailbox isn’t full, letters may not come if the quota of your mailbox is full.


Check your mail settings, turn off all filters on your mail, and also check your mail forwarding settings...

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The installation of the patch has begun!

The game will be unavailable for 2 hours.