Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

24 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We remind you that in one hour the BSG twitch channel will host the "TarkovTV" podcast - DevBlog #009 -

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We remind you that in one hour the BSG twitch channel will host the "TarkovTV" podcast - DevBlog #009 -


23 Apr


24 апреля в 23.00 МСК на твитч-канале BSG состоится подкаст "TarkovTV" - DevBlog #009 -

Во время трансляции Никита Буянов и гости обсудят последние новости и грядущий патч, а также различные идеи и предложения по проекту.

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Friends, we decided to ask Nikita Buyanov a few questions. Material was collected from emissaries and players. We present to your attention a small mini-interview.


Question: How did the idea to create the movie series “RAID” come to the studio? Can you tell us more about the beginning of the production of the series: the origin of the idea, how Anton Rosenberg came into the project, how the production went, whether Nikita was on the set, is the series “RAID” related to the future plot?

Answer: We made the very first trailer and then the idea arose to film the adventures of these two comrades in the form of a series, but in full CGi. Then, in fact, all this “mutated” into the movie series. The plot of the series repeats the plot of the game as a whole. After the release of all the series, a film about the film will be released in which some interesting moments of the filming process will be revealed.



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21 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

can you please share the screenshot of the trader screen and the screen with his tasks?

20 Apr


Мы не просили отключить NVIDIA фильтры. Это запланировано с патчем 12.5, которого еще не было.


Мы не просили отключить NVIDIA фильтры. Это запланировано с патчем 12.5, которого еще не было.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Also sir, please note that we are working a merchandise store, sadly we had to postpone it due to COVID-19.

But we will do our best to release it as soon as possible, there for sure you will be able to find some gear which can help you too with your EfT stle loadouts :)

19 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update is complete.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The technical update is complete.

3 часа назад, XeMuS сказал:

Через несколько минут мы планируем провести техническое обновление всех игровых серверов для улучшения стабильности Escape from Tarkov. Игра останавливаться не будет. На обновляемых серверах время рейда будет сокращено до 10 минут.

Техническое обновление завершено.

17 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear friends.

Nikita Buyanov stopped by at one of the popular Escape from Tarkov streamers - Pestily, where he told some insider information regarding upcoming plans for the game and answered some questions. We present to your attention a short clipping of the main topics that Nikita discussed with streamers.

  • Information about the wipe will probably be released next week.
  • RAID episode 4 is planned in mid-May.
  • The next patch 0.12.5 will contain the settings of graphic post-effects. Filters from Nvidia will become unavailable for use.
  • The 1911 pistol will be in 0.12.6.
  • Kriss Vector - most likely will appear in 0.12.7.
  • UMP is in the plans, but there are no exact dates yet.
  • Boss on the Shoreline - The Sanitar is scheduled for 0.12.7
  • Rework of skills - the first changes will be in the patch 0.12.7.
  • The compass is planned in patch 0.1...
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16 Apr

3 часа назад, Chernobyl_52 сказал:

В данный момент доступ к игре может быть затруднён или отсутствовать из-за проблем у нашего хостинга. Мы предпринимаем все необходимые меры для стабилизации ситуации.

Проблема устранена.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the moment, access to the game may be difficult or absent due to problems of our host provider.

We are taking all necessary measures to stabilize the situation.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the moment, access to the game may be difficult or absent due to problems of our host provider.

We are taking all necessary measures to stabilize the situation.


В данный момент доступ к игре может быть затруднён или отсутствовать из-за проблем у нашего хостинга. Мы предпринимаем все необходимые меры для стабилизации ситуации.


В данный момент доступ к игре может быть затруднён или отсутствовать из-за проблем у нашего хостинга. Мы предпринимаем все необходимые меры для стабилизации ситуации.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the moment, players may have difficulties entering the game.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the moment, players may have difficulties entering the game.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear friends!

Please note that we are not responsible for purchased copies of the game on third-party websites. If you have problems with pre-order, please contact the place of purchase.

We urge you to pre-order ONLY on the official website to avoid fraud.