Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

15 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Team Podcast with Nikita is live!


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

First Twitch Rivals tournament summary:



Друзья! Вчера состоялся первый турнир по Escape from Tarkov в уникальном для киберспортивных ивентов формате BINGO!, разработанный и подготовленный совместными усилиями команды Twitch Rivals и нашей студии. Победители и призеры европейского и американского этапов определены и заслуживают только похвал. Все участники показали себя очень достойно. Так держать, мы гордимся вами и нашим невероятным комьюнити!

В течение турнира у всех зрителей была возможность получить Drops из следующих категорий предметов - Common (Обычные), Rare (Редкие) и Legendary (Легендарные). За выполнение командами отдельных заданий и закрытие строк BINGO! зрители получали Простые и Редкие дропы, а на канале Twitch Rivals имелся шанс получить Легендарные. Так было выдано 3294803 дропов (2548077 | 705594 | 41132) общей стоимостью почти 198 млрд внутриигровых рублей, из них - более 300 тысяч уникальных предметов с логотипами Twitch Rivals.

К сожалению, не все прошло гладко и как плани...

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


The first Escape from Tarkov tournament took place yesterday in a unique for eSports events- Bingo! format, developed and prepared together by the Twitch Rivals team and our studio. The winners and prize winners of the European and American stages are determined and deserve only praise. All participants performed very worthy. Keep it up, we are proud of you and our incredible community!

During the tournament, all spectators had the opportunity to get Drops from the following categories of items - Common, Rare and Legendary. For teams completing certain tasks and closing Bingo lines, viewers received Common and Rare drops, and on the Twitch Rivals channel there was a chance to get Legendary. So, we issued 3 294 803 drops (2548077 | 705594 | 41132) with a total value of almost 198 billion in-game rubles, of which more than 300 thousand unique items with Twitch Rivals logos.

Unfortunately, not everything went smoothly and as planned. Th...

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

The event have ended. Please, profile your feedback here:


    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

Now that the Twitch Rivals event have concluded, we would like to hear your feedback about it. Let us know your thoughts and how it could have been better if you did not like something. 

Thank you and make sure to follow the forum rules while stating your opinions freely. 

14 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

if you mean Twitch Drops, then first you need to connect your Escape From Tarkov account with your Twitch account, you can do that on your profile page:

Then in order to get Drops you need to watch the main Twitch Rivals stream or stream of any event participant, you ca...

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

TwitchRivals NA is live now!

Tune in for more details:

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

TwitchRivals NA is live now!

Tune in for more details:

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Drops are being delivered with a slight delay due to high load from Twitch Rivals.

1 015 000 drops were delivered at this moment.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Drops are being delivered with a slight delay due to high load from Twitch Rivals.

1 015 000 drops were delivered at this moment.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


TwitchRivals is live now!

Tune in for more details:

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


TwitchRivals is live now!

Tune in for more details:

13 Apr

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you have a solid video, you can post here:

Other than that, we do not take cheater reports. If they cheat, they get flagged and banned by anticheat (BattleEye).

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
10 hours ago, Kiarlv said:

Focus on fixing game ? Nah lets just cater more to streamers...

Game fixing has nothing to do with this though. This is organized with PR department and Twitch. Developers are still working on the game and doing what needs to be done as always. This event has 0 negative impacts about EFT. Such events brings:

  • More people: now you get to shoot at more people.
  • More funds to BSG which helps hire more people, purchase more servers, improve the studio and grow EFT even more. Games cost money to make and after all they are also a business.

So, yes, this is actually contributing to what EFT can become in the future—an improved than before game. I am personally happy to see this and continue to see the growth and success of EFT all the way through. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
1 hour ago, Xarc said:

Owners of EFT get drops even if the channel have "Followers-Only Chat" on and they don't want to follow ?


That is only to chat. You do not need chat to get drops. You get drops for watching. 

12 Apr


Все подробности по Twitch Rivals, можно узнать тут. 

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have installed a minor technical client update, aimed at potential improvement of the game performance.

All players need to download the update through the launcher.