Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

05 Apr

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cheaters are actively being banned. We do not allow the creation of new threads each time someone suspects a cheater. If you have a video evidence, you can share it under the dedicated thread for that. Other than that, such threads do not have any value except to clutter the forums. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
25 minutes ago, neo_bpm said:

Does anybody know if they will remove the skill system in the final version? This is the most unrealistic and un-fun system ever in "realistic" and "serious" games.

No, more skills are being "unlocked" that are not available yet. How is acquiring a skill unrealistic? Isn't that actually a thing in IRL? I know it is for me lol

Plus, this game has some RPG elements as advertised and this is part of that. 

04 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Since you only encounter it on this one map, then it can mean that there are not enough players at the time you are trying to match on the server for this location.

But please also contact our support center through the game launcher about this situation, our specialists will check it, you can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

@iupeco94 @iNanoFish


if you have a video evidence of the suspected cheater, then please post it in the topic that I am sharing below, but first please read the rules of that thread:

Also please note that name and shame is not allowed on our Forums.

Since the topic was answerd, I am locking it.


    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
3 minutes ago, FuZeL3G3ND said:

I would like to request a refund as I did not purchase the game, my friend who stayed at my house bought it off of my card without permission from me. If anyone can help please message me back as I need this money to help pay for bills this month.

Please, refer to the EFT term of service which states that EFT does not offer refunds for any pre-order packages of the game. You might want to work with your friend to get your funds back. 


    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have reviewed all applicants and our first batch of new moderators will be:

  1. @Sleepyyy
  2. @neo993
  3. @CrazedAussie
  4. ...
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03 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

as Xarc wrote, we can get your items back, please make sure to change the password to both game and your mail, or for the security reasons also change the mail that your are having signed to your game. Also, as Xarc wrote too, please enable the  2 factor authentication for your account.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

please contact our support center through the game launcher about this issue, you can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:


02 Apr

Только что, Qaleegoola сказал:

А как это будет работать, если во время сессии пинг скаканет?

Добавил пояснение.


Внимание! Завтра мы планируем включить серверные кики по высокому пингу. Лимит будет выставлен в 250 и он будет понижен до компромиссного значения в течение времени тестирования.

Кик будет не мгновенный по достижению значения лимита. Вам нужно будет пробыть с пингом выше значения лимита в течение несколько секунд, чтобы вас кикнуло.


Внимание! Завтра мы планируем включить серверные кики по высокому пингу. Лимит будет выставлен в 250 и он будет понижен до компромиссного значения в течение времени тестирования.

Кик будет не мгновенный по достижению значения лимита. Вам нужно будет пробыть с пингом выше значения лимита в течение несколько секунд, чтобы вас кикнуло.

01 Apr

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

I would recommend you to run the diagnostics to check the health of your disk, maybe something is wrong with it and it is causing it to get the 100% use just by one app.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

as a different user already wrote you for such cases you can use the or our support section of the Forums - ...

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

please contact our support center through the game launcher about this issue, you can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:

Also a recorded video attached to the report (as a link) could be very helpful to identify the issue you are having.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

how many servers are you having selected in your game launcher? Or are you using the auto option?

31 Mar


Всем добрый день! 

Мы, как и большинство людей в мире, поддерживаем меры по борьбе с новой мировой проблемой, коронавирусом, и в конце прошлой недели перешли на удалённый метод разработки. Всё прошло как надо и мы можем практически в полную силу работать из своих домов. 

Следующий небольшой патч будет 12.4.2, который исправит некоторые основные причины фризов и статтеров. Сразу после него мы планируем подготовить и выпустить обновление 12.5, в котором будет: 

  • Механика быстрого лечения(по завершении рейда) 
  • Настройки пост-обработки (резкость, цветокоррекция и т.д.) 
  • Оптимизация рендеринга для некоторых оптических приспособлений 
  • Различные багфиксы 

Улучшения качества жизни игроков, такие как например зависимость чувствительности мыши от увеличения оптики 

Дальнейшая разработка проекта разделена на обновления - 12.6, 12.7, и т.д. таким образом, следующий пат...

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Good day to all!


We, like most people in the world, support measures to combat the new global problem, coronavirus, and, at the end of last week, we moved to remote development. Everything went ok and we are almost fully operational from our homes.

The next small update version 12.4.2, which will contain several major freezes and stuttering fixes. Right after it we plan to prepare and release update 12.5, which will contain:

  •  Quick healing feature (at the end of the raid)
  • Post-effects settings (sharpness. color grading setting etc.)
  • Some optics rendering optimizations
  • Various bug fixes
  • QoL improvements, such as the dependence of mouse sensitivity on the magnification of optics


Further development of the project is divided into patches - 12.6, 12.7, etc. So, the next patch 0.12.6 is also aimed at fixing bugs and optimization, but will...

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30 Mar


В это непростое для всего мира время мы должны приложить совместные усилия, чтобы скорее победить кризис. Поэтому друзья, оставайтесь по возможности дома, и, чтобы не было скучно, проведите это время за любимым занятием.

Мы в свою очередь тоже перешли на удаленный формат работы, но делаем все от нас зависящее, чтобы процесс разработки не останавливался, а связь с вами не прерывалась.

В ближайшие дни ожидайте получение различных игровых предметов. Мы не будем специальным образом анонсировать отправку, вы поймете, когда это произойдет.

Наконец, с 31 марта 00:01 МСК по 4 апреля 23:59 МСК Escape from Tarkov можно ...

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
21 minutes ago, BabyMonster said:

When can i Get the open beta key s

There are no announce dates for the open beta or how to gain access to it. So far the only way to get access is by purchasing a package of the game from our official website. 

29 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


please note that name and shame is not allowed on our Forums, if you have a video evidence for a player then please submit it in the thread that I am sharing below:

Before posting the video there, please read the rules of that thread.

Since the topic was answered, I am locking it.
