Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

21 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

We are sorry about game failure which is going on partially right now - we sent a appreciation package with some items to every player and the amount of players who wanted to check it overloaded login server. 

We are working on resolving this issues.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Niewiarygodny @thekryptkeeper


we just added the weight system, we are in the Beta state and it's purpose is to test the new features, we are still looking how it works and we are also looking at your feedback, we are balancing it.

Also we are planning to change the way how you level the strength, so it will be more natural and better.

Thank you for your feedback and ideas!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

before every ban is given there is evidence gathered and then the ban is being given.

We can't provide you more information about that, sorry.

Since the topic was answered, I am locking it.


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

could you please forward as much details (what server you were playing at, game logs, etc.) about it to our support center through the game launcher?

Our specialists will be then able to check it.

You can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:



    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct



122 Applicants in less than 3 days. This will be an interesting weekend for me to say the least lol

But we are looking for the best of the best from the community so still go ahead and apply. We might take 10-20 on a trial period. That said, please, read the application. For example, the first question asks:

"Your Forum profile LINK (Not just name)"

And I have like 10 who just typed their names. That is automatically disqualified for...not even going to be reading those applications due to the number of applicants and lack of following instructions. So set yourself apart first! 🙏

20 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
5 hours ago, TheWay said:

At the moment, players may have network problems.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The issue has been fixed.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
5 hours ago, TheWay said:

At the moment, players may have network problems.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The issue has been fixed.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the moment, players may have network problems.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

At the moment, players may have network problems.

We are already working to fix this issue as fast as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

18 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

best would be if you could contact our support center through the game launcher, our specialists will do their best to help you.

You can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

Gen4 is a heavy vest, weapon is also not light, but please not that your character is mos likely not having leveled strength, when you will level it up, it will also affect the weight.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Tarkov Fans,

It has been a while since we had a massive moderation team recruitment campaign, and the community has been growing in the forums exponentially. That said, we are now opening up the recruitment of the next batch of moderators to improve the flow of the forums as well as communication. We are looking for those who enjoy being active on the forums, love helping people, and want to get more involved with Escape from Tarkov. This is your shot to be part of the community staff of EFT and furthermore. If you have applied before, it will NOT be considered for this application so, please, learn more and send your application using the link below:


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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 3/16/2020 at 10:22 PM, thekryptkeeper said:

"After the recent patch" lmfao, and long before it buddy. 

The question is different here. There is a difference between a specific patch causing an increase/a new issue and the previously already existing stutter issue (which does not happen as often anymore nor for all). In this case, I am talking particularly about "After the recent patch".

57 минут назад, vedmedik сказал:

Модераторы  уберите назад  тему обсуждения ЗБТ  патчей в раздел бета форума.

Надоели комментаторы с регистрацией 5 минут назад.

з.ы. Если тестирование закрытое , зачем это все вываливать в общий доступ?

На других площадках патчноут и в целом информация по обновлениям в общем доступе. Теперь и на форуме патчноут будет постится в общем доступе.

17 Mar

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Currently there are the connection problems to launcher on the west coast of US.

It's unrelated to EFT services, so we just need to wait when it will be resolved.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Currently there are the connection problems to launcher on the west coast of US.

It's unrelated to EFT services, so we just need to wait when it will be resolved.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
3 minutes ago, Kazimir_D said:

Ok sorry if this was not allowed can delete if needed


There is no need, sir.

Best way to share a issue/bug with us is directly through the in-game launcher, please do that for all the future issues that you will encounter.

You can see the instruction how to do that in the topic that I am sharing below:

Thank you for every report!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Please contact our support center through the game launcher about this issue, sir.


Привет, ребзики! 

Итак, после того как пыль улеглась, мы решили сообщить вам текущий статус о том, что происходит и что планируется в патче 0.12.5. 

Во-первых, несмотря ни на что, спасибо вам за обратную связь о новых фичах, мы провели большую работу по балансировке системы перевеса, побороли проблему с качанием головы и сейчас работаем над хотфиксами для всех основных проблем, озвученных вами за последнее время. 

Также мы продолжаем модифицировать серверы, сейчас тестируется новая система распределения нагрузки, которая увеличит количество свободных комнат для игроков, добавляем новые серверы в различных регионах. Активно взаимодействуем с BattlEye. 

Следующий патч 0.12.5 будет на 95% состоять из фиксов и оптимизации. В том числе в нём будет несколько новых фич, таких как быстрое лечение после рейда, фильтры пост-обработки. Другого контента пока не планируется. 

Вот и все! Ранее мы уже говорили, что планируем выпускать ...

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Привет, ребзики! 

Итак, после того как пыль улеглась, мы решили сообщить вам текущий статус о том, что происходит и что планируется в патче 0.12.5. 

Во-первых, несмотря ни на что, спасибо вам за обратную связь о новых фичах, мы провели большую работу по балансировке системы перевеса, побороли проблему с качанием головы и сейчас работаем над хотфиксами для всех основных проблем, озвученных вами за последнее время. 

Также мы продолжаем модифицировать серверы, сейчас тестируется новая система распределения нагрузки, которая увеличит количество свободных комнат для игроков, добавляем новые серверы в различных регионах. Активно взаимодействуем с BattlEye. 

Следующий патч 0.12.5 будет на 95% состоять из фиксов и оптимизации. В том числе в нём будет несколько новых фич, таких как быстрое лечение после рейда, фильтры пост-обработки. Другого контента пока не планируется. 

Вот и все! Ранее мы уже говорили, что планируем выпускать о...

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