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When I saw the post about the Punisher part task. 3, something broke in me. I would like to understand why you are doing this.

  1. We have a game that really puts on realism, with an amazing atmosphere and emotions that accompany the game so much that I have not seen in games so far.

  2. Deepen lore with your books and (recently) with movies, which makes me even more that I want to be THIS JUST PMC in THIS JUST CITY


  1. you add (and develop) to the game tasks, the assumptions of which are simply stupid.

Once again: reading books and watching RAID - I do not believe that you want to change the serious topic of escaping from Tarkov to silly fun in "kill scav from a distance of 5m, standing on one leg and holding your finger in the nose".

I understand tasks like "bring this to me and this" or "mark this place on the map" (the most climate currently according to me). But tasks like punisher part 3? No ... it's not a funny joke, according to me.

I understand (2) that the game is in beta and the current tasks are just one line of tasks. But maybe it is a good time to test other solutions?

My dream?

Tasks assigned to a particular rally (displayed at the beginning of the rally like starting points) in the style: take X place and defend them for X minutes (scav and other PMC may want to bounce them).

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over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

punisher quest line is about some mysterious people making trials. they give strange and difficult tasks to ppl to test something out. to test upcoming arena, which they are making (and all of this info is in quest's discription). also punisher is hi-end quest line - its not supposed to be easy.

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Kraall

Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Is there a plan to change the 'found in raid' tasks to allow items that are found in raid before the task is accepted to count? I think making them found in raid only is a great idea but for super rare items like flash drives it could be pretty discouraging to find one ahead of time and know that it won't count.

i'm not sure. cause its kinda unrealistic to know what will you need in future quests, that you can't foresee

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by Kraall

I can see your point, but at the same time if I collect some armor to use later only to find out it's needed for a task, it makes sense that I could just choose to hand it in now instead of having to wait.

Maybe it's not a big deal, right now the community is going through that shock of transitioning from being able to power through tasks to having to take it slow, maybe we'll just adapt to this over time. Either way, thanks for the responses, I've been having a ton of fun so far this wipe!

you totally got the idea - it's need to be settled down. as i said - probably this thing will need a couple of iterations to complete. The idea to get rid of this preliminary item gathering and superfast quest completion

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by vinis88

Thanks for answer :)

ok, but we have changed Stirrup now... and ok, the explanation is also included in the text. But that's not what I mean.

My point is: is this the direction that the tasks should take. I play EFT from the beginning of the alpha tests and personally (I say for myself) I would like to participate in serious tasks (because PMC is a serious business :P). No offense - I ask questions because I am looking for answers.

serious quests (storyline quests) are not in the game yet

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by SirKillsalot

It is more unrealistic to have a perfectly good HDD in your stash, but not be able to use it because reasons.

If you want people to not know what items to collect, then you need to randomize the required items for the quest so they change every time and are different for each player.

bad idea. quests are not just task. it also description, related to lore

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by SirKillsalot

Then how does the description and lore explain the item you already found not being suitable? Tushonka is Tushonka.

Efforts thus far demonstrate that this style of quest is incompatible with good game design.

some quests have attempts to explain it. other than that it's needed conventionality

over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by SirKillsalot

If the lore cannot explain it in a believable way that makes sense, that is poor design and should be changed.

Make the items you need a special quest only version that you will only find while you have the task active:

Copy/paste the Salewa, change the name to something unique like "Shipment C Salewa Kit" and give it a unique icon colour like the radio jammers etc.

no. its not an option to do it like this.