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-Damage, Lethal Hitboxes and Healing.

I personally feel like the game needs extra instant kill hitboxes such as the spine and the heart like in the Rising Storm games. Because I still have raids when this happens.


I think its necessary especially for smaller caliber guns to be viable. But getting one tapped by a Makarov in the spine every time would be annoying as well. So I thought because of ribs, bones and everything else in the body that the bullet needs to go through that each bullet would have a certain percentage chance for a instant kill when hitting the heart or vital area just like the fragmentation chance that's already in game. That percentage would also drop if it penetrated body armor. 


Just as an example 9x18 would have a 20% chance and 9x19 would have 25% chance or something like that. Just spit ballin here.

I also think that you shouldn't be able to heal a limb 100%, if it goes below 40% of its health. Because, its not satisfying when I unload a whole a mag from my pistol, and the guy runs away and heals back to full; It just doesn't feel like I am doing damage to them. I want the knowledge that even if I hit a guy a couple of times with my pistol that he is messed up. Because even in patch 11.7 being shot seems trivial as long as you don't actually die. I want being shot to mean something not just a quick patch up and painkiller and its like nothing happened. 👍🏼


-Leaning and Stance Animations

In EFT the leaning and crouching system is very in depth I wish other games used something like it. But just the regular Q and E lean is difficult to use in EFT because you don't lean very far. Generally leaning overly exposes your body or gives you insufficient vision leaving you still looking at the wall. Instead of leaning I see most people just strafe back and forth in doorways. I think that you need to lean out just a bit further then you currently do in the game. Games that do basic Q and E lean very well is Rising Storm or Insurgency Sandstorm.

^Leaning Comparison Above^

--The EFT Announcement Trailer Has exactly what I'm talking about at 1:09 --

-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a70_QmnjhCU&feature=youtu.be&t=69--



-Also when you lean you chicken wing hard. Its a recipe for a broken arm. 

-You should tuck in your arm for less exposure #tacticool🔽



-Crouch Running

I know Nikita said that he did not like the current animations and that the new animation system is coming out in 12 . When that happens and if this is not in it I think a crouch run like in Rising Storm and Squad would be a nice addition to add later to the game.

^ Example Above ^



-Falling And Being Staggered Animation

Along with new animations there needs to be a animation that staggers you when you fall from a high place. I can't tell you how many times someone has popped pain killers and YEETED (jumped) off the rafters or a building and landed sprinting after me. 


^ Example of jumping on painkillers ^


^ Example of a staggered animation ^


-Limping animations/Running

One of the few things DayZ has done that's good is a limping animation, one for walking and one for sprinting.

^ Example of DayZ Limping ^

I think this is a definite must in Tarkov, being able to see the damage that other players have received is important, and it also adds to the immersion of the game. Plus, having a limping/limping-sprint animation would be a good addition, as opposed to just popping painkillers and sprinting away.



-Low Ready Gun Position

In Tarkov, having your gun raised at the ready all the time look silly, especially with longer guns like the Mosin and SVD. There should be a control that lowers your gun in a low ready stance, and when you left click it brings it back up to ready and click again to shoot. If you have your gun raised, your stamina should slowly decrease as well. No one just holds their rifle in front of them for hours on end.


This would also help scav on scav violence because as of right now everyone is just aiming at each other so you don't know if they are going to shoot you or not. But if there was a low ready stance you could see that they are not aiming at you. 


It could also help you see if you have large optics that take up a big part of your screen. 


-Reloading Needs To Take Longer

The regular reload takes around 3.03 seconds to take a mag out of the gun and it put in the vest and take a new magazine and load it in the gun. The speed reload takes around 2.29 seconds. The difference is only about half a second so there is no need to speed reload if the regular reload is so fast. That's why I think the regular reload should take at least a second longer.

^ Reload Times Example ^

Side note: Maybe different rigs have faster reload speeds? 


-Player Controller and Running Reload.

In Tarkov you can sprint full speed arms waving back and forth up in the air as you reload your gun, it looks a bit ridiculous. When you sprint you should have to stop anything you are doing then reload or heal after you are done sprinting. Insurgency Sandstorm dose exactly what I am talking about and its executed perfectly. 

^ Example Above ^

This would also bring more utility to pistols because instead for sprinting away and reloading simultaneously they would pull out their pistol or just flee.


-Visual Hit Recognition/Blood

In Tarkov a lot of the time you can't tell if your bullets are hitting other players especially at range. There needs to be some dust or more blood.

^ Example ^

Also in Insurgency Sandstorm they have a feature where the bullet wound bleeds into the clothes and its a really cool effect. If they added this you would be able to see if someone is wounded and would give that dank immersion.

^ Bleeding Bullet Sponge Example ^


-Physics And Ragdolls

I know the new Unity engine is coming and they will have improved physics with it. The rag dolls in Tarkov have gotten MUCH BETTER good on that devs. But I would still like them to see them improve because compared to other games they are still a bit basic and not very satisfying in my option. In Rising Storm, Red Orchestra and Insurgency Sandstorm when you shoot an enemy they convulse on the ground or grab the place you shot them. It adds a lot to the immersion of the game and I think Tarkov's gameplay would benefit greatly from something like this.  

^ Physics EFT vs INS ^

^ Physics INS Sniping ^

^ Physics Tarkov Sniping ^


-Throwing Grenades around Corners And Injury Noises 

I know you can blind fire and throw grenades at the same time but you can't do it on your right side and I would like a system that is more refined and a little less jank. I know the breach options still exist on the doors so hopefully it will come in the future.

Also in the animations linked above when the terrorists get shot they give out a loud yell and gasp for air. I would like a loud yell of pain or something similar to whats in the clips if you deal enough damage to a player. I think it would give it just that extra bit of immersion as compared to the little grunt that you hear sometimes. BLYAT!

Side Note: The guy that did those animations made a really good EFT animation the voice acting is meh though.

I'll link his youtube.


-Gun Recoil

The current meta in Tarkov is just to min-max your gun and slap on all the attachments that give the best recoil reduction. You can just slap in a 100 round mag and prefire/hipfire (I know its technically point shooting) until victory and I hate that. In my opinion that makes the gunplay feel stale and more like COD instead of a slow paced "realistic" tactical shooter.

I know that video is almost a year old but I did a test recently with an M4 with a recoil stat of 38 and it's basically the same. When you shoot in game your character automatically corrects for recoil and brings the gun back down. Personally, I think you should have to bring the gun back down yourself or a mix of both and maybe add a bit of an aiming dead-zone so the full auto hipfire (point shooting) isn't so insanely good.



As for movement, right now I think your character breaks into a full sprint too fast and raises the gun too fast after sprinting. I also personally feel you should not be able to jump at all, instead hopefully with the animation system there will be a vaulting system. As of now the mechanics in game makes it possible to sprint and jump everywhere in Tarkov and a lot of the Tarkov streamers play this way.

^^Nothing against those streamers but that gameplay looks more like Battlefield or COD than what I think BattleState's vision of Tarkov as a tactical "simulation" is as shown in these trailers.

Anyway tell me what you guys think Yeh? Neh?

Excited for .12 keep up the good work guys!


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about 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

wow, such a lot of research. this gotta be looked into more closely. thanks!

about 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by trainfender

wow, such a lot of research. this gotta be looked into more closely. thanks!

and actually most of the described stuff is planned