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As gamers, you may agree with me, that grind can (and should be) fun in games, by various variables.

Isn't it time to rework this part of the game? To be authentic, fun and interesting?

I have my own thoughts, but I am no big game designer to say that it is the way. But, in my opinion, that would be interesting.

1) Introduction faction quests (more of authentic part)

A bunch of easy quests, giving you some brief welcome to Tarkov story and your faction + making you do all of the basic activities in tarkov

Also, introducing basic weaponry and gear of your faction only, untill specific level. I mean, USEC can unlock p226 and mp5k up to level 10 (for example), before they get AKs (and same with BEARs, but Grach and Vityaz)

2) Scav bands roaming specific places

We have uniques bosses and unique loot, why cant we have regular scavs be also unique in loot and equipment?

Hunt bandits of Ivan the Terrible, you can find them at parking of Ultra-mall, they wear ushankas 24/7

3) More events in locations, based on quests

Hey, we got trains, cars that are moving and also ai characters? Why dont mix it in quests? A car rolls by, at night, at Shoreline and someone walks to it, probably getting something important and you need to track the guy, then tell Prapor. Not to mention, that there can be quests with "defending a point" or assualting one.

4) Less to traders, more to loot spawns

Traders now blocks economy and its prices, because they got like 1/3 of loot I guess. If that loot would be at loot spawns mostly and traders are left with very common and usefull, we would get market working on quantity, quality and need of items(request), to settle prices itself.

P.S. Adding more to grind factor, you can spent way more time unlocking trader level 1 assortment (through quests), before jumping to level 2, slowly introducing to cool stuff tarkov have.

5) And they can make Factory, Woods, Customs a bigger locations - with specific locked areas (like big ones) with specific loot and dangers

Like you need to get to Customs, with gate key, to access a building site, which got a forgotten UN temporary HQ. And you must fight out scavs, get loot and try to leave.

6) More iteractions + rework of old exists for authentic and fun experience

Like, simple exit with door we have. Why don't we knock the door, wait till it opens and then run into it. Like we wait someone to open it. And we risk by making noise, waiting. And it makes sence, rather then just dissapear.

Share what you think of adding something cool and alive to the world of Tarkov!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

you are right. but you must understand such overhaul will require a lot of time and people to make. im not saying that we are against it or something