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I'll keep this short.

Sure, LEDx belongs outside of Raid. It's not special enough IRL-wise to be found only there, it's a neat upgrade for the Medstation, which nobody should be locked out of, aswell as the Thicc Case Trade and the Quest itself.

That being said, making it another static spawn in Resort just shows that there was 0 thought given into it. It's just a band-aid that introduces more problems.

This is 3 maps that are unplayable in terms of fun now. We got Labs with Latespawns and Hatchlings, we got Reserv full of Hatchlings thanks to Pestily, aswell as Resort literally swarming with hatchlings now on Resort. You don't find any PvP outside of it at all, and inside it's just little helpless dudes running around.

Why Shoreline out of all places? A map that's been stripped from Scavs. There is literally 0 Scavs at start, maybe 1 at the Resort outside, Road to Customs and Antenna Tower don't spawn until 20 minutes left, the only thing that's consistenly there is Powerstation. Good, you're guarding 2 keys. You ain't guarding Yellow Bus at Tunnel. Or Scav Island. You're not guarding Admin, East or Westwing.

This is not about the LEDx itself only, the keys went up in price, which is understandable, but it gives you a good chance as a hatchling to go to either 2 spawns if you spawn tunnel / village, 2 spawns if you're anywhere else because pumping is central, and lots of LEDx / Key chances if you spawn close to Resort.

They've taken out the entire PvP out of this map.

Proposal: Lower the chance of LEDx massively, but let them spawn only in Medbags. There's enough medbags spread out across every map so every guy gets his chance without completely ruining the economy or PvP in any map. Or anything else. Really. Anything else but this.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

there is no static spawns done especially for ledx. we just enabled this item to spawn there - in generic meds spawnpoints

almost 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by bagelrod

Hey Nikita, it seemed like you enabled it for places that had the Ophtalmoscope spawn previously. Ophalmoscope is very rare to find outside of those Shoreline rooms and Labs.

I think a good solution is to enable to find Ophtalmoscope, LEDx and Defibrillator inside medical bags throughout the entire game. This will limit people rushing the static med spawns and people should play the game normally.

There still might be people rushing the medical bags, but if you make the chance low enough, it shouldn't be that bad.

i got your point