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This will probably be controversial and I can't stress it enough; It's just my subjective feeling, but I'm pretty underwhelmed by 11.7.
It's not like I was promised more than was delivered and me being underwhelmed is only my own fault since everything that has been implemented works and looks great and all but It's just not very exciting. To be honest, I don't know what I was hoping for.

Basically nothing has changed in the early game, the new items are all pretty late game stuff as well as rather redundant, quests have gotten more tedious, not only because of the "improvements" made to them but also because I'm doing the same stuff for the 10th time.

As I said, nothing's actually wrong with the patch, it's just pretty... meh :/
I don't know, I'd love to hear some other opinions, did 11.7 reignite the fire of Tarkov in you or do you have the same experience as me?

Really, I'm not trying to complain, I'm just wondering what others think.

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over 5 years ago - /u/trainfender - Direct link

Originally posted by bikt

Well 11.7 never intended to give you wow factor. It was always clearly stated that 11.7 is going to be mediocre patch and the real thing worth waiting for is 12.0.
