Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Apr


we know about this and looking into. unity telling us “its impossible”

10 Apr


this settings are pretty limited. you will not be able to overbright or oversharp for example. with the introduction of our post fx setting all other 3-rd party post-fx will be blocked

08 Apr


thats cause its unity related crash which came with unity engine microupdate. and we are working on rolling it back


yes, we are aware

31 Mar


Good day to all!

We, like most people in the world, support measures to combat the new global problem, coronavirus, and, at the end of last week, we moved to remote development. Everything went ok and we are almost fully operational from our homes.

The next small update version 12.4.2, which will contain several major freezes and stuttering fixes. Right after it we plan to prepare and release update 12.5, which will contain:

  • Quick healing feature (at the end of the raid)
  • Post-effects settings (sharpness. color grading setting etc.)
  • Some optics rendering optimizations
  • Various bug fixes
  • QoL improvements, such as the dependence of mouse sensitivity on the magnification of optics

Further development of the project is divided into patches - 12.6, 12.7, etc. So, the next patch 0.12.6 is also aimed at fixing bugs and optimization, but will have some new content.

Also, we wanted to mention that game...

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17 Mar


Originally posted by DomeKaboom

Thank you Nikita!

Is the patch with the 40kg strength leveling still coming or is it live already?

its coming


Hello, rebziki!

So, after the dust has settled, We decided to give you current status - what is going on and what's planned for the patch 12.5.

First of all, no matter what, thank you for your feedback related to new features - we did a lot of balancing changes to weight system, we fought headbobbing problem and currently working on hotfixes related to all the major problems you described recently.

Also we are continuing to modify servers, currently testing new load balancing system to increase the amount of free rooms to play, adding new servers in different regions. Actively working with BattlEye.

So, the next 0.12.5 patch will be 95% fixes and optimizations. It will include a couple of features like quick after raid healing, post-effects filters, no additional content.

That's it! As we said before - we plan to do patches every month. So it will be not so long till 0.12.5.

Thank you for support! The game will be more complex, we w...

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15 Mar


some rocks are missing. will be fixed


yes. some of armor was buffed

14 Mar


will be fixed


thats a bug. shadow distant is set to a constant value in shopping mall. in your case its not. looks like you spawned inside a building and the shadow distance didnt set


Originally posted by FeatJon

Hello mate do you know how long we can expect the head. Bob to stay its really f**king me up at the moment prob gonna have to take a break til its gone

i hope today


Originally posted by nubetube

Thank you for the response, Nikita.

np :)


Originally posted by nubetube

I love the punishing overweight mechanic. I have nothing bad to say about any of the overweight mechanics except the headbob which makes looking at the screen difficult without getting nauseous.

I do not enjoy getting motion sickness in a game.

i totally understand it, thats why we do this optional


Originally posted by nubetube

I think the misunderstanding here is that while your head does move around in real life, your eye muscles, inner ear, and brain compensate for this and perform image stabilization.

If you put a GoPro attached to your head and walk around, the video will have crazy headbob going on, but to your real life perspective it would be mostly stable because our brains have adapted to compensate for this.

no misunderstanding. just your vision against punishable overweight mechanic