Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

02 Dec


yeah. that is pure sh*t. did you send bugrep?

30 Nov

28 Nov


thats because ppl used depleted medkits to craft. need to fix that first and the trade will return back

26 Nov

23 Nov


Originally posted by NoFoodAfterMidnight

Yeah, they need to do a lot of things like this tbh. The biggest issue that allows for hatchlings/pistolings to thrive is that the best loot in the game doesn't require gear to get. And the best way to make you want to use gear to make money without outright requiring it through shit like gearscore, is to gate it behind combat. Loot on or guarded by AI enemies, or in a location that promotes PvP like a door that sounds an alarm and takes ~90 seconds to open. Do things like this everywhere: high end scavs or raiders patrolling inside resort, at the start of labs, at techlight, have kiba set off an alarm and open the gate slower, and put better loot on higher end scavs. It incentivizes using gear without forcing you to use some just to play, because playing the way you want to is important. You're far more likely to get that good loot with a higher end kit, but you can still try it or just loot somewhere else with little to no gear. You can still hatchet run for easy money i...

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yeah this idea has already been voiced. but the thing is that there are too many places of good loot - we just cant practically put enemies around every point - it will be too many network entities/characters which will lead to lags. fps drops and overall chaotic experience about enemies all over the place.

most importantly it will require a lot of routing - AI pathfinding work, balancing etc.

Nevertheless, we plan to add more patrol points near important places. And the idea to remove static valuable loot and spawn it in raiders, bosses has a point too. They spawn some rare loot right now. Just not the "all rare hatchling dream" loot


Originally posted by bagelrod

Hey Nikita, it seemed like you enabled it for places that had the Ophtalmoscope spawn previously. Ophalmoscope is very rare to find outside of those Shoreline rooms and Labs.

I think a good solution is to enable to find Ophtalmoscope, LEDx and Defibrillator inside medical bags throughout the entire game. This will limit people rushing the static med spawns and people should play the game normally.

There still might be people rushing the medical bags, but if you make the chance low enough, it shouldn't be that bad.

i got your point


there is no static spawns done especially for ledx. we just enabled this item to spawn there - in generic meds spawnpoints

22 Nov

21 Nov


Originally posted by Dhizier

Not a bug, it looks to be a balance pass on optics to make an actual 'progression' of worst to best in terms of accessability by tier. so the stuff from level 4 traders has better statistics than stuff available at level 1.

plus compaqct collimators and especially russian-soviet collimators influence on your accuracy IRL due to low precision - cheap production.


Originally posted by bezrq

thank you appreciated. can we please have a word about the filters? flea market is hell to use right now and presets are essentially useless



You are the best. Just wanted to tell you that you should not worry - there will be no rash decisions.
For now its staying the same until some good decision will be born.

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we never send such messages. this is edited and fake e-mail


will be fixed

20 Nov


first of all - this fix was not in the list cause we ddint fix it yet. second- f*ck f*ck f*cking f*ck for f*cks sake f*ck!