Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

02 Nov


you are most welcome!


this options were removed from laucher cause they didnt work there. now we have them in graphics settings in game. fullscreen option is exclusive fullscreen

01 Nov


yep its planned but will probably need a wipe so not in the nearest time for sure

31 Oct


just saying that we are investigating and not ignoring

30 Oct


Originally posted by Majlo_Actual

I remember this being told by Nikita to be planned™, but can't remember.

Either way, this would be a nice little QoL.

yes , planned


Originally posted by f2dbeat

Item out of stock. Check the flea market to confirm.


29 Oct


yes we are


Originally posted by Dork_Lorde

Folding guns images in game

also fixing


Originally posted by Plague420

Congrats on the release, boss. Any word on the fullscreen issue?



First of all - congratulations! We finally did it and that a huge relief for us and everybody!

  1. Overloading issues (profile load failures, long matching etc.) - YES. we broke every our record and got backend overloaded. Now we are working on stabilization - adding new servers, fixing overload causes.
  2. Fixing different stuff and uploading hotfixes
  3. Performance on milbase is not what we expected (something went wrong and we are fixing it)
  4. Reading your responses and making hot changes to refine progression and balance (this is pretty natural especially with such a big update)
  5. Powering up with your positive feedback and ready to go further! We will make balanced updates within reasonable periods of time. Sorry that kept you waiting for so long!

Let it be a new beginning in EFT history and, with your help, we will make EFT the best.

Long live the hardcore!

BSG devs

External link →

working in this direction