Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

07 Sep


its a struggle yes)

05 Sep


Hello, tarkovians!

Let it be status update #4!

As it was mentioned on Pestily's podcast - almost everything is done. And right now we are working on:

- connecting all of the completed features together (some of the features were made in separate branches, now we are merging them all together and fixing related bugs)

- performing general internal testing to ensure that the patch will be playable without major issues (also fixing bugs that pop up along the way)

- applying additional optimizations and fixing late call performance issues

- rezerv base map polishing and additional optimizations, loot points, allocating keys. Also making some needed changes and fixes to the old locations

- integrating hideout (the most time consuming task right now)

- preparing back-end and game servers for high-load right after patch upload

In last two weeks, above everything completed, we added more content (new gear, helmets...

Read more External link →

02 Sep



oh how did i miss this gold :)


first of all - RELAX. It will be just a pre-wipe event. just to test it out.

18 Aug


Originally posted by trainfender

wow, such a lot of research. this gotta be looked into more closely. thanks!

and actually most of the described stuff is planned


wow, such a lot of research. this gotta be looked into more closely. thanks!

16 Aug


track is ready. need to wait for a trailer :)

15 Aug


we are at the testing stage. something switching on and off, changing. don't worry


Hello, comrades!

We are at the full speed ahead and we can see the land on the horizon. Many things are done.
Time for next status update.

  • unity 2018 migration, optimizations, fixes. We have a good results in terms of optimization. Migration is done.
  • hideout - Last bonuses implementation and polishing.
  • new map - mil base. Current status - polishing.
  • stationary weapon mechanics. KORD is done. AGS is in progress.
  • new exfils. Train exfil is polishing.
  • weapon builds system - done.
  • character clothing customization - done (5 pairs of clothing for each PMCs).
  • new content. Decided to add more gear. 0.12 is the biggest patch in terms of items already.
  • new trader and his quests. Quests polishing.
  • new bosses. Wood's boss is ready. Milbase boss is ready. Guards setup and polishing are in progress.
  • 3rd person character animations overhaul and optimization - done.
  • Adde...
Read more External link →

13 Aug


Dear tarkovians!

As you guessed (or not) we are adding BattlEye anticheat to increase protection from the unfair players (yes, it's that Big thing we mentioned earlier). We are working closely with BE devs to ensure it's stability and effectiveness, combining all the anticheat measures we have together in one solid system.

Of course it needs to be tested good, so we are announcing that BattlEye will be uploaded shortly in current version of the game. We will let you know when we are ready to upload.

And we will be very grateful if you will help us in testing and will leave your feedback and reports in relevant topics.

Thank you!

External link →

12 Aug

05 Aug


we have only one camera rendering everything and we scale weapon additionally to avoid “carrot effect”. laser distortion and weapon skew when your weapon is noticeable not axis straughtis the thing yes and we have the plan to fix it. When you aim you gun sligns straight. Anyway, we will investigate more, thanks for your efforts!

01 Aug

  • Temporal Anti Aliasing - yes
  • HBAO Ambient Occlusion - yes
  • Higher FOV Values beyond 75 - not planned
  • Viewmodel FOV - not planned
  • Local Voice chat - yes, after 0.12

31 Jul


Originally posted by absolutegash

Design was there but not the code? Most assets were there clearly. So problems coding? If it was mostly done why postpone?

no code part abd everything plus it would be not cool enough without all content we got later


Originally posted by JoschiGrey

I would be interested in the story behinde this.

Did you guys chage your concept?

Did you imagined more and more features?

Where there serious problems while implementing?

Or did you just miscalculated the needed time "a bit"

I'm fine with a late and good hideout, I'm just interested in "storys from developement"

we just postponed it. design was ready a long time ago

29 Jul

26 Jul


Originally posted by Darth_blyatte

You dont interrupt ma boys devs by making a picture with your phone and straight postin it on social medias

this too


Originally posted by shadowdog00

why the hack do they make pictures with their phones wtf

its easier to do. i'm roaming around the studio with phone and take some shots with camera


Originally posted by Lllamanator

I'm pretty sure that it's Raid episode 2.
